Why Does The Dream End?

Number 10

Megan's POV

As soon as I shut the door mum was there, grinning at me. "Who was that?" mum asked and I blushed.
"Joe," I said.
"Is he who you're always with in the evenings?" she asked and I nodded. She frowned slightly, but had a smile on her lips. I smiled back and then went upstairs to my room. I flopped down onto my bed and grinned as I looked up at the ceiling. I was going to spend 4 days alone with Joe. They were going to be 4 amazing days. When my mum called me down for dinner I saw Chris walking in the door. "Good timing, dinner's ready," I told him and he winced slightly. "What's wrong?"
"I'm going out with," he said and then whispered, "Jesse."
"Aww," I beamed and he blushed slightly. We then walked through into the kitchen to find mum and dad.
"Better late than never," mum said.
"Yeah, um, I can't stay," Chris said and mum turned to him.
"Why not?" she asked, putting her hands on her hips.
"I've, um, got a date," he said, red tinting his cheeks.
"Really?" mum asked and I tried not to laugh. Chris never went on dates since he had figured out he loved Jesse. Him going out on a date was not something that happens frequently in our house.
"Yeah," he said. "And I've got to go."
"Okay, well, have fun," mum said and Chris grinned, winked at me, and then left. "Do you know who he's going out with?"
"Um..." I said hesitantly. "Yeah..."
"Is she nice?" dad asked and I bit my lip.
"Yeah, very nice," I said.
"Maybe she can come over for dinner one night," mum said.
"Yeah, maybe," I said and then quickly changed the subject to me staying with Jesse. "Hey, mum, um, Jesse said he needs help in the morning with breakfasts and stuff and he wants me there at, like, 5 a.m. so I was just wondering if I could stay with him for a weekend or something until the morning rush dies down..." Mum and dad both frowned at me.
"I don’t think that's the best idea," dad said.
"How old is he?" mum asked and I smiled.
"21," I said. "And he's gay." Both of them visibly relaxed.
"Yeah, that sounds okay," mum said as she piled potatoes on my plate. I smiled and was desperate to call Joe and tell him that I could officially come with them but I couldn’t.

I managed to get through dinner and then I ran up to my room and phoned him. "Hey, Megan," he said as soon as the phone connected.
"They said yes!" I squealed without actually saying hello first.
"Hey to you, too," he laughed and I smiled.
"Can you show a little enthusiasm?" I asked him but I was laughing slightly and he could hear it.
"Sure," he laughed.
"I can't wait to see you tomorrow," I said and was instantly embarrassed. I felt my face warm up. "Um...I-"
"I can't wait to see you either," he said and I could hear the honesty in his voice. It made me warm and fuzzy all over. We talked for another several hours and by the end of the conversation my heart was racing. I hung up, somewhat reluctantly, and my heart was already missing his voice. I grinned. I really, truly loved him. I was head over heels, no going back, in love with Joe Jonas.

The next morning I put on a pink and grey tie die bikini and a grey flowery miniskirt. I put on a pair of pink flip flops and grabbed my bag which I hadn’t unpacked and headed to the beach. I was keen to see Joe. I got to the sand and then took off my shoes and felt the sand squidge between my toes. I revelled in the feel of this and then my eyes landed on something better. I ran over to Joe and into his arms, grinning the whole while. He wrapped his arms around me as though he had missed me as much as I had missed him. I pulled back from him and smiled at him before kissing him tenderly. "I missed you," he said softly when I pulled back. He gazed down into my eyes and I smiled.
"I missed you, too," I said and he leant his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes and basked in the feel of Joe under my hands. He pulled back after a while but kept his hands around my waist. He then led me over to where Kevin and Nick were sitting on the sand.
"Go for a swim?" Joe asked me and I nodded. I dumped my bag and shoes on the sand next to Kevin's towel and then took my skirt off. I couldn’t help but blush under the way that Joe was looking at me. He then took his shirt off and it was my turn to ogle. His chest was amazing. I bit my lip and smiled and blushed as I returned my eyes to his. He was gazing down at me. He suddenly grinned and took my hand and we ran down to the sea. We ran into the water, the cold droplets splashing all over us. I pulled out of Joe's grip and dived under the water. I opened my eyes and couldn’t stop myself from looking at Joe's body which was waist deep in water. God, he was hot.

Joe's POV

God, she was hot. I couldn’t stop looking at her. I'd seen her in a bikini before but she had been in a skirt or shorts as well. She resurfaced and water ran down her body and I looked away quickly. I quickly got control of myself and smiled as I turned back to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her under the water with me. I opened my eyes to look at her and met her beautiful turquoise ones. I had decided they weren't really blue and they weren’t really green either. Whatever colour they were, I loved it. Her blonde hair floated around her head like a halo, making her look even more like and angel than normal. I grabbed her wrist and kissed her. I could taste the salt from the sea but I didn't care, as long as my mouth was on hers. We resurfaced and pulled away from each other, catching much needed air. She moved through the water to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around her as well and held her close. God help me but I never wanted to let her go.

About an hour later we walked back up to Nick and Kevin who were sitting on their towels. Nick grinned at us and I couldn’t help but grin back. I tightened my grip on Megan's waist and realised that I was happy, beyond happy. I sat down on my towel and pulled her down with me and into my lap. She seemed to fit into my lap perfectly; her back curved just perfectly to fit against my chest, her head on my shoulder. I stroked her arm as water trickled from our hair down our skin. "Um," Kevin said hesitantly. I looked over at him and he looked relatively uncomfortable.
"What's wrong?" I asked him and he sighed slightly before looking at Megan and I.
"Um, I phoned up this hotel in London for over the weekend and they said that they only had two double rooms left. We will have to share," he said and I felt my heart race. I also felt Megan straighten in my arms. She turned her face away from me but I could see a blush on her cheeks. I tightened my grip around her, not letting her move any further away from me.
"I'm with Megan," I said, just in case Kevin or Nick had any objections. They both smirked at me but I ignored them and turned to Megan. "Is that okay?" I asked her softly. She turned to me and looked into my eyes and after a second she smiled and nodded.
"Yeah," she said softly. "That's okay." She then leant and kissed me so tenderly my heart swelled. It was crazy how in love with her I was after only 2 weeks. She then kissed my cheek and moved her lips to my ear and whispered, "you better not try anything." She then laughed softly and kissed my cheek again before turning back around and settling back in my arms. I could feel the blush on my cheeks but I didn't care. I smirked and leant forward and put my lips to her ear.
"You, too," I whispered and I felt her shiver in my arms. I smiled at her reaction and looked over at Kevin who was watching us. He rolled his eyes and looked at the ring on my finger. I didn't look down at it but I knew it was there and I knew what it meant. I wasn’t going to go against the promise I'd made, I wasn’t that sort of person. I knew it and Megan knew it.

We were all quiet for a long time and I had lain down and taking Megan with me. She lay over me, her head on my chest, her fingers stroking my skin absently. "I'm going to the cafe, I'm starving," Nick said suddenly sitting up. "Anyone want anything?"
"Yeah," I said, sitting up slowly so as not to disturb the calm that Megan seemed to be in. "Hot dog?" I asked him and he nodded.
"Megan?" Nick asked and she nodded and smiled.
"Same, thanks," she smiled, her head still leaning against my chest.
"Kevin?" Nick asked next. Kevin was quiet for a while and then stood up.
"I'll come with you," he smiled and they both left. I lay back down and stroked the now dry skin on Megan's back.
"You're so gorgeous," I whispered, not thinking that she could hear me. She did. She leant up on her elbow next to me and looked down at me, smiling softly. Her hair fell down her arm and pooled around her on the towel. It looked like a waterfall of gold, as corny as that sounds.
"Really?" she asked hesitantly and I nodded.
"Really," I smiled and I let my eyes quickly travel down her body and then back up. She was blushing hugely. I smiled, I'd managed to make her blush at least 5 times today...so far. "In fact, I think you're so gorgeous that I don’t want other guys seeing you and I think you should cover up." She smiled down at me and put her hand on my cheek. She leant forward and kissed me softly.
"What about you? Obviously you know you're gorgeous, it's been said in enough magazines, but there are tons of girls here all looking at you..." she said, her blush staying in place.
"But I only have eyes for one," I said softly and sat up to look down at her. I smiled and kissed her chin, her nose, her temples, her cheeks, her eye lids and then, finally, her lips. I moved over her and kissed her deeply. When I pulled back she smiled up at me.
"You covered me up," she said softly and I laughed.
"I still think clothes would do a better job, though," I smiled. She didn't reply, just smiled and looked at me. "What?" I asked her. I was smiling but I felt something strange in her gaze. She quickly blinked and looked away, a blush coming back to her cheeks. Six times.
"Nothing," she said softly. She continued to gaze at me but her gaze was softer, something I knew I could live with. Her turquoise eyes were practically glistening, they matched the colour of the sea.

Kevin and Nick returned a few minutes later and I moved from hovering over Megan, somewhat reluctantly. Nick handed us both our hotdogs and a bottle of water each. "Thanks," Megan said. "How much was it?" She reached for her bag but I took hold of her wrist and stopped her.
"Don't worry about it," Nick said, as I knew he would.
"Megan, don't," Kevin smiled and she nodded. We sat quietly eating as we looked out over the sea. "Reminds me of home..." Kevin mused and Nick and I nodded, even though at home this time of day it was much hotter.
"What's it like?" Megan asked.
"It's beautiful, but hot," Nick said. "The beaches are always swarming with people."
"At least it's better than England," she said. "Here you can't even guarantee that it will be sunny tomorrow. But I suppose that's part of the English experience. Going to the beach in the rain..."
"We haven’t done that yet," Nick said and I smiled but was instantly reminded that we've only got a certain amount of time left. I sensed that Megan was thinking the same thing.
"There's this one beach," I said, distracting her. "That is amazing. It's not crazy busy but there are a lot of people normally. It's where I always go. The sand is practically white and the sea is...is..." I wanted to tell her it was like the colour of her eyes but I couldn’t, not with my brothers right next to us. "...I guess you have to see it. When you come to California, that's the first place you should go."
♠ ♠ ♠
long chapter!! =]

aww, i love Joe Jonas!!

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