Why Does The Dream End?

Number 11

Megan's POV

He'd said 'when', not 'if you come to California...' he'd said 'when'. He wanted me to come to California. I grinned and nodded. "Can't wait," I smiled honestly and Joe smiled back. We spent all day on the beach, Joe didn't take his arms away from me once and I loved it. My alarm went off on time but it was still too soon. I sighed and looked down at Joe, whose lap I was sitting on. I smiled down at him and kissed him gently. He deepened the kiss and held me to him tightly. I pulled back and bit my lip. "I really should go," I said but I really didn't want to. I stood up then picked up my skirt which had been ignored all day, even though Joe had wanted me to put it on. I wasn’t sure if he was joking about that, or if he was seriously jealous. I liked that idea but didn't let it get to my head.
"I'll walk you back," Joe said and he stood up.
"You don’t have to, you can stay here," I said, but wanted him to.
"I want to come with you," he said and I smiled. I picked up my bag, which I hadn’t even opened all day and put it over my shoulder.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow," I said to Nick and Kevin and they both nodded.
"Where are we meeting?" Kevin asked.
"The Cafe?" I suggested and they nodded.
"Will we need to be earlier if we're getting the train?" Nick asked and I thought.
"Yeah..." I said. "What time would you be willing to wake up?" I asked the group but I knew, in the end, it was down to Kevin. He was the one that enjoyed his lie-ins most, out of the three brothers.
"I'll wake up at 8," Kevin said and I nodded.
"Come on," Joe said and put his arm around my waist. "Can't have you being late." I smiled at him, said bye once more to Nick and Kevin and then walked with Joe back home.

We walked slower than we had yesterday and I knew I was going to be late. I didn't care. The feel of Joe's arm around my bare waist was the best feeling in the world. I couldn’t help but move as close to him as I could. His hair had dried curly and I loved it, he looked cute. We got to my house and I turned to him and I told him just that. He grinned a boyish grin that I thought might melt me into a puddle at his feet. He pulled me up against his chest and I looked up at him. It constantly surprised me how much taller than me he was, but I was only 5 ft 3 anyway, so most people tower over me. Joe was about 7 inches taller than me. He smiled softly and then kissed me passionately. It vaguely entered my head that my parents were probably watching, but then it didn't matter anymore and all that mattered was kissing Joe back in the same way he was kissing me. "I should go inside," I whispered when I pulled away.
"You should," he agreed and I frowned slightly. "I don’t know if I will be able to let you go if you stay here much longer," he said, indicating me in his arms. I smiled, leant up and kissed him softly once more and then pulled out of his eyes. He mock pouted and I laughed.
"You're so adorable," I said before I could stop myself and I felt a blush work its way over my face. Before I could feel so embarrassed Joe laughed and kissed my temple tenderly. "Come back tonight..." I said before I could tell myself it was a bad idea.
"Here?" he asked, a soft frown on his forehead.
"Yes," I whispered. "But don’t come to the door. Phone me first and I'll let you in. Um...can you...come when it's gotten dark?" He raised an eye brow but nodded anyway.
"Certainly," he said and kissed me once more before leaving. I bit my lip as I watched him walking back to the beach. Had I just made a mistake? No, I knew Joe. I trusted him. And besides, he wore a purity ring and I knew that was a promise he was sticking to. And I respected him completely for that. Still, being caught with a boy in my room, even if we aren’t doing anything won't exactly go down well. Which is why we won't get caught.

I went inside and mum was putting the dinner on the table. "Right on time," she smiled and I smiled back. I went and sat at the table and started eating the macaroni cheese and salad.
"Where's Chris?" I asked her and she grinned.
"On another date," she said and I smiled.
"I think he really likes her," mum said and I nodded. Mum and dad talked the rest of the meal but I sat in silence. I was thinking about Chris and Jesse for a little while, but then started thinking about Joe and I found I couldn’t stop. I kept looking out the window waiting for it to get dark. My stomach was fluttering all evening and I'd gone upstairs straight away to pack for the next few days and get changed into a pair of shorts and a white tank top. At 9.30 I was sitting up on my bed with my mobile on my knee. At 9.35 my mobile rang and I picked it up straight away.
"Hey," I grinned.
"Hey, I'm outside," Joe said.
"Come round the side of the house," I said and then went to my window and opened it. I looked down and saw Joe standing on the grass, looking as gorgeous as ever. "Can you climb up?"
"Yeah," he said and hung up and started to climb up. He did it much better than I ever did it and I've done it dozens of times... Joe then got to my window and climbed inside silently and kissed me deeply. "Hey," he whispered when he pulled back slightly.
"Hey," I smiled and put my arms around his waist and hugged him. Joe took off the backpack he was wearing and put it on the floor beside my bed and then kissed me again. We went over to the bed and sat on it in each other's arms. I leant against Joe's shoulder and sighed. This was so perfect. Joe kissed the top of my head and I looked up at him. He smiled at me and kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him to me and his hands on my waist tightened. I fell back onto the bed and Joe lay over me, holding me tightly and kissing me passionately. I could feel his hands moving upwards and I didn't stop him, I didn't care. I loved him and I trusted him. He pulled back after a long while and gazed into my eyes. He leant back down and kissed the corner of my mouth and then he climbed off of me and lay next to me, his arms still tight around me.
"Megan," he whispered and I looked up at him. "I...I'm so glad I found you." I smiled softly at him and gently pressed my lips to his.
"Me, too," I whispered. "So much..." He smiled at me and I turned in his arms and put my back to his chest. He kissed my neck softly and stroked the skin on my stomach under my top.

Joe's POV

I can't believe how close I'd come to telling her I loved her. I'd said something else but still equally true. She felt so amazing in my arms, so perfect. Her skin was so soft under mine. Her fingers absently stroked my arm and I wondered if she even knew she was doing it. After a long while I felt my eyes shutting. I knew Megan was already asleep by the way she was breathing but I didn't want to fall asleep. I wanted to stay awake and look at her, memorise everything about her, make use of all the time we were together. But I couldn’t, my eyes shut and I couldn’t open them again.

I woke up and I felt Megan was still next to me. I opened my eyes and met hers. She had turned round and was facing me and she looked so beautiful. "Morning," I whispered and she smiled.
"Morning," she replied softly. I gently pushed her hair out of her face and looked into her eyes. They were even bluer first thing in the morning. "We should get up. We have to meet Nick and Kevin in about half an hour." I nodded but couldn’t get myself to let go of her or to look away. She blushed slightly and closed the distance between our lips. Her kiss was the most tender, loving kiss I had ever had. It showed me what I wanted to know; she loved me too. I smiled and then let her go and she sat up and looked down at me. She smiled and kissed my cheek before standing up. She stretched and I couldn’t stop my eyes from wondering down her body. I returned my eyes to her face and saw she was blushing again. I smiled. "Um, did you want a shower?" she asked softly but I shook my head. "I'm just going to have one. I'll be right back, ok?" I smiled and stood up and put my arm around her waist, pulling her closer. I heard her gasp suddenly but as much as I would have liked to kiss her, I didn't. I just pulled her against my chest and held her. She melted against me and hugged me back, putting her head just under my chin. I closed my eyes and leant my cheek against the top of her head. God, it was going to kill me to leave her.

After a while I pulled back and stroked her cheek softly. She smiled and turned her head and kissed my fingertips and then pulled out of my arms. She went and picked up a towel and some clothes and smiled at me once more before leaving the room. I went over to my backpack that I'd brought, knowing I wouldn't go back to the hotel last night, and pulled out some clothes. I quickly changed with my thoughts always on Megan.
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