Why Does The Dream End?

Number 12

Joe's POV

I sat back on her bed when I was finished and saw her iPod on her bedside table. I picked it up and turned it on and grinned when I saw that it was half way though playing SOS. I went back and saw that she was listening to our album. She also had 'Gotta Find You' from my new movie on her playlist. I started humming it without realising it. "I love that song," a voice said and I looked up at Megan. And froze. She looked amazing. She was wearing a navy blue dress which went to about a third down her thighs. The dark blue made her skin look whiter, her eyes bluer and her hair blonder. She was beautiful.
"You...look..." I trailed off, not knowing the right word to describe her. She smiled and blushed and then turned away in embarrassment. I stood up and walked over to her and put my hand on her chin and turned her head to make her look at me. I smiled and kissed her softly. "...Beautiful," I finished but the word still didn't do her justice. She smiled.
"Thank you," she said softly.

Megan's POV

I smiled and then turned away from him and went over to my dressing table. I put on a small amount of mascara and eye liner. I was about to put on some lip gloss but Joe covered my hand before I could. "I love your lips," he said and I blushed and put the lip gloss down. I stood up and then put on my white wedges. Even with the 3 inches he was still much taller than me. I looked over at Joe and he was still looking at me intensely. I knew I'd made the right choice with this dress. It was short, but not too short, with a white belt around the waist and it was tight in all the right places and pleated in the skirt. "We should go or we'll be late," Joe said. "In fact, we're already late." He made his way towards the window. "I'll meet you at the front door." I nodded and then he was climbing out the window and was gone. I grabbed my bag of clothes for a few days and my money, iPod and mobile and then headed downstairs.

I went into the kitchen and saw mum and dad there eating breakfast. I grabbed two pieces of toast and mum looked at me. "Hungry," I said. "I'm going to Jesse's now, I guess I'll be back in a couple days. I've got my mobile if you need me." I leant down and kissed mum's cheek. "Bye."
"Bye, honey," mum said and dad smiled at me and I quickly left. Joe was leaning against the wall at the end of the garden and as soon as he saw me he smiled and straightened. I reached him and gave him one of the pieces of toast. He smiled and kissed me gently then took my bag in his hands and wrapped his free arm around my waist after eating the toast.

We walked quickly to the cafe as it was nearly 8.45 and we had planned to meet at half past. We got inside and went over to the table where Nick and Kevin sat. They both looked up and nodded. Joe let go of me and went to the counter. "Sorry we're late," I said as I sat down.
"Don't worry about it," Kevin smiled and I smiled back.
"So, what do you want to do first?" I asked them.
"London Eye," Nick replied instantly and I smiled.
"Cool," I said and Joe came back over and passed me a cardboard cup of coffee. I smiled at him as I took a sip. It was perfect, exactly right.
"Ready to go?" Joe said and we all nodded and stood up. Kevin passed Joe his bag and Joe thanked him and picked it up. We all carried our own bags to the train station which was about a 5 minute walk up the road. Before I left I went over to Jesse and thanked him again and he just smiled and shrugged it off.

On the train I sat next to Joe, pressed against his side with his arm around my shoulders. "What's the name of the place we're staying at?" I asked Kevin.
"It's called The Capital Hotel," he said as he looked out the window of the fast moving train. I nodded even though I hadn’t heard of it before.
"Where abouts is it?" I asked him and he turned to me.
"Um, I think it was close to Hyde Park," he said and I smiled and nodded. I knew where Hyde Park was and it was quite close to the London Eye.
"Are we going there first? To drop our stuff off?" Nick asked.
"Might as well," Joe said and we all nodded. We were quiet for a while, just watching the scenery fly past.
"So where else are we going to go?" Nick asked after a long while.
"Where do you want to go?" I asked and he smiled.
"London Dungeons, Madame Tussauds, Natural History Museum, Science Museum, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben-"
"Ok, Nick," Kevin laughed. "We don’t have time for all that..."
"The London Dungeons we can do in a morning, and looking at Buckingham palace won't take long, we can do both of them in the same day," I said. "Or we could do The London Dungeons this afternoon and Big Ben and Buckingham Palace on the same day."
"That might work," Kevin agreed. "When do you have to get home?"
"Monday night," I said and he nodded.
"Ok, so if we do London Eye and London Dungeons today, Big Ben and Buckingham palace on Monday, we then have Saturday and Sunday free. We'll have to choose from Madame Tussauds and the museums," Kevin said.
"Madame Tussauds is meant to be really good," I said and they looked at me.
"You've never been?" Joe asked and I shook my head.
"I rarely come into London," I said.
"Well, we're going there then," Joe said and I smiled.
"Which is better Natural History or Science?" Kevin asked.
"Erm, Science I'd say. There's more to do in the Science museum," I said and they all nodded. We fell silent again as we thought about the next few days.
"We could come back up next weekend," Nick said. I didn't reply, realising that next weekend would mean that Joe and his brothers would be leaving soon.
"We'll see," Kevin said as he looked at me and then Joe. I didn't know what Joe's face was like, but I knew I looked sad.
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shorter chapter than usual. sorry but iv had a lot going on.
comment and i'll update sooner!! =]