Why Does The Dream End?

Number 13

Megan's POV

We arrived in Hyde Park at about midday and Kevin led us to the Hotel using a map he had printed off. It was a very posh hotel, one of the top ones in London, one that I never would normally stay in. Kevin went to the reception desk and then came back with two keys, he gave one to Joe and kept the other. The number on the key was 38 and Nick and Kevin were 39. We then headed up to the room to leave our bags. We got into the room and the first thing I noticed was that there was just one double bed. I looked over at Joe and realised he had noticed that as well. I smiled slightly but couldn’t help but blush. Even though we'd slept in the same bed last night, it was still embarrassing to think about it. Joe recovered quicker than me and went over to the bed and put his bag on it. I followed his example, put my bag down and then sat on the bed. "I guess Kevin left out this minor detail," Joe said and I smiled. He sat next to me and took my hand. I leant against his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head. There was a knock on our door and we stood up again and went to the door. I put my mobile and purse in a white handbag and then we all left the hotel, got back on the train and headed to the London Eye.

"What's this?" Nick asked, pointing at the large building next to the London Eye.
"The Aquarium," I said and Nick's eyes lit up.
"No!" Kevin and Joe said and the same time and he pouted. I laughed and hugged him and he smiled shyly.
"Maybe you can convince them to go back to the Aquarium in Plymouth..." I smiled at him and Kevin and Joe groaned. "What? What were you going to do anyway?" Neither of them said anything so I grinned at Nick, who smiled back. I moved next to Joe as we got closer to the front of the line.
"Please don’t encourage him," Joe said. "I don’t know how many more fish I can look at..." I smiled.
"You didn't look at many fish when we went there the first time..." I smiled and he grinned at me.
"Oh, yeah," he smiled and kissed me. "I was looking at something much better." I smiled and leant against his shoulder as we slowly moved forwards.

We got to the front of the line and piled into one of the capsules along with about 5 other people. Joe and I went to the far end of the small area and looked out across the Thames. "Hey, Nick, there's Big Ben," Joe said as Nick stood next to him. Nick smiled and continued to look out across the view. I turned and looked at Joe and realised he was already looking at me.
"You know, you're meant to be looking at the view," I smiled and he smiled back and lowered his head to whisper in my ear.
"I'd much rather look at you," he whispered and then kissed just below my ear. I smiled and Joe moved his lips up and kissed me deeply. However, we pulled away from each other when we saw a flash and a clicking sound. "Kevin! What the hell?" Joe asked, looking at Kevin who had a camera in his hands. Kevin didn't reply, just shrugged and then turned his attention to the view. I looked back at Joe and smiled. I think I knew why Kevin had taken that picture, it was something for Joe to remember me...I turned my thoughts away from that straight away. I didn't want to think about the inevitable day when they would leave.

Once we had gone round in a full circle, we went to find somewhere to have lunch. We went into a small but nice restaurant and we all had a sandwich of some description. "Kevin," Joe said halfway through lunch. "Did you know that there was just a double bed in our room?" I bit my lip to stop form laughing.
"Yep," he smirked and I blushed slightly.
"And you didn't think to tell us?" Joe said and Kevin shrugged.
"Thought I'd surprise you..." he said and I smiled slightly.
"Let me guess," Joe said, a note of amusement in his voice now. "You and Nick don’t have to share..."
"Oh, please, like I'd share with Kevin!" Nick scoffed and I laughed.
"No, we have two twin beds," Kevin said, trying not to smile. I smiled and shook my head as I finished my iced tea.
"So where next?" Nick said, changing the subject.
"London Dungeons," Kevin said and we nodded and left the restaurant.

We got the train to the London Dungeons and then queued outside for only a short time before we got inside. I held Joe's hand as we walked through the dark rooms and he entwined our fingers and smiled at me. Nick and Kevin always walked in front of us and Nick's eyes were sparkling as he looked at all the gruesome images and dummies. "This place is so cool," he said after a 'boat ride to Hell.' I smiled at him but moved closer to Joe. I didn't like this place, I wasn’t going to admit it but it scared me. I'd had to bite my tongue to stop myself from screaming when things had jumped out at me. And I think Joe noticed. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my temple softly.
"You're okay," he said softly in my ear and I smiled. As long as I had him I was. Still, I never let go of him. We all got a key ring of a picture of us at the end of the tour around the Dungeons. We were in a dark room and there were stocks in front of us. None of us got in them, except Nick.

We then returned to the Hotel at about 6.30 and went to our rooms. Only when we were back in our room did I let go of Joe. He smiled down at me, cupped my face in his hands and kissed me gently and lovingly. "You're so cute," he said as he gazed down at me. I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him. He smiled and looked into my eyes. "Were you scared, Meg?" I blushed and looked away.
"No," I said but he didn't let me get away with lying.
"Aw," he smiled and I playfully hit his shoulder. He caught my wrist and then my other and brought them up round his neck and he kissed me deeply. He let go of my wrists and put his hands on my waist, but I left my hands where they were. "Meg, I-" he was interrupted when someone knocked on the door. He pulled away from me and I caught my breath. What had he been about to say? Had he been about to say he...loved me? I smiled and sat on the bed. If he loved me I think I might die of happiness.
"Dinner?" Kevin asked from the door. I looked over at the clock and saw it was just gone 7. That half an hour had gone quickly...
"Yeah, sure, Meg?" Joe said turning to me. I smiled and stood up.
"One condition," I said as I grabbed my bag.
"What?" Joe asked worriedly.
"You let me pay," I smiled. "You've been paying for me for the last two weeks. I'm paying tonight." I reached the door and Joe was frowning slightly. I waited for him to agree.
"Fine," he sighed and I turned to Kevin who was looking highly amused.
"Kevin?" I said and he nodded. "Where's Nick?"
"Bathroom," Kevin said and I nodded.
"Give me your wallets," I said and they both stared at me.
"What?" Joe said.
"To make sure you don’t pay," I said and put my hand out. "Don't worry, you'll get them back." I grinned as Joe and Kevin reluctantly gave me their wallets.
"Don't you trust us?" Joe smiled and I smiled back.
"Apparently not," I smiled and put the wallets in a draw in the bedside table.
"To be honest, I wouldn’t either," Kevin said and I laughed.
"What's going on?" Nick said as he got to the door.
"Wallet, please," I said as I held my hand out to him.
"What?" he frowned.
"Just do it," Joe sighed, but his face was amused. "She won't let us pay."
"We can charge it to the room..." Nick said and Kevin hit him on the back of the head.
"You're not going to," I said, putting my hands on my hips.
"Well, we can't now," Joe said, glaring at Nick who smiled guiltily and handed me his wallet. I put it with the others in the draw and then joined the boys and walked down the corridor to the restaurant on the ground floor.
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