Why Does The Dream End?

Number 14

Megan's POV

At the end of the meal I watched them carefully, making sure none of them said anything to the waiter to tell him to charge it to the room. "Don't be so suspicious," Joe whispered in my ear, but I refused to be distracted. He chuckled and then pulled back and spoke to me properly. "We're giving you this one so you don’t insist on paying for anything else," he said and I turned to look at him.
"No buts. We invited you to come with us, we pay for you," Joe smiled and I bit my lip slightly.
"But-" I was cut off by the look Joe gave me. "Joe-"
"Nope, you can't argue in this," he said stubbornly. I couldn’t help but laugh at him. I leant over and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you," I smiled and he smiled back. I didn't want him to know, even though I was sure he already did, that I didn't exactly have much money. I had supposed to have been working to get myself money, but I hadn’t been so I was low on money. I had enough for things like this, but not to pay for it every day.
"What sort of boyfriend would I be if I didn't spoil my girlfriend?" he smiled tenderly at me and the breath stuck in my lungs. I smiled back and leant forward and kissed him gently.
"You'd still be the best," I replied softly so that Nick and Kevin couldn’t hear and he smiled and kissed the tip of my nose.

The waiter returned my credit card and I smiled as I took it and put it back in my purse. We all went back upstairs then and Kevin and Nick came with us into our room. We all sat on the bed and I gave the boys their wallets back and they all grinned. "Should we ask for yours now? Then you won't even be tempted to pay," Joe said and I grinned and put my purse behind my back.
"You can try," I smiled and Joe smirked and walked towards me. I backed up until I was against the wall and Joe right in front of me. My breath caught in my throat as I looked up into his amused face. He then pressed himself against me and continued to gaze down at me.
"Don't tempt me," he whispered and reached behind me and easily pulled my purse out of my hands. He smirked and then kissed me passionately.

Joe's POV

I was vaguely aware that my brothers were still in the room but I couldn’t have stopped even if someone paid me. Feeling her all along my body was better than a million dollars. She pulled her head back but the wall was right behind her so she couldn’t. I knew I should pull back because she wanted to but I couldn’t convince myself to do it and apparently she didn't mind as she started kissing me again straight away. She took her lips away but kept her eyes shut and her forehead against mine. "Joe..." she whispered and my heart raced. The sound of her voice, so soft sent shivers down my spine. She bit her lip and drew my eyes to her mouth again. I finally got control of myself and pulled away from her and stroked her cheek gently. She smiled up at me and then stood up from against the wall and straightened her dress.

I took her hand and we went to the bed and sat down where Nick and Kevin were still sitting. I met Kevin's eye and he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and then watched Nick flicking through the channels. He landed on The Day After Tomorrow and we watched it until about 11 o'clock at which time Nick and Kevin both left. Megan and I were silent for a while and slightly awkward. She blushed and went to her bag and found something to change into. She glanced at me and then went into the en-suit bathroom to change. I couldn’t stop smiling as I took my shirt and jeans off and got under the duvet. Megan came out of the bathroom in a white pair of short shorts and a thin pink tank top. "Wow," I whispered but she heard me and blushed slightly. She glanced over at me and stopped and bit her lip. Her eyes glanced at the bed beside me and she blushed even more. I smirked slightly and leaned forward and looked at her. "You just going to stand there?" I asked her and she blushed and came to the other side of the bed and sat down over the covers. I could see how uncomfortable she was so I softly reached out and took her shoulder and pulled her down next to me. I kissed her temple and she relaxed slightly as she moved closer to me. I held her to me tightly and wrapped my arm around her waist. She sighed and relaxed completely and I smiled. I loved it that I could make her relax with a simple touch. Megan then sat up but I kept my arm around her. She looked down at me and smiled and kissed my chin softly and then reached over and turned off the light by the switch next to the headboard. She then got underneath the duvet and curled back into me. I felt her surprise when she realised I wasn’t wearing anything except my boxers. I felt her shiver but I still held her tightly into my chest. She let out a breath and then entwined her fingers with mine. I smiled, kissed her shoulder and then leant down on the pillow and closed my eyes.

The next morning I woke up and Megan was still in the same position in my arms. It was the second time I'd woken up with her in my arms and I realised it was something I could definitely get used to. I didn't wake her up, I let her carry on sleeping. She looked so calm, so beautiful when she was asleep and I didn't want to take that calm away from her. I looked over at the clock and saw it was 9 o'clock. We'd planned to meet Nick and Kevin at 10 and go straight out. I knew they would be getting room service so I decided to do the same thing. I leant forwards and kissed Megan's shoulder and up her neck to her jaw. She moaned softly and turned round and looked at me through heavy, sleepy eyes. Seeing her sent my heart racing and I smiled and kissed her forehead. "I was going to order room service," I said softly as I brushed her hair out of her face. "What do you want?" She moaned again and frowned slightly and I chuckled. "Megan," I whispered as my lips brushed hers.
"Coffee," she said and I smiled.
"Food," I told her and she frowned and snuggled into me, burying her face in my chest.
"Sleep," she mumbled, wrapping her arms around my waist and holding me tighter. My breath caught in my chest and I did all I could. I tightened my arms around her, kissed her head, and let her go back to sleep. I stroked her arm as I watched her and then she suddenly sighed. "Feels nice," she mumbled, her eyes still shut.
"I thought you were asleep," I said softly as I continued to stoke her arm. She didn't reply, just leant back against my chest. I smiled and then reached behind me and picked up the phone and phoned downstairs for room service. I asked for coffee, toast, an iced tea and fruit. They said it would be up soon and I thanked them and put the phone back down.

When I looked back at Megan she was fully awake and smiling at me. I smiled back and kissed her nose and then climbed out of the bed. I went and grabbed a pair of jeans but caught Meg looking at me before I did. I didn't let her know I'd noticed because I didn't want to embarrass her but it sent thrills into my heart. Minutes later there was a knock on the door and I went to it and opened it. There was a waiter with a trolley who came into the room and then quickly left, seeing Megan still in bed. I went over to her and cupped the back of her neck and kissed her softly. "Morning," I smiled, thinking it was better to say it now because I don’t think she was really awake earlier. She smiled and sat up cross legged, letting the duvet fall around her waist.
"Morning," she smiled at me. I poured her bottle of iced tea into a glass and gave it to her and she grinned at me. She took a sip and sighed and then sunk back into the pillows. I went over and poured myself a mug of coffee and sat next to her. "You remembered," she said softly as she took another drink.
"Of course," I smiled and she smiled back and leant against my back and wrapped her free arm around my waist. She kissed my back softly and I stroked her arm with my fingertips. She sighed and took another drink. She kissed my back again and got up on her knees and kissed my shoulder and up my neck. She leant her chin on my shoulder and I turned my head and kissed her softly. She smiled and then pulled back and just leant against my back with her arm around my waist. God, this girl was amazing. I heard her drinking occasionally and eventually I told myself I needed a shower and slowly, reluctantly, got out of Megan's embrace. "I'm going to have a shower," I told her and she nodded and I kissed her softly before going into the bathroom, a clean pair of jeans over my arm.

I wanted to shower quickly so I could see her sooner but I knew I was going to be with her all day, all night, all of tomorrow, and so on...until we left. I pushed that thought from my head and thought about Megan again. She had seemed so pleased that I'd remembered her favourite drink, but how could I forget? I remember everything about her.
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