Why Does The Dream End?

Number 15

Joe's POV

I came out of the bathroom in a new pair of jeans and went over to my bag and found a white t-shirt and put it on. It was then that I saw Megan. She had got dressed in a black, grey and white short skirt which flared around her thighs and a tight black top. She was leaning over and putting a pair of black trainers on and her top fell forward. I quickly looked away as my heart started racing more. Why did she have to be so gorgeous? I heard her walking so I felt it was safe to look at her again. She was standing at the trolley peeling an orange. She smiled at me. "Want one?" she asked, indicating the bowl of fruit in front of her. I smiled and walked over to her and kissed her deeply, holding her face in my hands. She was momentarily surprised but then kissed me back, her orange rolling out of her hands and landing on the trolley forgotten. My hands travelled down to her waist and held her tightly. She pulled back after a while, her breathing heavy. I smiled and pecked her lips once more before picking up an apple and eating it. She continued to eat her orange, but now she had a pink flush over her cheeks.

There was a knock on the door as I finished the apple and Megan had gone into the bathroom. I went and opened the door and wasn’t surprised when I saw Nick and Kevin at the door. They both came in when I moved away from the door. "Sleep well?" Kevin grinned and I rolled my eyes but couldn’t stop from smiling.
"Where are we going today?" Nick asked.
"You need to choose from the Science Museum, the Natural History Museum and Madam Tussauds," Megan said as she walked out of the bathroom. My heart skipped a beat. She looked amazing, she'd done her hair in a high ponytail but it was already falling out and she had put make-up on. Not that she needed any to look good, but the dark eye liner made her blue eyes stand out. "You can have two out of three," she continued and Nick and Kevin nodded.
"Madam Tussauds is a must," I said. I couldn’t believe that an English person, who actually lived just outside of London, had never even gone to Madam Tussauds when it was in all of the tourist brochures for London. Megan smiled at me.
"So, if we do that today, we choose from the museums for tomorrow," Nick said and we all nodded. Megan went and grabbed her bag and put it over her shoulder and then we left the hotel. I took Megan's hand as we went downstairs and Kevin led us to a taxi that was parked just outside the hotel. I sat next to Kevin and Megan sat opposite me, next to Nick. I could see her looking at me through her fringe and tried not to smile. I leant forward and brushed my knees against hers and she smiled at me.

We got to Madam Tussauds after enduring the London traffic. I managed to keep my hands to myself throughout the drive and not reach forward to Megan. I think she saw me concentrating hard on doing that as when I looked up at her, her eyes appeared amused. I got out of the car first and Megan came out behind me and I took her hand. We then looked at the large building in front of us and walked towards the busy entrance. The queue took us about 45 minutes, but once we were inside it was totally worth it. We went to the 'popular music' category first and Nick went straight to the new mannequin of Miley Cyrus, as I knew he would. "Someone's got a crush," I whispered and in Meg's ear and she smiled.
"Really?" she asked softly and I grinned.
"More than a crush," I nodded. "You going to set them up like you did with Jesse and Chris?" She grinned and nodded.
"Look forward to it," she said softly and I smiled. Nick then came back over to us and smiled.
"She's better in person," he said and I couldn’t help but smile.
"I'm sure she is," Meg said and he blushed before going away again. Kevin smirked before going after him and I put my arm around Meg's waist. We walked around half of the sections, taking pictures as we went and then we went to the cafe on the second floor. I sat next to Megan at the table and Kevin and Nick joined us a few minutes later. We had a slow lunch, all of us talking amongst each other about random things that entered our heads.

We then looked round the rest of the exhibitions and by the time we had finished it was 4 p.m. We went back to the hotel as we did not know what else to do. As soon as we got to the lobby I tugged on Megan's hand and pulled her to a stop. "Megan and I are going to Hyde Park," I said to Kevin and Nick but before they could reply I had pulled Meg out of the hotel again. Megan laughed softly at me and I smiled and put my arm around her waist and we walked to one of the entrances to the park. We didn't get very far inside the park before I pulled her over to a large oak tree and we sat underneath it. I placed Megan in between my legs and she leant back against my chest. I leant my chin on the top of her head and wrapped my arms around her waist. Megan then entwined her fingers with mine and with her free hand she stroked my leg. "I missed you," I whispered in her ear and she smiled.
"I've been with you all day, and last night, and yesterday," she said softly and I kissed her neck softly.
"Being with just you, then," I said and I felt her shiver in my arms. "No one else around..." I felt her breathing speed up and she turned her head to look back at me. I smiled down at her and kissed her tenderly. She smiled back and then settled back into my arms and sighed contently. "Hey, Meg," I said hesitantly, wanting to tell her exactly what she means to me. "I-" I was interrupted when her phone rang in her bag making her jump.

I heard her sigh in annoyance, and she sat up and then answered it. "Hello?" she said and I could hear the person's voice on the other end.
"Hi, Meg, it's me," came her mum's voice from over the phone. I felt Megan relax against me again and my arms circled round her waist again.
"Hey, mum, what's up?" she said.
"Just seeing how you're getting on," she said and I couldn’t help but get more annoyed that she'd chosen now to phone. I had been so prepared, so convinced it was the right time to tell her I loved her. "I came by the cafe today but Jesse said you had gone out for a second."
"Yeah, um, Jesse sent me out to get some stuff," she said, and I hoped Jesse hadn’t told her mum one thing and she was saying something different. "He sends me out quite a lot to pick up stuff so I'm not really in the cafe all that much. If you came I don’t know if you would see me anyway..."
"Oh, what sort of things do you have to go out to get?" she asked and Megan bit her lip. I had to bite mine to stop myself from kissing her bottom lip to get it out of her teeth.
"You know, just, like, change from the bank and stuff," she said quickly and I smiled slightly.
"Oh, well are you having fun with Jesse? Chris told me that he goes there a lot, so you must see him there," her mum said, babbling on.
"Yeah, all the time," Meg said and I couldn’t stop myself anymore. I lowered my lips to her soft skin at her neck and she stiffened slightly but then relaxed and tilted her head to give me more space. My teeth pinched her skin lightly and she gasped and her mum heard it but I didn't care and I didn't stop.
"What? What's wrong?" her mum asked and Meg bit her lip. Meg paused slightly before answering.
"I'm with Joe," she told her and my lips curved into a smile as I sucked her skin into my mouth. She gasped again.
"Oh, shouldn’t you be working?" her mum asked and I could hear an uncomfortable note in her voice.
"There're not many people here right now so Jesse said I could have a 5 minute break," Meg told her as her eyes shut and she tried to get closer to me. "Can I call you later, mum?" I smiled again as she tried to get rid of her mum.
"Ok, I'll speak to you soon," she said and I couldn’t wait anymore.
"Bye," she said but before her mum could reply, I had reached up, taken the phone from Meg's fingers and snapped it shut. I let my hands slip under them hem of her top and I stroked her soft stomach gently. She leant her head back against my shoulder and I kissed her neck more and then worked up to her cheek and her nose and her closed eye-lid. "What were you about to say?" she whispered, her voice barely audible. I didn't want to tell her now. All I wanted to do was kiss her, hold her.
"I..." I whispered against her skin. I chickened out. "I think we should get back. They'll be wondering where we are..." I felt her exhale, as though she'd been holding her breath and I couldn’t help wonder if she was disappointed I hadn’t told her I loved her... With all my heart I hoped she was. That would mean that she loves me too.
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