Why Does The Dream End?

Number 16

Joe's POV

We got back to the hotel after walking back very slowly at about 5.30 and I was surprised, once again, how fast the time had passed when I had been with Megan. We went up to our room and she went and sat on the bed and lay back with a heavy sigh. "What's wrong?" I asked as I sat next to her and brushed her hair out of her face. She opened her eyes and looked at me.
"Do you think I should tell my parents? Not just about this weekend, but, about all of it?" she asked. "They seem so pleased that I've got a job and am thinking about money and the future and stuff... I know when I tell them they'll be upset, disappointed, and the longer I put off telling them, the more upset they'll be..." She sat up and moved into my open arms. I kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair. I wasn’t sure what to say, what she needed me to say.
"If...you tell them...will they still let you come out with me?" I asked her and she sighed and shook her head against my chest. I frowned but didn't want to think about spending my last week and a half here without Megan with me.
"I'll tell them when..." she trailed off but I knew what she had been going to say. She'll tell them when I've gone. She'd rather spend time with me and face a worse punishment than be let off easy for admitting the truth sooner. I took hold of her chin gently and tilted her head up to mine. I kissed her lips tenderly and she smiled up at me. I then held her tight against my chest and I never wanted to let her go.

The phone rang about an hour later and I picked it up, already knowing who it would be. "Not interrupting, am I?" Kevin said as the phone connected and I rolled my eyes even though I knew he wouldn’t be able to see me.
"No," I said and he laughed.
"We're going down to dinner, you two coming?" he said and I looked over at Megan who was sitting in the window seat, looking out at Hyde Park. I smiled at the view of the setting sun reflecting on her hair, making it shimmer a light red.
"You go ahead, we'll eat later," I told him.
"Joe, I don't-"
"Please, Kevin," I said as I looked away and lowered my voice. "Just one night with her, just us. I promise I won't do it again. I just want to be with her..." He sighed softly.
"Alright, but tomorrow you aren’t disappearing again," he said.
"I know. We won't," I said.
"Good, I'll see you in the morning then," he said. "And please be ready this time."
"We will," I said and then put the phone down on the desk.

I went over to Megan and stood beside her and ran my fingers through her hair. She shifted slightly and leant against me gently and I put my hands on her shoulders and brushed my thumbs up and down her neck.
"It's beautiful, isn’t it?" she said as she looked at the view. It probably was beautiful, but I found the best thing to look at was Megan.
"I was going to order room service," I told her. "What do you want?"
"You don’t have to do that," she said as she turned and looked up at me. "We can go downstairs."
"I want to," I said. "I want us to have a date, or as close as we can get, without anyone, my brothers included, interrupting us." She smiled at me and stood up and kissed me gently. "So...?"
"I don’t know," she shrugged. "What is there?" I went over to the desk and took the menu out of the draw and passed it to her. I moved behind her, wrapped my arms around her waist and looked down at the menu in her hands. "Can I have the pasta?" she asked me and I kissed her cheek gently.
"You can have whatever you want," I whispered and took the menu from her hands and went over to the phone. I phoned down and ordered the pasta for Meg, a steak for myself, a bottle of red wine, and then ice-cream for dessert. I looked over at Meg who was sitting at the table and looking at her mobile. "You okay?" I asked when I had put the phone down. She looked up at me and smiled.
"Yeah, just feeling...a little guilty," she sighed and I went over to her and crouched in front of her. "I don’t normally lie, that's not who I am, but this holiday...it feels like that's all I've been doing..." I took her hand gently in mine. I knew Meg and I knew she didn't lie but I was once again unsure about what to say to comfort her.
"Meg, do you want to tell them the truth?" I asked her and she looked at me. Her eyes travelled all over my face and then landed on my eyes. She looked into my eyes for a while before replying.
"I don’t want to lose you," she whispered. "And I know if I tell them, I will."
"You'll never lose me," I said softly. "I'm yours." I leant forward and kissed her softly and she grinned at me.
"And I'm yours," she whispered and I felt my heart swell with love for her.

About half an hour later there was a knock on the door and I opened it and let the waiter wheel in a trolley, on top of which was our dinner. He set the dishes opposite each other on the table and told me that the ice-cream was in a cooler on the second shelf on the trolley. I thanked him, tipped him, and he left. Megan came and sat at the table and I sat opposite. I poured wine for us both and she smiled at me before sipping it. We ate in relative silence, each glancing at the other occasionally. My knees knocked against hers under the table and she smiled every time they touched. We ate the vanilla ice-cream, Meg's favourite, while sitting on the bed. We were watching 'The Notebook' which Meg had found while flicking through the channels. She had grinned when she'd seen that it was on and had turned to me. "Please, please, can we watch this?" she asked me and I had smiled and nodded. "I should warn you. I always cry at the end..." she said and I smiled and held her closer to me. I watched the film, even though it wasn’t my sort of thing, it made me think. I had Megan, I wasn’t stupid enough to miss the fact that she was perfect for me and I would have nothing in my life if I didn't have her. Nothing would stop me having her. Especially not her parents. If Meg's parents were like Allie's in the film, that wouldn’t stop me from being with the girl I know I'm meant to be with.

True to her word, Meg cried at the end of the movie. It wasn’t crying so much, but tears rolled down her cheeks as she watched the Old Allie and Old Noah together at the end. I tightened my arms around her and she snuggled into my side. "I love that film," she sniffed and I smiled and wiped away the last of her tears.
"Even though it makes you cry?" I asked her and she nodded.
"It's romantic," she said softly. "You know, when I used to watch that film, I used to wish that I would find someone I loved as much as she loved Noah..." She looked up at me and my heart was suddenly racing. Had she just told me she loved me? "I found you," she said and leant back against my shoulder and sighed contently. She had said she loved me...hadn't she? Well, that's what it sounded like. I summoned my courage and was about to tell her when I realised she was asleep. I laughed softly, was I ever going to get the chance to tell her I loved her? I gently put my arms under her knees and shoulders and put her under the covers. I felt like I should make her comfier, but I just couldn’t bring myself to change her clothes in case she got mad, so I put the blanket over her, took my own shirt and jeans off and then got into bed next to her. I shut the light off and then held her to me tightly, possessively. She moved closer to me in her sleep and I smiled and kissed her shoulder before falling asleep.
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