Why Does The Dream End?

Number 17

Megan's POV
I woke up and realised that Joe's arms were still around me. I smiled but then a sudden fear rolled through me. Just before I'd fallen asleep...what had I said? God, I couldn’t remember? I remember wanting to tell him I loved him but I don’t think I did that...but I know I went on about love... God, I hoped I hadn’t freaked him out... I looked over at him and by the serene look on his face I figured that anything I said hadn’t freaked him out. I slipped out of his arms, grabbed a pair of denim shorts and a tight, white gypsy top with flowers printed all over it. I then went into the bathroom and had a cool shower in preparation for the already hot day.

I stepped out of the bathroom, my wet hair hanging down my back and across my shoulders. The first thing I noticed was that Joe was sitting up, looking adorably confused. He saw me and opened his arms invitingly. "Come here," he said and I went over and sat next to him and he took me into his arms. He just held me and I smiled, closed my eyes and relaxed into the embrace. "I didn't like waking up and you not being in my arms," he said softly and I smiled and kissed his collar bone, the nearest patch of skin to my lips.
"Sorry," I said softly and he laughed gently and kissed the top of my head. I didn't want to remind him that in two days we wouldn’t be sleeping in the same bed anymore, and in just over a week we would be in different continents. He already knew that, which was why I knew he wanted to make the most of now. I pulled back after a while and smiled at him. "Aren't I getting you wet?" I asked, pulling my hair over my shoulder. He smiled and kissed me gently.
"I don’t mind," he said and stroked my wet hair. I smiled and then stood up and went and brushed my hair in front of a mirror. He came and stood behind me, preventing me from brushing my hair. I smiled at him in the mirror and he softly ran his fingers through my hair, his fingertips brushing my back. I watched his face as his eyes followed his fingers down my hair and smiled as my heart started racing. I stood up and kissed him deeply. His hands knotted in my knot free hair and my hands went around his chest and hooked behind his back. We walked across the room and Joe and I fell onto the bed and he lay over me, still kissing me passionately. His hands left my hair and travelled down and rested on my waist under my top. My hands moved up and one went around his neck and my fingers brushed the nape of his neck and the other stayed on his shoulder. His hands went further up under my top and his fingers traced over my ribs. My hands then found their way round to the front of Joe's chest and my fingers ran down his chest and abs. His left hand then moved up and cupped my breast and I gasped into Joe's mouth. He just kissed me deeper. Then, suddenly, he'd pulled back and was standing up. "Um," he said breathlessly. "I...um..." He didn't say anymore, just went into the bathroom and shut and locked the door. I swallowed and tried to catch my breath and I smiled slightly. Before Joe had pulled away I had felt something very interesting pressing against my lower stomach.

I swallowed again and then sat up and tried to calm my racing heart. I looked towards the bathroom door quickly but then looked away. I wondered what he was thinking...whether he was embarrassed... I didn't want him to be, I wasn’t. I brushed my hair again but it was nearly dry by now anyway. I heard Joe turn the shower on and I smiled slightly. I put on my makeup and then tried to sort my hair out. As it had dried when Joe had been running his fingers through it, it was a complete mess. I decided to clip back my fringe in a quiff and doing that distracted people from some of the unruliness. I took out my mobile and phoned Jesse quickly. "Hello?" he said when it connected.
"Hey, Jesse, it's Meg," I said and he groaned.
"I know, I'm stupid and my mum came looking for me yesterday," I said, sensing the anger in his voice. "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't think she'd check up on me... It's just two more days, ok?"
"Meg, your brother's going to talk to you," he said and I heard him pass the phone across.
"Hey, Meg," Chris said and I sighed.
"Is he really mad at me?" I asked him softly.
"No, it's just...I just told him mum and dad don’t know I'm with him...or even gay, and he's a bit pissed that we keep involving him in our family's lies," he said and I sighed.
"I guess I picked the wrong time to phone him, huh?" I said and Chris laughed dryly.
"Yeah, but don’t worry, Jesse won't say anything..." he said and I heard Jesse in the background.
"Oh, won't I?" he said and I guessed Chris put his hand over the receiver because the noises were suddenly muffled and blocked out. They came back again and Jesse spoke, "Fine, but it better be worth it..."
"What was that?" I asked Chris and he chuckled.
"Not something I would share with my innocent little sister," he said and I laughed. "If you even are innocent anymore..."
"Chris!" I cried. "Just because I've gone away with Joe doesn’t mean we've had sex!" I blushed as the thought entered my mind that we had come close. "Besides," I added, feigning seriousness, just to make Chris uncomfortable. "What makes you think I haven’t had sex before Joe?" I smiled as Chris started complaining about hearing his little sister talk about this but then I saw Joe's reflection in the mirror; he was standing in a white towel, staring at me, hurt evident in his eyes. "I've got to go," I said and hung up before Chris had even finished complaining.

I stood up and walked over to Joe who was still looking at me, a frown between his brows and hurt in his eyes. "Joe," I said softly as I reached him. "I was just kidding, I was teasing Chris. I've never done anything before. I promise." He continued to gaze down at me. "Joe, you know me, you know I'm not that sort of girl. Please don’t think that of me..." The hurt in his eyes slowly left and he nodded.
"I don’t think that about you," he said softly and he took me into his arms. "I'm sorry. I really don’t think you're like that at all. I know you're not. I just...you said it with such sincerity and as though it was no big deal..." He paused before continuing. "And...you know...I haven’t had sex yet and I don’t plan to until marriage. With someone I love and plan to spend my life with. I just...thought you felt the same."
"I do, I really do," I reassured him. "I would never have sex with just anyone. It has to be someone I love, who loves me, and who I will spend my life with." Even though neither of us said it out loud, we both knew that we were what the other one wanted. We knew that it was ourselves we were talking about. I looked up at him and kissed him softly and then hugged him, all embarrassment from earlier forgotten. I pulled back a long while later and smiled at him. "You should get dressed, we're going in a minute, right?" I said and he glanced at the clock and sighed.
"Nick and Kevin are going to kill me," he said softly but then pulled away and found a pair of jeans and a shirt and pulled them on. I went and put on some white trainers and put my mobile, purse and iPod into my bag. I turned around and saw Joe watching me. "What?" I smiled softly and he shook his head. He came over to me and cupped my face in his hands and softly, tenderly, kissed me. My eyes stayed shut long after he had pulled his lips away, wanting him to continue the kiss. I heard him laugh softly and then I felt his lips on my neck.
"We need to go," he said against my skin and pulled back and took my hand in his. I nodded and swallowed and then we left the room.

We went down to the lobby and saw Nick and Kevin sitting on a sofa, surrounded by people. Joe quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side and behind the reception desk. We crouched down and only then did we spare a thought for the receptionist. He stared down at us but then realised who Joe was and nodded and pretended we weren’t there. "What are we going to do?" I whispered to Joe. He pulled his mobile out and phoned someone. I heard Nick's phone ringing.
"Nick?" Joe whispered. Joe moved the mobile to his ear nearest me so I could listen in as well.
"Where the hell are you?" he asked and in the background I could hear girls squealing over the two brothers.
"We're behind the reception desk," Joe said softly.
"Now what?" Nick said.
"I don’t know," Joe admitted.
"What about Hotel security?" I asked them and Joe looked at me.
"That might work," Nick said. I heard him mutter something to someone, either talking to a fan, or telling Kevin the plan. My guess was the former, just in case someone over heard.
"Take this," Joe said and put the phone in my hand. He then got the receptionist's attention and asked him if security was coming. The receptionist nodded discreetly, not giving away that we were here.
"Hey!" Nick cried and then there was screams coming down the phone.
"OhmyGod," a girl said. "Is this Joe?"
"Um, no..." I said, panicked.
"Who is this? Where's Joe?" the girl said angrily.
"Um-" Joe took the phone and hung up quickly. He glanced at me and smiled softly before taking my hand again.
"We just have to wait here until security comes," Joe said and I nodded.
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sorry, i posted the wrong chapter the other day. the chapter i posted was chapter 18.
sorry about that!!