Why Does The Dream End?

Number 18

Megan's POV

Several long minutes later we heard loud, masculine voices over the high pitch screams. Then, not long later, the receptionist looked down at us and smiled. "It's ok, they've gone," he said and we both stood up. Nick and Kevin were walking over to us, clearly dishevelled. "My apologies," the receptionist said. "I assure you, it will not happen again. We will keep tighter security for the remainder of your stay." The boys all nodded solemnly and Nick and Kevin went back up to their room to sort themselves out.
"Is there a back way out of here?" Joe asked and the receptionist nodded.
"Go straight down the hall and there is a fire door on the left that doesn’t have an alarm on it. You can use that from now on so you don’t have to go out there," he said, nodding to the front door where there were still rabbles of screaming girls hanging around. I don’t think they'd seen me or Joe yet.
"Thanks," Joe said and then we followed Nick and Kevin back upstairs. Joe knocked on the door and Nick opened it and we went inside. Already, they both looked better than they had before they'd come back upstairs. I noticed the cold glare that both Kevin and Nick shot in Joe's direction. This wasn’t Joe's fault. It was mine. If I hadn’t phoned Jesse we would have been on time.
"I'm sorry we were late," I said. "My brother phoned and I had to speak to Jesse because my mum had come looking for me at the cafe. It wasn’t Joe's fault, it was mine." Both boys looked at me and then looked away. Joe put his arm around my waist and winked at me and I smiled slightly. Joe knew that Nick and Kevin had accepted my apology. They were just too stubborn.
"So, did you decide where we're going today?" Joe asked them.
"Yeah," Kevin said. "We couldn’t decide between the two museums, so we're doing Natural History in the morning and science in the afternoon."
"The Science shuts at about 6, so we thought we'd go to the Natural History museum till about 1.30," Nick said. I was going to tell them that you couldn’t get round the whole thing in a couple of hours but I didn't. We left quickly and Joe led us to the emergency door the receptionist had told us to use, however, we still had to go round the hotel to find a taxi. We got round the corner and screams erupted to the right of us. Joe pulled me behind him, protecting me from their fans.
"We have to get to a taxi," Kevin shouted before the girls had arrived and were jumping up and down in front of us. Joe, Kevin and Nick smiled and greeted the nearest girls as we inched our way to the taxi.

All the girls trying to desperately get to The Jonas Brothers shoved me out of the way so I was no longer near Joe. "Joe!" I cried but my voice just blended in with every other girls'.
"Meg!" I heard Joe shout but I knew he wouldn’t be able to find me. I pulled out of the rabble of girls and leant against the wall. What should I do? Hotel security again? Would they come and help if we were outside the hotel? I looked back at the swarm of girls and couldn’t even see Joe, Nick or Kevin anymore. For some absurd reason I felt tears pricking in my eyes. I didn't even know why... Maybe it was because I didn't know how to help them... I quickly wiped them away and decided to go and ask at reception again.

I ran into the hotel and the receptionist from earlier frowned at me. "We need your help," I said quickly. "Those girls are all over them again. Can you please get security to go out there and help them?" He nodded and picked up the phone and connected to security.
"Yes, but outside," he said into the phone. "Yes, alright." He put the phone down and nodded once. "They're coming." I grinned and thanked him and went back outside. The group had grown due to other people noticing the commotion and coming over. I felt so useless as I stood there watching. There was nothing I could do. Four large security men came out then and tried to shift the group. Quite a few people left but there was still the overly obsessed fans clinging to the boys. I could finally see Joe, Nick and Kevin and I got closer but a security man held me back. I didn't say anything as I watched as the security pick up one girl after the next and pull them away.
"Joe!" I shouted but the security man kept holding me back. I realised then that he thought I was just another obsessed fan. "No, you have to let me through!" I told him desperately but he ignored me. Another large man then hustled the brothers into a taxi and it drove away. "Joe!" I shouted and the security man let me go. I ran to the edge of the road but the taxi was already gone. I pulled my mobile out of my pocket but before I could dial Joe's number, it rang. "Joe?" I said as I picked it up.
"Yeah, are you alright? Did you get hurt?" he asked quickly.
"No, I'm fine," I said. "I...they thought I was just another fan and wouldn’t let me get to you..."
"I know, I told the driver to go back around but he said no," he said and I frowned.
"I don’t have any money," I said softly. At least, no cash to pay for a taxi.
"Meg, just get a taxi, I'll meet you at the museum and pay when you get here," he said calmly.
"Okay," I said quietly.
"Megan, what's wrong?" he asked, worry evident in his voice.
"Nothing," I said, adding a cheerful tone to my voice. "I'll see you soon."
"Okay, I'll be standing outside the Natural History Museum, okay?" he said.
"Yeah, bye," I said softly and hung up before I even heard his reply.

I didn't want to go out anymore. I wanted just to curl up with Joe's arms around me. For the first time, I found myself wishing that Joe was just a normal kid, a normal guy, who didn't have swarms of girls groping at him all day long. I wished that I could have been more important, that I wasn’t just a nobody while he was a somebody. How would I stand out against all of his other fans? I was no one, just like everyone else. I loved him so much, but how could he love me? He had all of these girls wishing they had him, why should I be any different? I wasn’t special.

I climbed into a taxi that pulled up soon after I had hung up on Joe and told it to take me to the Science Museum. I was thinking the whole way. How I wished I could have been someone like Joe, have a purpose in life, know what I want from life. All I knew was that I wanted Joe in my life, but what if I'm no good for him? What if a no body like me ruins his future?

We got to the museum and pulled up outside and Joe came straight over to us. He gave the money to the driver who looked momentarily confused but just shrugged and took the money. I got out of the car and straight into Joe's arms. I wasn’t going to cry, but I just needed him to hold me. "Megan?" he asked softly.
"Just hold me, please," I whispered and he did. His arms tightened around me and he kissed my temple. No one could hold me the way Joe could. I wanted to ask him about all the thoughts going through my head, but not now, not here.
"Are you okay?" he asked as I pulled away and I nodded. He frowned slightly, not convinced by my answer. I smiled shakily at him and kissed him tenderly.
"I'm fine," I said and managed to convince myself that at that moment, I was.

I didn't let go of Joe's hand once as we walked round and he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed glad I wasn’t letting him go. Maybe he did think of me as special...as more than a fan...as a somebody. But, now that I had these thoughts growing in my head, I couldn’t kill them off. They were like weeds, always growing and no matter how hard you try, you can't get rid of them. Unless you attack the root, and in this case, the root was Joe. I just had to talk to him. But I had to wait until we were back at the hotel.

At around midday Nick came over to us, glanced at me briefly and then looked away. "We're not going to get round all of this and then the science museum as well."
"Are you that bothered about seeing Buckingham palace? Because we could do the Science Museum tomorrow instead," I suggested and Nick thought about this for a second.
"I'll go ask Kevin," he smiled and then went off again.
"Megan, please talk to me," Joe said from beside me. I turned to him and saw pain in his eyes. Pain because I was upset. I smiled slightly. How could I think Joe doesn’t like me anymore than he likes his fans.
"It's nothing, really," I said but he didn't believe me. "I just...I got thinking in the taxi and-"
"Kevin says he's not bothered about Buckingham Palace," Nick interrupted me. "What about you, Joe?"
"I don’t care," he said impatiently. I squeezed his hand that was still securely in mine.
"Okay," Nick frowned. "So Science Museum tomorrow." I smiled and nodded and then Nick left again. I turned and stood in front of Joe.
"It's really stupid, but I promise I will tell you," I said. "Just not here. When we get back to the hotel." Joe looked at me silently for a while but then nodded.
"I'll let it drop for now on one condition," he said, humour in his eyes. I smiled, glad Joe was back to his usual self. "Kiss," he said as he moved nearer to me. I grinned and stretched up and kissed him tenderly but for a long while. I tried to show Joe all of my love in that kiss.
"At least I know you're not mad at me," he said, his voice low. "Unless you kiss people you hate like that."
"I'm not mad at you," I said, shocked that he could think that. "How could I ever be mad at you?"
"Because I left you..." he said and I smiled.
"Joe, don’t worry about it," I said. "It was a shock when I'd realised you'd gone, I felt like I couldn’t do anything without you, but I wasn’t mad. Of course I wasn’t."
"Good," he said softly and kissed me again. "When I realised you gone I was so panicked I didn't know what to do. You know, I think you're my other half, I can't function properly without you." I grinned, all traces of my earlier upset gone completely. Joe noticed and smiled as well.
"I think the same," I told him softly. "When I wasn’t with you I felt useless, a complete idiot." Joe looked down at me, one side of his mouth lifted in a small smile.
"You could never be useless," he said softly. "And you're never an idiot." He kissed me more deeply and I returned it heartily.
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ok, i originally posted this as chapter 17.
that was my mistake - sorry.
chapter 17 is now up, and this chapter makes so much more sense now!!