Why Does The Dream End?

Number 2

Megan's POV

I woke up the next morning at 11.30 and moaned as I rolled out of bed. I went and had a shower and then went back into my room. I found a light blue bikini and a white mini skirt. I then grabbed a pair of blue sandals. I grabbed a beach bag and put a towel, sun cream, sunglasses, a book, money, a see through white cover-up and a large, white sun hat inside it. I then went downstairs. I didn't go into the kitchen, knowing my parents would be in there, waiting for me, so I just left and made my way down to the beach. It was only a two minute walk to the beach, but in this weather, I was already dying of heat. Normally, it didn't get this hot in July, but I wasn’t going to complain. One day, it could be nearly 30 degrees, the next it could be raining.

I unrolled my towel half way down the beach and sat on it. I pulled out the sun cream and covered myself with it. I then put my sunglasses on and started reading. I don’t know how long I way lying there, but soon enough I was completely relaxed. I sat up and put my sunglasses on top of my head and looked around. The beach was busier now and there were lots of people swimming. I looked up at the large hotel behind me. I wondered if Joe Jonas was in there somewhere, I wondered if he was looking out the window, I wondered if he could see me. I looked at my watch for the time and saw it was about 4 o'clock. I pulled my white cover-up on and then stood up and rolled up my towel and put everything back in my bag. I didn't go home, but I went to a small cafe that I'd found years ago, that I absolutely loved.

Joe's POV

Everyone I passed looked at me like I was crazy, but I didn't care. She was there, on the beach and I had to find her. I got to the exact spot where she had been and my heart sunk. She wasn’t here. Why was this happening? I sank to the sand and sat where she had been sitting. If I hadn’t watched her for so long, maybe I would have found her and been able to talk to her. She must have started to leave as soon as I looked away from her. I sighed and looked across the sea. Maybe we just weren't meant to meet...

I stood up to make my way back to the hotel when I heard someone scream. "Oh, My God! You're Joe Jonas!" I turned to see a group of girls. I smiled at them and they screamed even more, attracting other's attention. Crap. People started to gather around me and then I ran.

Megan's POV

"Hey, Meg," Jesse smiled as I sat down at a table. I smiled at him.
"Hey, how are you? I haven’t seen you in ages," I said and he nodded.
"Nearly two years," he smiled back. "I'm good, what about you? How's your brother?" I smiled slightly. It was a well known fact that Jesse was gay and a little secret that he was completely in love with my brother.
"Chris's good," I smiled at him and he grinned. I wanted to tell Jesse, desperately, but Chris had sworn me to secrecy. "He'll probably want to see you," I added. Maybe if Jesse figured it out it wouldn’t be my fault. Jesse didn't reply. "Can I have an iced tea?" I asked him and he smiled and nodded and went off to get it.

I looked around at the other customers; mainly young people and Jesse brought me my iced tea. I smiled up at him and then he went away. The door was suddenly flung open and slammed shut. I looked up to see what the hell it was and my eyes met the brown ones. "You," he mouthed. He quickly crossed the room and sat at the chair next to mine, with his back to the door. He leant down and pulled my hat out of my bag and put it on. I couldn’t help but smile at the image. Before I said anything, however, the door opened again to reveal a massive group of people, mainly teenage girls, who searched the room desperately. I quickly realised what was going on. I turned my back to the girls and looked at Joe Jonas, as if we'd been interrupted. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I vaguely heard the door shutting, but it didn't register in my head, and apparently it didn't register in his either, because he kept the hat on.
"They've gone by the way," a voice said and I looked away from Joe Jonas to see Jesse the other side of the room, amusement in his eyes. I smiled at him and then turned back to Joe to see that he'd taken off the hat.
"Thanks," he smiled and I nodded.
"Anytime," I smiled back.
"Um, this might sound...kind of weird, but were you driving down here yesterday?" he asked and I grinned. He had seen me.
"Yes," I said softly.
"And you were there last night at the concert..." he continued and I nodded. "And you were on the beach about 5 minutes ago..." I nodded again and before I realised it, he had closed the space between us and was kissing me. I didn't know what to do, but this kiss felt so right. When he pulled away I stared at him, unsure what to do. "I...I'm sorry. I...Um...I..." he stuttered and I smiled and decided to help him out.
"It's like fate," I said softly and he stopped trying to say something and looked into my eyes.
"Exactly," he smiled.
"I'm Megan," I smiled and his smile widened.
"Joe," he said and I laughed slightly.
"I know," I said. There was a silence and neither of us knew what to say.
"Can I get you anything?" a voice asked and we both looked to see Jesse. I grinned and stopped myself from laughing. Jesse was completely in awe. He loved the boys nearly as much as I did. He didn't go to the concert, however, because he had to work. He had owned the cafe since his dad had died 2 years ago, along with his mum, in a car accident. He was only 21, but this place was already his life.
"Coffee, thanks," Joe smiled and Jesse nodded and went away.
"I think you should know that Jesse is totally in love with you," I smiled as I watched him walk away. I heard Joe laugh. I turned to him and found him looking at me.
"Do you come down here a lot?" he asked and I nodded.
"Every summer," I smiled.
"So you know all the best places to go?" he asked and I nodded.
"I would think so," I smiled and he grinned.
"Will you be my tour guide?" he asked and I smiled. I couldn’t help but remember at that moment that my parents had told me I needed to get a job. But surely, this could count as a job. And the pay was spending time with Joe.
"Sure," I smiled and he grinned. "Just one thing. My parents told me I had to get a summer job because, um, I wasn’t really allowed to go to the concert last night. So I have to be out of the house in normal work hours."
"That's great, then you'll be able to spend loads of time with me and your parents won't get suspicious," he grinned and I smiled. I nodded and then sipped some of my iced tea and Jesse brought over Joe's coffee.
"Um, I was wondering..." Jesse said hesitantly. I couldn’t help but grin into my cup.
"Autograph?" Joe asked and Jesse nodded, grinning. Jesse passed Joe a piece of paper and a pen. Joe wrote on it and then passed it back to Jesse smiling. Jesse read and it grinned more and went off happy.
"He's never going to let me hear the end of this. The fact that Joe Jonas came into his cafe..." I smiled and shook my head.
"What if I got my brothers to come here," Joe smiled. "Do you think he would completely die?" I laughed and nodded.
"More than likely," I said.
"How about we meet here in the mornings?" he asked and I nodded.
"Sounds great," I smiled.
"Um, do you mind if my brothers come along?" he asked hesitantly.
"Of course not," I smiled and he smiled.
"Shall we say...9.30?" he asked.
"Yeah, that's fine," I smiled.
"I should really get back. I didn't really tell anyone where I was going when I ran out. Can I have your mobile number?" he asked and I smiled and wrote it down on a napkin and gave it to him. He grinned and leant down and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you, Megan." He put a £5 note on the table and then he was gone.

I watched him walk out the door and when I turned back round Jesse was sitting opposite me grinning. "That was Joe Jonas!" he smiled and I laughed and nodded. "Oh, my God!" he cried and I laughed more.
"Hey, Jesse, don’t freak out, but I'm meeting him here tomorrow morning," I said and his eyes nearly popped out of his head.
"Here!?" Jesse cried and I nodded again. "Oh, my God! I think I'm hyperventilating!"
"Jesse, what about Chris?" I smiled and he sobered immediately and I knew that I'd said something wrong.
"What about him?" he asked casually. I quickly realised that even though I knew that Jesse was in love with Chris, it didn't mean that Jesse did.
"Erm," I said and cleared my throat. "Nothing..." I wished I could have come up with a cover but I wasn’t good at coming up with a convincing lie on the spot.
"No. What is it?" he asked and I knew he wasn’t just going to drop it.
"Are...you going to meet up or something?" I said lamely. "Because I know you're like, best mates and I know he'd want to see you."
"Oh, yeah," he said and stood up. I heard him mutter something about 'best mates' but then he picked up Joe's mug and left me on my own. I felt bad for causing Jesse's mood to drop so quickly, but I honestly thought that he knew how he felt about Chris.
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i reeli wanna know what u think!!!

yay, its half term next week so i should be able to write more often!