Why Does The Dream End?

Number 20

Joe's POV

When I woke up I smiled when I realised that Meg was still in my arms. She was awake and softly stroking my chest, but she hadn’t moved out of my arms. "You didn't move," I said softly and she looked up at me.
"You told me not to," she said and I nodded. I kissed her forehead softly and then fell back onto the pillows. I wanted to ask her again about what Kevin had said but I knew she wouldn’t tell me anyway. I was going to have to ask Kevin. Whatever he had said hadn’t upset Meg, which I was glad about, but I had noticed the anger on her face when they had been talking.
"Hey, Meg," I said softly and she got up on her elbow and looked down at me. Her hair fell down over her shoulders and brushed my shoulders and chest. I brushed it out of her face and smiled. "You're not going to tell me what Kevin said, are you?" She didn't immediately deny it, she didn't say anything, just gazed into my eyes.
"I'll tell you," she said softly. "I don’t want to have secrets from you." I smiled at her and took hold of her hand which had been resting on my stomach. "He was just...looking out for you. He wanted to make sure I wasn’t using you, so that I could just have a famous boyfriend. He wanted to make sure I was...serious about you. That I wasn’t going to hurt you." I frowned, how could Kevin think Meg was like that, it was clear she wasn’t. She wasn’t like anyone I had ever met...
"You...um...whispered something to him," I said and she blushed but nodded.
"I told him...that...I..." she paused before speaking again. "...would die before I hurt you." I smiled at her and kissed her tenderly.

She lay back down her fingertips gently bushing over my chest. I closed my eyes and just basked in the feel of her in my arms. "We should get up," she said softly and I opened my eyes. I looked at her and smiled slightly.
"I think you're most beautiful in the mornings," I said softly and she blushed.
"I'm not wearing any make up, my hairs a mess, I-"
"I think you're beautiful," I repeated and she smiled.
"Thank you," she whispered and leant down and kissed me. I didn't want her to pull away, but it was inevitable that she would. "I don’t want to go back. I want to stay with you," she whispered and I smiled softly.
"I know," I said just as quietly as she had. "Right now feels like heaven." She nodded and kissed my cheek and then lay back down in my arms. A few minutes later, she softly kissed my chest and then climbed off the bed. I watched her walk over to her bag and pulled out some clothes and, after smiling at me, she went into the bathroom and locked the door. I smiled and then went over to my bag and found a pair of jeans and a shirt to put on. I was going to have a shower after Meg, so I didn't put them on yet.

The bathroom door opened and Meg came out in a multicoloured flowery dress, which dipped in a very low 'V' at her chest and only went down to half way down her thighs. She turned her back and I saw that her back was completely bare except for two straps crossing between her shoulder blades. I watched her as she put her shorts and vest into her bag and then she turned to smile at me. "Alright?" she asked and I smiled at her. I stood, about to go into the bathroom but instead I went over to Meg, grabbed her arm and spun her to me and kissed her deeply. My hands went to her waist and I forced them to stay there. I kissed down her neck and then softly kissed just above her breasts. I heard her gasp and I quickly pulled away and went into the bathroom without looking at her. I didn't know which I would prefer to see on her face; embarrassment or desire... I locked the door behind me and then turned on the cold water.

I put my jeans on before leaving the bathroom and was pulling my shirt on as I walked out. Megan was sitting at the dressing table, brushing her hair. She saw me and blushed, but it wasn’t embarrassment that was the dominant emotion. It was desire. I took a deep breath and turned away from her. In my peripheral vision I saw her look down but then she looked back up and started putting make up on. I turned my back on her completely and clenched my fists. I went over to my bag and put everything inside and zipped it up. We'd have to take our bags with us as we had to be out of here by midday. We could leave our bags in a cloakroom at the museum and then just collect them at the end of the day. There was a knock at the door then and for the first time I thanked Nick and Kevin for coming to get us, because if we were alone much longer I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself from grabbing her and kissing her passionately. I went and opened the door and Nick and Kevin looked at me for a second before smirking slightly. I walked away from the door and grabbed my bag and put it over my shoulder. Meg was zipping up her bag and then she put it over her shoulder. We then left the room and went to give our keys in at reception. We then went to the emergency exit that we had been told to use. "I'll go round and check," Meg said and we nodded. She disappeared around the corner and then came back smiling. "It's ok, there's a taxi waiting just round the corner." I smiled at her and took her hand and we went quickly to the taxi and jumped in.

Kevin told the driver to take us to the Science Museum. When we arrived we first went down to the basement floor and put our bags in lockers. We then went back to the main lobby and decided where to go first. Nick decided first and we followed him to the exhibition on space. I held Meg's hand but I couldn’t forget the feeling in my stomach. It was always there, always making my heart race. I knew what it was, I wasn’t stupid. I wanted her. I loved Meg, and I wanted her. We walked around the museum but I couldn’t take much of what I saw in. I was thinking about Meg. I had to tell her I loved her. Or at least, I had to tell her before I left. I couldn’t live with myself if I knew I hadn’t told her how I felt. I couldn’t chicken out forever.

We went to the cafe for lunch and I sat opposite Meg and couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. I wasn’t sure if I was making her uncomfortable. But I couldn’t convince myself to stop. I just wanted to look at her. During the afternoon we walked around for several hours and then at 3.30, half an hour before we had to leave in time to get Meg back on time, Nick said he wanted to go on the simulator, so we headed in that direction. We were lucky, we managed to get on the last ride of the day. I sat next to Megan and Kevin and Nick sat in two other free seats the other side of the small room. Just before it started Megan leant over and kissed my cheek softly and then she settled back into her seat and the security bar lowered and I couldn’t reach her. I glanced over at her and saw a smile on her lips. I reached out and took her hand in mine. However, when the machine started moving we had to hold onto the handles so I let go. The simulation was through a desert and old mine shafts. It was quite good. When the ride stopped and the lights came on, the security bar was finally lifted. I wanted to reach over to her and kiss her, but we were being asked to leave so I couldn’t. Not yet.

As soon as we'd gotten down the steps I pulled Meg to the side and kissed her passionately. She put her hands on my neck and held me close to her, apparently she had been needing this just as much as I had. I pulled back and leant my forehead against hers. "What are you doing to me, Megan?" I whispered and she smiled.
"The same thing you're doing to me," she whispered back. I looked down at her lips but before I could kiss her again, someone cleared their throat next to us. I looked at Nick and Kevin. Nick was embarrassed but Kevin didn't seem affected.
"We've got to go," Kevin said and I nodded and pulled away from Megan. She looked down at the floor briefly but then when she looked back up, she was smiling again. I put my arm around her waist and she put hers around mine and we walked down to the basement to get our bags again.

Once we had everything we walked to South Kensington station and then sat in a corner. I sat next to Megan, who tucked herself under my arm and into my side, and opposite Nick and Kevin who both looked at me and Megan tenderly. I realised just then, how happy they were that I had Megan. They were really glad that I'd found someone, I wished they had the same luck that I had with Megan. We had to change trains several times and lucky for us, Megan knew where she was going. The third train we got on was packed and so Megan and I ended up standing closer than I would have liked. Her chest was pressed up against mine. I held onto the handle overhead and she held onto me, while resting her head on my shoulder. I could smell her shampoo and it smelled so good. I leant my head back against the window, trying to get away from the smell. She looked up at me frowning. I realised that there was hurt in her eyes and she thought I'd been moving away from her. I smiled down at her and kissed her. I then whispered in her ear, "You smell too good."
"Too good?" she grinned and I nodded. As I whispered in her ear the smell clouded my senses again.
"As in, you smell too good and if I have to keep smelling it I won't be able to stop myself," I whispered and felt her shiver in my arms and her breath caught in her throat. We suddenly went over a bump in the tracks and she was pushed even more against me and it took all my effort not to moan at the contact. God, if I didn't get away from her and soon...
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