Why Does The Dream End?

Number 21

Joe's POV

At the next stop, I didn't manage to look at what it was, masses of people got off the train and we were left with space. I took a step away from Megan and she noticed and smirked. She went and sat on an empty seat. Nick and Kevin sat opposite but I stayed where I was as I had to get my heart rate down. After several long, deep breaths I made my way over and sat next to Megan. Nick and Kevin were smirking at me. Meg took my hand in hers and then rested it on her thigh as she looked out the window. We had to change at the next stop but after that, we were on a train straight back to Plymouth. I held onto Meg's hand tighter, I didn't want this weekend to end. I wanted to be alone with her (excluding my brothers) for longer. I needed longer.

About 2 hours later we got back to Plymouth. Meg had fallen asleep on my shoulder and I kissed her cheek softly and she stirred. "Joe?" she whispered as she sat up. "Are we back?" I smiled and nodded and she frowned. "I can't believe I fell asleep..." I laughed softly at her and pulled her up onto her feet.
"It's alright," I said softly as we stepped off the train. The doors hissed shut behind us and the train was off again.
"I don’t want to go home," Meg said softly as she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. There was nothing for me to do except hug her back, and I did. I kissed her neck softly and she sighed. She pulled back and looked up at me and smiled. She kissed me softly but then her phone went, causing her to jump. I laughed softly and she smiled at me before answering the phone. "Hey," she said and then entwined her fingers with mine and we started walking slowly after Kevin and Nick who had already got outside. "Yeah," she sighed. "I'm nearly home, I've just left the cafe." Kevin and Nick sat on the wall outside and waited for us to catch up. We got to them and then Megan sat on the wall next to Kevin. "I know," she said and I could tell she was getting annoyed. "Mum, I said I would be back. I'm nearly home." She looked up at me and smiled weakly as if in apology and I smiled at her. "Bye," she said and then put her phone back in her pocket and stood up. "I better go," she said softly as she looked down at the floor.
"Kevin, can you take my bag back?" I asked and he nodded and put it over his free shoulder. I took Megan's hand and then her bag and put it over my shoulder. She smiled at me and then turned to Nick and Kevin.
"I'll see you guys," she smiled. Nick smiled and nodded.
"Beach tomorrow," he smiled and Meg grinned and agreed. We then started walking to her house.
"I'm...um...sorry about my mum," she said softly and I smiled and stopped walking. She stood in front of me, frowning slightly.
"It's not your fault," I said softly and she smiled. "And, I think it's amazing how much I like you despite having to please your mum as well." She grinned and kissed me softly but I didn't let her pull away and I deepened the kiss.
"Joe," she murmured against my lips. I didn't want to break the kiss but I knew I had to.
"Sorry," I muttered as I pulled back and she laughed softly.
"Never be sorry for kissing me," she grinned and then carried on walking. I caught up with her and took her hand in mine and she smiled slightly.

We got back to her house too soon for my liking. I saw her mum looking out the window and quickly looked away before I could meet her eye. I looked down at Megan and brushed her hair out of her face. I smiled and kissed her softly. I put my hand on her cheek to hold her to me for longer but she soon pulled away. "I'll see you tomorrow," she whispered and I nodded and smiled.
"It's going to be weird going to sleep without you," I said softly and she blushed slightly but nodded anyway.
"It is," she agreed and I smiled. I handed her, her bag and then smiled at her again. She smiled back and then wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me. I smiled and stroked her hair as I hugged her back. I heard her front door opening and knew I had to go.
"I'll phone you later," I whispered in her ear and then pulled away.
"Bye," she smiled and then turned away and walked inside. She turned at the door and smiled at me before shutting the door. I smiled to myself and then walked back to the hotel. God, how was I going to sleep tonight without Megan in my arms?

Megan's POV

I looked at mum when I had shut the door and saw she was frowning slightly. "What?" I asked her.
"You seem different," she said and I shrugged.
"Happy?" I asked and I smiled again as I thought of Joe. Mum looked at me carefully but before she could say anything Chris walked through the door and grinned at me and hugged me tightly.
"Hey, welcome home!" he said and I panicked temporarily but then laughed.
"Chris, I saw you every day in the cafe," I said as I gave him a look.
"Right," he said, sobering immediately. "But it's good to have you home." I smiled and he put his arm round my shoulders. "Jesse's going to be here in a minute, you know, I told you he was coming for dinner."
"Yeah, of course," I said and I grinned at his obvious happiness.
"I'll help Meg take her bag upstairs," he said to mum and she nodded and went back into the kitchen. Chris and I then went upstairs and into my room. Chris shut the door behind him and then sat on my bed, dumping my bag on the floor.
"Thanks," I said looking at my bag and he shrugged. "You know, mum kept going on about how happy she was that you got a girlfriend and that she should come over to dinner..." I picked up my bag and put it on the bed next to Chris who was smiling.
"I know," he said. "She kept going on about it to me as well."
"Have you told her then? " I asked as I sat next to him.
"No," he sighed. "I keep chickening out. Every time I'm about to I just...don't."
"Does Jesse know they still don’t know?" I asked and he nodded.
"He said he'd be on his best behaviour," he smirked. "But I don’t know if he will keep his promise." I suddenly blushed.
"Hey, Chris," I said hesitantly. "Have you and Jesse...um..." Chris immediately stood up.
"I'm not talking about this with my little sister," he said but then looked at me curiously. "What about you and Joe?" I couldn’t help but laugh.
"So, you won't talk about yourself, but you're happy to go into my love life?" I asked and before he could reply I continued. "Firstly, I've really only known him about 3 weeks and even though I'm totally in love with him, I'm not going to go that fast." I paused as I realised how close we had gotten a couple of times. "Secondly, Joe doesn’t want to have sex before marriage, which I completely agree with. There are really not that many guys who are like that. If you were...straight, I doubt you would be like that..."
"Probably not," Chris admitted and I smiled at him.
"Joe is amazing, not like any guy I have ever met. I love him too much to go too fast," I said and Chris smiled.
"You really do love him," he said and I nodded.
"I really do," I smiled and Chris grinned.
"Aww," Chris said softly.
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