Why Does The Dream End?

Number 22

Megan's POV

Just then there was a knock on the door and I shouted out, "Come in," and Jesse walked in.
"Hey," he smiled and went and sat on the bed next to Chris. "Your mum let me in and told me to come up." Chris smiled at him and kissed him tenderly and I smiled at them. "You still straight?" Chris smiled weakly and shrugged.
"How did you tell your parents?" I asked Jesse and he looked over at me, frowned and then looked away. Chris took his hand and smiled softly before answering me.
"He didn't get a chance," he said and I realised instantly that I had made a mistake.
"I'm so sorry, Jesse," I said softly and he smiled slightly. Jesse had realised he was gay about 3 years before his parents had died, and I had assumed he'd told them. Apparently he hadn’t got round to it.
"So," Jesse said, changing the subject. "Did you have a good time with Mr. Jonas?" I grinned and sat down next to him, after moving my bag out of the way.
"Oh, my God, it was amazing," I sighed and both boys grinned at me. "I wish it could have lasted forever."
"Somebody's in love," Chris told Jesse and Jesse smiled at me.
"I think this has been the best 3 weeks of my life," I smiled but saying that reminded me that a week today, Joe was leaving. One week left. I sensed that the boys realised what I was thinking so they quickly changed the subject again.
"What are we having for dinner?" Chris asked me and I shrugged.
"No idea, I've only just got in, remember," I said and he shrugged. "Jesse, is there anything you told my mum that I should know? About what I've been doing?"
"Nothing really," he shrugged. "I told her that you were doing errands quite a lot and you weren’t always at the cafe, that way she decided not to come and see you..." I nodded.
"Yeah, she phoned me on Saturday evening asking how I was doing and why I wasn’t at the cafe when she went to see me..." I said. "I told her that you had sent me to the bank to get some change..." Jesse smiled at me and nodded.
"You should have heard her going on," Chris said, shaking his head. "Despite knowing you're gay," he said to Jesse, "mum was having a panic attack every evening that you were staying with a guy." I laughed.
"She phoned just as I got off the train asking where I was," I said. "I was scared she'd hear the trains in the background, but she was yelling at me for being late..." I rolled my eyes. "It wasn’t even half seven yet, I still had half an hour before I was due back..."
"She was fussing all day..." Chris shook his head again and I laughed.
"Winding her up is my mission in life," I smiled. "I should have gone to the beach or something and been late. I wasn’t ready to leave Joe. And I don’t think he wanted me to leave either." I sighed as I thought about him and couldn’t help but have a smile creep into my lips.

It was then that mum decided to shout up. "Kids, dinner's ready," she shouted and we all stood up. I looked at my mobile, unsure whether to take it down in case Joe phones and I missed him. I put it into my pocket and then followed Jesse and Chris downstairs.
"Hi, Jesse," dad said as we walked into the dining room.
"Hi, Mr Burns," Jesse smiled and my dad frowned slightly.
"Jesse, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Henry?" dad said and I smiled.
"Sorry," he smiled. Jesse sat at the table next to Chris, not a wise move in my mind, but I couldn’t do anything about it. I saw Chris smirk at Jesse who responded in the same way. I cleared my throat and they looked over at me, their smirks still in place. I shook my head as I smiled at them. I sat down on the opposite side and dad sat at the head of the table and mum had a place at the other end.
"Roast chicken," mum said as she brought in a golden chicken. The vegetables were already out and steaming.
"Wow, it looks great," Chris said and everyone agreed. And it was, it was really good. I guess I had missed my mum's cooking, even though I had eaten amazingly for the last weekend, or maybe mum had just decided to cook better tonight because we had company. When we had finished eating mum told us to all stay put while she and dad cleared the table. I got up to help but she told me not to. Chris then put his hand under the table and Jesse stiffened and took a sharp breath and put his hand under the table as well. I smiled as I thought, Jesse had promised to behave, but Chris hadn’t, and that was probably the reasoning he was using right now. When mum and dad came back through the door, Chris put his hand back onto the table. Jesse was breathing deeply and clearly trying to control...something. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. Mum put a chocolate cake on the table and also a jar of cream.
"Mum, what's the occasion?" I asked, making sure mum was focusing on me and not looking at Jesse or Chris for that matter, who seemed to be trying to relax as well.
"No occasion, sweetie," she said simply and I frowned.
"Since when do you make roast chicken and then a chocolate cake as well?" I asked and she scowled at me, surprising me.
"I felt like it," she said and I dropped it. I looked at dad, who seemed oblivious to the conversation and was looking at Jesse and Chris, whose breathing was back down, but were still uncharacteristically quiet.
"You boys okay?" dad asked and I laughed but quickly turned it into a cough and took a drink of water. Chris glanced at me but then looked at dad.
"Yeah, great," Chris said and dad nodded. Mum then cut the cake and passed it round the table.
"Wow, this is really good," Jesse said and mum grinned.
"Thanks, I made it myself," she said and if I had been eating at the time I would have choked.
"You made it?" I asked her and she nodded curtly. I didn't ask why, knowing she would get angry again. My phone rang then and mum snapped her head up and looked at me.
"No," she said before I even asked. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw it was Joe phoning.
"Please, mum," I said. "Can I just answer it and tell him I'll phone him back?"
"Fine but make it quick," she said and I answered.
"Hey," I smiled and avoided looking at mum.
"Hey, Meg, you okay?" Joe asked and I sighed.
"Can I phone you back? I asked him.
"Oh, yeah, sorry, are you with your parents?" he asked.
"Yeah, and Chris and Jesse," I said and looked down into my lap.
"Oh, has Chris-"
"Megan," mum warned.
"Sorry, I'll speak to you later," Joe said and I smiled.
"Yeah, bye," I said softly and closed my phone. I finished in silence and mum started talking to Chris and Jesse about something but I tuned out. I just thought about talking to Joe soon.

When we had all finished, I helped mum clear the plates, showing no hard feelings, even though there were, and then went upstairs quickly. I dialled Joe's number and then lay on my bed waiting for it to connect. "Hey," he said when the line connected.
"Hey, sorry about just now," I said.
"Don't worry," he said and I smiled.
"And to answer your question, no Chris hasn’t told my parents," I said. "Jesse is just over for dinner. We've known him so long I think my parents just think of him as an obvious part to our holiday here. But they were being stupid at the table. Embarrassing really, as soon as my parents had left the room they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Well, my brother couldn’t. Jesse had promised he'd behave but Chris hadn’t made the same promise... God, when my parents walked in, they were...barely in control..." I blushed but Joe just laughed.
"I take it Chris is a tease," he said and I laughed.
"Looks like it," I smiled. "My mum was being weird though, and not because of the obvious sexual tension between Jesse and Chris. She made a roast dinner, which is rare in itself, and then she made a chocolate cake... My mum never cooks willingly. Especially not for a family dinner."
"Maybe she was celebrating your return," Joe suggested and I smiled.
"I don’t think so," I said. "When I asked her what's the occasion she said there was no occasion and got angry..."
"Maybe she's figured it out..." Joe said and I thought for a second.
"Maybe..." I said slowly. "She kept going on about inviting the girl Chris has been seeing over...but he said no, and then invited Jesse over... Maybe she has figured it out..." We carried on talking until about 11.30 when there was knock on the door. "Sorry, I've got to go," I said.
"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow," Joe said and I agreed and said goodbye before hanging up.
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sorry its been a while...