Why Does The Dream End?

Number 23

Megan's POV

"Come in," I called and Jesse and Chris came into the room. I smiled at them. "Can I just say that you two, firstly, are not very subtle, and secondly, you are idiots. Dad definitely noticed."
"That's what we wanted to talk to you about," Chris said once he'd shut the door behind him. They came over and sat on the bed as well.
"What?" I asked.
"Do you think they know?" Chris asked and I frowned.
"I don’t think they know but I think they're slowly figuring it out," I said.
"That's what I said," Jesse said and I smiled at him.
"Why else would mum go to so much effort while cooking?" I asked and Chris shrugged. I noticed he was slightly pale. "Chris, you okay?" He didn't reply and Jesse turned him to look at him.
"Hey, it's okay," Jesse whispered as he looked into Chris's eyes. "If they have figured out, they seem ok with it. And if they aren’t ok with it, you will always have me." He then kissed him softly, lovingly and I smiled. Those two were so perfect for each other. They were so opposite in looks, Jesse with black hair and dark skin and eyes, and Chris fair, with blonde hair and blue eyes, but inside, they were so perfect. They had everything in common, but if they were different in an area, it made them stronger as a couple. I wondered if people thought this about me and Joe...
"I'm scared to tell them, Jesse," Chris whispered and I felt like I was intruding, but I didn't want to get up and leave them in case it made them even more uncomfortable, realising that I was leaving because of what they were saying.
"I know," Jesse whispered back and took Chris into his arms. "I won't ask you to tell them anymore, I promise. Just do it when you're ready."
"I love you," Chris whispered and Jesse kissed his temple softly.
"I love you, too," he whispered back and I smiled at them both. They were so cute, I knew they would be together forever and always be completely in love. Hopefully, like me and Joe.

Chris and Jesse left soon after that, and I fell back onto my bed. I was really exhausted. I got changed and then climbed into bed. On my own. My phone beeped, signifying I had a text. I grabbed my phone and opened the message. It was from Joe, 'I'm lonely. I wish you were here.' I grinned and lay back on my pillows as I replied. 'Me too. I was just thinking that.' I put my phone on the pillow next to me and sighed as I looked at the ceiling. My phone beeped again and I read the new message, 'I miss you so much. xxx' I felt my heart flutter in my chest and I grinned at the words. I replied saying, 'I miss you more. I can't wait to see you tomorrow.' I lay back as I tried to fall asleep but it was no good, I needed to feel Joe's arms around me. I picked up my phone again and sent him another message, 'I can't sleep...' It was about two seconds later that Joe replied. 'God, me neither. I need you in my arms...' I smiled as I felt my blush growing. 'I need your arms around me...' I replied. Joe didn't reply after that and I frowned slightly. Maybe, despite what he had said, he had fallen asleep. I sighed and sat up cross legged on the bed. I was tired but I knew I wouldn’t be able to get to sleep.

About 10 minutes later, my phone beeped again. I opened the message, 'Let me in.' I frowned but then went to my window and saw Joe standing on the grass below. I grinned and opened my window. "I thought you fell asleep..." I whispered and he scoffed and climbed up. When he got to the window he smiled and kissed me before he was even through.
"How could I have fallen asleep without you?" he asked and I smiled and moved out the way so he could climb inside. As soon as he was through he took my arm and pulled me into a deep kiss. I wrapped my arms around him and we walked backwards to the bed. I fell onto my back and Joe lay over me. He pulled away and then rolled to lie next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my shoulder as I pressed my back to his chest. "Much better," he whispered and I smiled.
"Much," I agreed and moments later, I was asleep.

I woke up the next morning and Joe's arms were still around me. He was awake and was gazing at me. "Morning," he smiled and I smiled back.
"Morning," I smiled and leant my head against his shoulder.
"Sleep okay?" he asked and I grinned and nodded. He smiled and kissed my cheek tenderly.
"Did you tell Nick and Kevin that you were coming here?" I asked him.
"I left a note," he said. "We're meeting them at the beach." I smiled and nodded and then settled back into Joe's arms. He sighed and kissed my neck softly and I closed my eyes as I revelled in the feel of Joe alongside me. About 15 minutes later, we got up. I realised that Joe had brought a back pack again and he pulled out some clothes; a pair of trunks and a white shirt. I quickly picked up a red bikini and a black mini skirt and went into the bathroom to change. When I came back into the room, Joe was changed and sitting on my bed. He watched me as I entered the room and then when I went to my dressing table. I brushed my hair and then put on some water proof mascara and eye liner. I didn't put any lip gloss on because I remember Joe telling me that he liked my lips how they were. When I was ready I turned to Joe and smiled at him. I went over to him and sat on his lap and kissed him. His hands rested on the bare skin at my waist and my hands knotted in his hair. Joe fell back and I lay over him and his hands stroked my back and fiddled with the string of my bikini. Part of me worried that he'd undo the knot and it would fall off, another part of me didn't care. I then felt Joe's hand on my thigh, under my skirt and my heart suddenly raced faster than it had been seconds before. I forced myself to pull away, breathing heavily. Joe's hands stayed where they were; one on my back at my bikini strap, the other at the top of my thigh. Panting heavily, we looked into each other's eyes. Slowly, Joe took his hands away from me and I swallowed. "Sorry," he breathed and I smiled at him.
"You remember what I said last night?" I asked him softly and he smiled.
"About not being sorry for kissing you?" he asked and I nodded.
"The same goes for touching me," I whispered and I heard Joe take a breath.
"Megan," I whispered against the skin at my neck. "You're amazing." I smiled down at him and then kissed him softly before getting off him.
"Thank you," I said and then went over to my bag and put in my towel, my sun glasses, a bottle of water, my mobile and my purse.
"You know you don’t need that," Joe said when I put my purse in. I turned and smiled at him but didn't reply and left my purse in the bag.

Joe then climbed out the window, his back pack over one shoulder and said he'd meet me in the front of the house. I quickly put on my black flip flops and then went downstairs. I went into the kitchen and was vaguely shocked to see Chris in there with Jesse. I looked at the clock and it said it was nearly 10 o'clock. "What are you doing here?" I asked him and he grinned.
"Decided to take the day off," he smiled and put his arm around Chris's waist. I smiled at them.
"We're going to the beach," I told them as I picked up two pieces of toast. "You want to join us? Nick and Kevin are going to be there, too." They looked at each other and then shrugged.
"Sure," Chris smiled. "Why not." They followed me outside and Joe smiled at them.
"Hey," he said and Chris and Jesse returned the greeting.
"They're coming with us to the beach," I told him and he nodded.
"Cool," he said as he threaded his arm around my waist. We got to the beach soon and Joe pointed to where Nick and Kevin were sitting on their towels. We went over to them and I set my towel out beside Joe's.
"Hey," Nick said to Chris and Jesse, who were sitting in the sand.
"Hey, what's up?" Jesse said. I smiled at how he was acting. He was trying to be so calm, but I knew inside he was screaming because he was sitting on a beach with the Jonas Brothers.
"Hey, Jesse," I said as I pulled my skirt off. "Race you to the sea." I stood up and he grinned and stood as well.
"You're on," he smirked. "On three..."
"Three," I said and took off running. I heard Jesse's cry of shock and outrage but I laughed and continued running. When I'd gotten waist deep in the water I grinned and stopped. I turned round to see Jesse come up behind me and then tackle me into the water. I cried out and then was submerged into the water.

We broke through the water and I looked at Jesse who was just getting out of the water as well. "What the hell?" I said but I was grinning.
"You cheated!" he said, but he was laughing as well.
"Never! You said on three. You didn't say I had to count to three..." I laughed and Jesse rolled his eyes.
"Cheat," he repeated. I grinned and then placed a hand over my heart and pouted, in mock hurt. Jesse grinned and we continued to dunk and splash each other.
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