Why Does The Dream End?

Number 24

Joe's POV

I smiled slightly as I watched Megan in the water with Jesse. The sea was reflecting on her hair, making it look like it was covered in diamonds. I could hear her laughter from where I sat and the sound was beautiful. "Hey, Joe?" Chris asked hesitantly and I tore my eyes away from Megan.
"Yeah," I said. Chris looked slightly uncomfortable with what he was about to say.
"I just...wanted to..." he stammered and not once had I seen Chris this unsure of himself. "...Make sure...that you were...serious about Meg. I mean, I don’t want her to get her heart broken." I frowned slightly but then smiled and looked back at her in the water.
"I have no intention of breaking her heart," I said softly. "I love her." There was a short silence and then Kevin laughed softly.
"What?" Chris asked him and he shook his head.
"Nothing," he said. "I just asked your sister the same thing a couple of days ago..." I frowned. I wasn’t sure if I liked this many people doubting how we felt about each other.
"I guess it's a big brother thing..." Chris mused and looked at Jesse and Meg again. I wasn’t sure which person he was watching...

Soon, but not soon enough, Jesse and Meg came back up the beach. Meg lay on her towel and closed her eyes after kissing me softly. Jesse sat cross legged on his towel and kissed Chris. I sat up and reached out to brush Meg's wet hair out of her face. She sighed contently and opened her eyes and looked into mine. "You okay?" I asked and she nodded. I realised that we hadn’t gotten to sleep until about 3.30 last night and I was just as tired as she looked. She reached up and put her hand behind my neck and pulled me down to kiss her. She kissed me deeply and it took all of my control not to put my hands on her. I was vaguely aware that her brother was sitting about a foot away. I pulled back and couldn’t help but kiss her neck softly. I pulled away completely when I got down to her collar bone, knowing that I wanted to go lower. She looked up at me, her intense eyes gazing into mine, and I knew that she wanted me to go lower as well. I sat back on my towel and tried to catch my breath and control my heart beat. I sensed Megan moving next to me and seconds later she had wrapped her arms around my waist and was curling into my side. I smiled and held her to me tightly.

The rest of the day we spent lying on the sand or in the sea. I wanted to go back to Meg's house with her, but I knew I shouldn’t. She took my hand and took me to the side and smiled up at me. "You'll come over tonight, won't you?" she asked and I grinned and kissed her deeply.
"Of course I will," I whispered. "How else would I get to sleep?" She grinned at me and I felt my heart leap in my chest. She hugged me and kissed my neck softly.
"Great," she whispered. "I'll see you tonight, then." She said against my skin. It was all I could do to nod while she was kissing me like that. She smiled at me and then pulled away and walked home with her brother. I turned to Nick and Kevin and they were both smiling at me. Jesse was still here as well and he was smiling softly but turned away quickly.
"I'll see you," he said and we all nodded and he walked away. We went back to the hotel and up to the room. Rachel hadn’t been happy about us staying in London, especially when she overheard us talking about the mob outside the hotel, but there was nothing she could do.

About 4 hours later, as the sun set, I re-packed my back pack and headed over to Megan's house. The last 4 hours had been awful. I was meant to be writing music, but all I could do was think about Meg. I texted her similarly to last night and she appeared seconds later at her window and grinned down at me. I smiled back and then climbed up the now familiar path to Megan. "Hey," I said as I climbed through and she moved forward into my arms and kissed me deeply.
"Hey," she whispered as she leant her forehead and against mine. "I missed you," she said, her voice barely audible.
"I missed you, too," I whispered as I stroked her hair over her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around my neck and then walked backwards to the bed, pulling me with her. I kissed her passionately, needing to feel her body next to and around mine. We fell back onto the bed and I lay over her, kissing her deeply. I pulled back and looked down into her eyes. "Megan," I whispered but then there was a knock on the door. Before Meg could say anything, however, the door opened.

"Oh, my God!" Chris shouted as he saw us on the bed. I quickly praised myself for not putting my hands under Meg's clothes.
"What's wrong?" I heard their mum shout from downstairs. Chris looked at his sister for a time and then sighed.
"Nothing, sorry," he shouted back and then shut the door behind him. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he hissed and I sat up, off of Megan.
"I-" I started but Megan interrupted me.
"We weren’t doing anything, Chris," she said as she sat up beside me. "Since the weekend, we can't sleep alone. Joe comes over at night, that's it. Nothing else." Chris looked at me for the longest time, as though trying to figure out if there was anything in my face or eyes to indicate anything else.
"It could have been mum, you know," he said eventually.
"Mum doesn’t knock and then come straight in," Meg said, slightly annoyed. "Normal people wait for the person inside to respond."
"Whatever," he sighed.
"So what did you want?" Meg asked him and he looked away.
"Nothing, it doesn’t matter," he said and I frowned slightly.
"Sure?" Meg asked, obviously sensing the same thing as me. There was something, but he didn't want to say it now. I couldn’t help but realise that it was because of me.
"I could go," I said to him but Megan grabbed my hand.
"No," she said softly. I looked at Chris and saw he was smiling at me.
"It's ok," Chris said. "It's not important." Then he turned round and left the room.

I turned to Megan who was frowning softly. "What do you think it is?" she whispered. I didn't reply, because I knew she was more talking to herself. I stroked my thumb over the back of her hand softly and she sighed and leant against my shoulder. "Do you think I should go talk to him?" she asked me.
"Do you think he'll talk to you knowing I'm in here?" I asked and she sighed and shook her head.
"Unlikely, and I don’t want you to go," she said softly and I smiled.
"Good, because I don’t want to go either," I said softly and she smiled. I wrapped my arms around her tightly. I couldn’t help but think that yet again I had been prevented from telling her I loved her. I fell backwards onto the bed as she stayed in my arms and then moved to make herself more comfortable in my arms. She put her head on my chest and held close to me. We lay like that for a long while and eventually I felt Meg's breathing change and become deeper; she was asleep. I looked down at her calm face...who would interrupt me now? I kissed her cheek softly and then moved my lips to her ear. "I love you," I whispered. Her grip around me tightened and she moved closer to me and for a heart stopping moment I thought she had been awake, but she kept on sleeping. I sighed in relief and finally allowed myself to shut my eyes and drift off to sleep.
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