Why Does The Dream End?

Number 26

I went back to the hotel and up to my room. I looked out across the horizon. Still blue. I smiled to myself and felt my heart race at what I would surely see in a couple of hours. I ordered room service, as I couldn’t be bothered to go downstairs to eat with my brothers. They had gone down earlier and had just shrugged when I said I didn't want to go out. I ate on the balcony as I watched the sky. Night was creeping in, so it was hard to tell whether clouds were starting to form. I told myself they weren’t and so I was ecstatically happy as I thought about the evening to come.

About two hours later, I stood under Megan's window. It still wasn’t raining. I climbed up the side of the house and into her window as usual, and she grinned when she saw me as usual. I grinned back, dropped my back pack onto the floor and took her into my arms and kissed her deeply. She was dressed in denim shorts and a thin hoodie, not her usual night wear so I knew she still felt confident about winning the bet. However, I felt my prize against my chest and my heart raced. I pulled back and gazed into her eyes. "It's still not raining," I pointed out. This time she didn't even reply. She didn't get a chance. There was a tapping against the window and then a bombardment of droplets. My jaw dropped and I looked back at Meg who was smiling smugly.
"Sorry," she shrugged. She put on her trainers and then went to the window. I watched her, still unable to say anything. How had she known that? "Coming?" she asked and then climbed out the window and disappeared from sight. I got control of myself and followed her down the side of the house in the pouring rain. I didn't care that I was getting soaked to the bone. I looked at Megan once I was on the ground and she grinned, her hair plastered to her face and her clothes sticking to her body.
"How?" I shouted over the noise of the rain and she grinned.
"That wasn’t part of the deal, now was it?" she shouted back and took my hand and we went down to the beach.

The beach was in an uproar. I could see lightning on the horizon and thunder rumbled around us. Meg seemed to be in heaven. Her eyes were bright even though the rain was still attacking us. She put her arms out in a T shape and closed her eyes and looked up to the sky. The rain ran in torrents down her hair, her face, her neck, her legs. She grinned and twirled round in circles under the rain. The occasional flashes of lightning illuminated the beach for seconds and gave me a better view of the girl in front of me. Her blonde hair was now dark with the water, her skin was pink under the sting of the rain, her lips were in a constant smile. I smiled at her. She came over to me and took me hands and we twirled round together. I found her enthusiasm contagious and I found myself laughing along with her. She seemed to be in her element during the fierce storm that had come out of nowhere.

Finally, she sighed and then fell back onto the soggy sand. I sat next to her, not even giving a thought to my jeans. Meg put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me back to her and I lay next to her. She was lying on her side looking at me and I rolled over to do the same. The rain pummelled my cheek but it suddenly became inconsequential as Meg shifted closer and kissed me so tenderly, so lovingly that I thought my heart might burst. "I love you," I whispered but she didn't hear me, the words were lost to the storm, and I wasn’t very well going to shout them at her. She sat up and looked out at the sea that was tossing and turning violently. I sat up next to her and she leant against my shoulder. She seemed so calm in all this violence. I frowned as I tried to understand it. The flash of lightning and rumble of thunder came simultaneously and I knew the storm was directly above our heads. Meg suddenly stood up and took my hand as she pulled me up as well. We started to walk away from the beach and back to her house. We didn't hurry, we went as slowly as we liked, and Meg certainly seemed to enjoy being in the rain. I looked at her carefully. No other girl I had ever met would want to do what Meg just did. Other girls would be worried about their hair, their makeup, their clothes, or just plain scared. But not Meg. I loved her all the more.

Meg climbed up first and I followed close behind. I wasn’t upset that I had lost the bet. Watching her face filled with that much joy and happiness and freedom was much better than simply looking at her. We got through her window and Meg grinned at me and kissed me deeply. "Thank you for coming with me," she said softly and I smiled.
"Wouldn't have missed it," I said and she smiled.
"Really? So you're not bummed you lost?" she asked, a slight blush forming under her windswept face.
"Nope," I said and handed her a five pound note. She grinned and took it and put it on her desk. She briefly looked into her mirror and winced slightly.
"Oh, Gosh," she said as she ran a hand through her tangled her. I smiled and went over to her and put my hand on hers, brushing her dripping hair with my fingertips.
"You know what?" I asked her and she gazed up into my eyes. "Even when your hair looks like a haystack and your face in fluorescent pink, you're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." She smiled and self consciously touched her cheeks. I took her hand and then leant down and kissed both of her frozen cheeks.
"We should get dried off," she said and I agreed. I was starting to feel the cold. She glanced over at the clock. It was about 1 a.m. "I can't leave the room or my parents will get suspicious as to what I'm doing..." She bit her lip and I knew what she was thinking.
"I'll close my eyes," I promised her and she smiled at me and nodded. I went and sat on her bed and put my hands over my eyes. I felt my heart race as I heard a rustle of fabric and she pulled her clothes off. I couldn’t help myself. I looked between the crack between my fingers, then quickly shut them again. One glance had been enough. I let the image fill my mind. She was wearing a black lacy bra and matching panties. I took deep breaths to calm myself down. She couldn’t find out that I'd peaked.
"Ok," I heard her say and I opened my eyes somewhat warily. Worried I would see the blinding temptation that Megan had been when she had been standing in front of me in her underwear. I looked at her and she was in a pair of black shorts and a black vest top. Her hair was still wet and dripping down her back. She picked up her brush and pulled it though her hair. Eventually she got the knots out and then turned and smiled at me. "Are you just going to sit there? You're getting the bed wet," she smiled and I quickly stood up. She laughed and came and stood in front of me. "Are you okay?" she asked me, her head tilted to the left slightly. I nodded and smiled at her.
"Why do you like storms?" I asked, looking out of the window at the rain running like a waterfall from the sky. She smiled and then pulled back the duvet and climbed under it and sat cross-legged looking at me.
"I don’t know, I just do. I like it because of the...pure emotion that seems to be involved in the storm..." she said and looked at me. "I know that sounds weird..." I smiled at her and took my wet shirt, trainers, socks and jeans off. I climbed into the bed beside her. "I like seeing nature express itself in a violent way..." I brushed her hair out of her face and smiled at her.
"You are, officially, the most interesting girl I have ever met," I said and she smiled. She leant over and shut off the light and we lay back on her bed.
"By the way," Megan said softly and I could hear the smile on her lips even though I couldn’t see it. "I saw you peaking..."I felt my own blush on my cheeks.
"I...I'm sorry-" I said quickly but she silenced my by kissing me softly.
"Joe," she whispered. "You don't have to be sorry for kissing me, touching me, or looking at me. I'm yours." I was so overwhelmed by what she had said that I didn't reply. When I knew what I wanted to tell her in reply, it was too late and she was asleep.