Why Does The Dream End?

Number 27

Joe's POV

The next morning I woke up with Meg still in my arms, she was still deep asleep. Her words from last night wrung through my mind, 'You don't have to be sorry for kissing me, touching me, or looking at me. I'm yours.' I smiled and kissed her softly, unable to stop myself. She sighed and her eyes opened slowly. She smiled as her eyes focused on me. "Hey," I said softly.
"Hey," she sighed. We lay curled together for a long while longer and I never wanted to let her go. Eventually she sighed and rolled over and then out of bed. She stood and stretched, her top riding up her back and her shorts riding up her thighs. I remembered what she was wearing underneath them...I closed my eyes quickly. She went over to her wardrobe and pulled out the short white cotton skirt that she'd worn the first day I had spoken to her in the cafe. I didn't hesitate before telling her this. She grinned and nodded.
"And a blue bikini," I said and she nodded.
"How do you remember that?" she asked me smiling and I shrugged.
"I remember everything about you," I said and she smiled.
"Favourite drink?" she asked me and I grinned.
"Easy, iced tea," I said and she nodded.
"You're right, that was easy," she smiled. "Favourite colour?"
"Well, from what you wear I would have to say white, but I think that is too plain of a colour for you," I said as I looked into her eyes. "So, I think it is dark blue." She blinked and then shook her head. I frowned. "Was that wrong?"
"No, that was 100% right," she smiled. "I wear white all the time, but it isn’t my favourite colour. That blue dress I have, the one you liked, that is my favourite colour. But I only wear that colour when I feel like looking good." I grinned and climbed off the bed and went over to her.
"You always look good," I whispered against her neck. "But you're right, in navy blue, you looked stunning..." I heard the skirt she was holding hit the floor as I bit her neck softly and I smiled. I pulled back and smiled down at her. I crouched down to pick up the skirt and found a small sliver of her bare stomach on front of my face. I leant forward and pressed a brief kiss to her smooth skin. I heard her faint gasp and then I stood and passed her the skirt. She caught her breath and smiled at me. We heard the shower turn on next door and Meg bit her lip softly.
"I'll...have to change in here," she said and my stomach flipped. I went back to the bed and sat down in the same way I had done last night. I saw her looking at me hesitantly and I smirked slightly before closing my eyes and then covering them with my hands. I heard the rustle of fabric again as she changed and I bit my lip to stop myself from peaking again. She was soon done and I felt her hand on mine. I took my hands away from my face and looked up at her. She smiled softly and kissed me gently. She was in the white skirt and a bright pink bikini. I smiled at her and then stood up and went to my own bag. I glanced at her. It was harder for me to change, I had to take my boxers off and put my trunks on whereas she had her skirt to hide behind if I did peak. I think she realised what I was thinking as she quickly stood up from the bed and muttered something about going to the bathroom and then quickly left. I smiled before changing.

When Meg came back in hesitantly I was sitting on the bed waiting for her. She saw me and smiled. She had brushed her hair in her absence but due to the way it had dried last night, it still looked like a complete mess. In fact, it reminded me of how she looked after I had been kissing her and running my fingers through her hair and holding her mouth to mine. I swallowed and looked away from her and then stood up. I put my backpack over my shoulder and then smiled and went over to her and kissed her tenderly before backing away and going over to the window. "I'll see you out the front," I said and she smiled and nodded. I went quickly down the side of the house and then went and sat on the wall at the front of her house, waiting for her.

About 5 minutes later she appeared, her hair tied up in a high ponytail on top of her head. She was also carrying two pieces of toast and she handed one to me. I smiled and put my arm around her waist as I ate it slowly and we walked to the beach. We got there before Nick and Kevin again and I didn't let Meg set up her towel today, I pulled her straight into my lap and she leant her back against my chest as we looked out across the sea. The weather was amazingly sunny once again, the sea calm, the sky perfectly blue. "English weather," Meg sighed and I smiled.
"Hey, Joe," a voice said and I turned to see Kevin and Nick. Kevin had spoken and he was frowning. I looked at Nick and he was looking at me somewhat sadly.
"We have some bad news," Nick said and Megan sat up while staying in my lap. I reached around and took her hand.
"On Saturday and Sunday, we have a signing all day in London," Kevin said and my heart seemed to stop for a short while. It was Thursday today, we were leaving on Monday; I only had today and tomorrow with Meg. I looked at her and she was looking at me sadly. She turned in my arms and I felt her shoulders shaking slightly and got the impression she was crying but she buried her face in my chest and didn't make a sound. I looked over her head at Nick and Kevin, who were both looking at me, sadness deep in their eyes. I closed my eyes and leant my head on Megan's head. Instead of 4 days we now had 2...

Megan's POV

I didn't pull away from Joe until I was sure my tears had disappeared. Two days? That's what we had now? "I'm sorry, Meg," Joe whispered in my ear and I nodded against his chest. This wasn’t his fault. I pulled back and looked into his deep brown eyes. They were full of pain as they looked down into mine. He leant down and kissed my forehead and then pulled me into his lap and held me to him tightly. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head against his shoulder.
"Um," Nick said hesitantly and Joe turned to look at him but I didn't want to move out of his arms. "We're staying up there Saturday night..." I frowned and bit my lip to stop more tears coming to my eyes. Joe cupped the back of my head and held me to his chest again and I revelled in the feel of his arms around me protectively, possessively. We both knew that come Monday we wouldn’t be sleeping in each other's arms anymore, but Saturday was so much sooner. Too soon.
"We're coming back here on Sunday evening, though," Kevin added and I smiled softly. I would have Joe for the last few hours on Sunday night.

I heard Nick and Kevin get up and I pulled back from Joe, the tears still in my eyes. "Please don't cry," Joe whispered and stroked my cheeks, wiping away a tear from my cheek. "I don’t think I could stand seeing you cry." I smiled at him softly and then looked down and wiped away my tears quickly.
"I'm not ready for you to leave," I whispered as I looked up into his sad eyes. He didn't reply, there was really nothing to say. I just buried myself back into his arms and he held me tightly. I pulled back after a long while and looked up at Joe.
"Come on, let's go get some lunch," he said and I nodded and stood up. We rolled up our towels and put them away and then we headed to Jesse's cafe. We walked through the door and Jesse and Chris were in there and grinned when they saw us. However, once they took in the look on mine, and probably Joe's, face they frowned in concern. We went over to them, Joe keeping his arm around my waist.
"What's wrong?" Chris asked and I looked up at him.
"I'm up in London all weekend for a signing," Joe said softly and I felt more tears come quickly to my eyes. Chris and Jesse immediately knew what this meant; I couldn’t spend the last days with Joe. I swallowed hard to stop the tears. I wrapped my arms around Joe's waist and put my forehead against his shoulder. I couldn’t cry again; I didn't want to.