Why Does The Dream End?

Number 28

Joe ordered a coffee and an ice tea for me and then we went over to a table and sat down next to each other. "You know I would suggest you coming with us," Joe said softly. "But I know Rachel won't allow it. And I don’t want to force you to lie to your parents again." I nodded but didn't say anything. I didn't mind lying to my parents again if it meant I could be with Joe for an extra two days...
"Here you go," Jesse said as he put a tray on the table. It had the ice tea, Joe's coffee but also a large piece of chocolate cake. "On the house," he smiled at us, pity in his eyes and we both smiled back.
"Thanks, Jesse," I said softly and he nodded before going away. We ate and drank slowly, wanting to stretch out our time together.
"Come out with me tonight," Joe said. It wasn’t a request as he knew I wouldn’t say no. "To dinner." I smiled at him and nodded.

We spent the rest of the day at the beach, ignoring the depression that I knew both of us were feeling. We lay in each other's arm on the sand and Nick and Kevin joined us just after we got back from Jesse's. "Hey, you okay?" Kevin asked. Neither of us replied and Nick and Kevin remained silent. At about 5 o'clock I sat up and turned round and looked down at Joe.
"I should go and tell my parents that I won't be home for dinner," I said and he nodded and stood up. We packed up our stuff and then Joe took my hand as we walked back to my house. When we reached my house we stopped and I turned and looked up into Joe's eyes. I smiled slightly and then kissed him softly. He stopped me pulling away and kissed me deeply, not letting me get away. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him to me. He pulled back after a long while and leant his forehead against mine.
"It's a shame we haven’t done that all day," Joe whispered and I smiled and had to agree.
"It is," I said and Joe smiled and kissed me again. I pulled back and eventually opened my eyes and looked at him. "I'll see you later," I whispered and he nodded.
"I'll come and pick you up at about 7, okay?" he said softly and I nodded. "Bye."
"Bye," I said quietly and then turned unwillingly and went inside.

I went straight to the kitchen and saw mum in there as I knew she would be. "Hey, mum," I said and she smiled at me.
"Hey, Meg," she said but then frowned. "You okay, honey?" I nodded once and then smiled at her as convincingly as I could.
"I'm going out tonight," I said. "Joe's taking me to dinner."
"Okay," she smiled but gave me a strange look. "What time will you get home?"
"I don’t know," I said. "We might walk around a bit after, go to the beach or something..." She nodded.
"It sounds fine," she said and I smiled properly and then went upstairs to think about what to wear. I found a metallic green strapless dress which went to about halfway down my thighs and had a square neck with straps about an inch wide. There was plaited material around the neckline, making the dress tighter around the top. The waist line was high but then the skirt flared out around my hips. I had a shower before getting into it and putting on some black beads and a pair of black heels. I put on a small amount of make-up; mascara, eye liner, and some green eye shadow. I straightened my hair and it fell nearly to my waist. I looked at the clock and was shocked to see it was five to 7. I quickly moved my purse and mobile from my beach bag into a black handbag and then went downstairs.
"Wow," Chris said when he walked in the front door. "You look gorgeous." I smiled at him.
"Thanks," I said and looked down at my outfit.
"Hey," he said and I looked up at him. "You're okay, aren't you?" I sighed and my eyes fell to the floor. "Meg, it's not like you'll never see him again. You know you two are meant to be together as well as I do. You'll go to America, he'll come here...whatever it is, I know you'll work it out." I smiled at him and hugged him. He was right, we were meant to be together and we would be.
"Thanks, Chris," I said and he grinned. I suddenly remembered the other night. "Oh, I forgot to ask, what was it the other night? When you came into my room?" I blushed slightly at the memory but then the doorbell went.
"Don't worry about it," Chris smiled and went to open the door again. "I'll talk to you about it later." I nodded and smiled and then the door was opened to reveal Joe, smiling at me. He was in black trousers and sports jacket with a deep red shirt underneath.
"Hey, Meg," he said softly. His eyes went up and down over my body. "You look..." he trailed off and I smiled and blushed.
"Thanks," I smiled and then stepped out of the door with him. "I'll see you later, Chris," I said and he nodded and shut the door behind us.