Why Does The Dream End?

Number 3

Joe's POV

I grinned all the way back to the hotel. I found her. I'd actually found her. And she was beautiful, her blue eyes practically sparkled and her blonde hair looked like honey falling down her back. I couldn’t wait to see her again. How long is a reasonable time to wait until I call her? I want to call her only to hear her voice.

I got into my room and was immediately bombarded by Kevin, Nick and Rachel. "Where the hell have you been?" she cried and I put all my will into not laughing.
"I went for a walk," I shrugged. I noticed Kevin and Joe glance at each other but I ignored them.
"A walk?" she cried. "We've been worried sick! What if someone recognised you?"
"Someone did recognise me," I said as I walked passed them and sat on the sofa. "But then I found her and she hid me. She's amazing. I can't believe I found her!"
"Oh, God," Rachel sighed and then stormed out of the room.
"You found her?" Nick asked as he sat down next to me. "Really?"
"The girl from the concert?" Kevin asked.
"And from the car, yes," I smiled, remembering. "Megan. She's..." I trailed off, unsure how to continue.
"Oh, boy," Nick sighed. I looked at him and saw he looked upset. I looked at Kevin and saw he looked the same.
"What?" I asked them.
"Joe, we're leaving in a month," Kevin said. "One month. Should you really get involved with an English girl if you know that in a month you'll probably never see her again?" I frowned and looked away from them. They were right, of course, but...I hadn’t been able to get her out of my head since I first saw her through the window of the car.
"It's fate," I said softly, remembering her when she'd said it. I smiled and looked back at Kevin and Nick. "I'll hate myself if I don’t try."

Megan's POV

The door opened then and someone shouted my name. I turned around to see Chris walking through the door. "Hey, Jesse," he added when he saw Jesse behind the counter. Jesse nodded but didn't reply. Chris came and sat opposite me and he shook his head. "Mum and dad are so pissed at you," he said. "When they found out you went last night and then the way you spoke to them when you got home...I thought dad was going to have a fit when he realised you'd left this morning."
"I don’t care," I said. "I'm not a child. And I'm not stupid. It's not like I'm going out getting pissed all the time and crashing my car!"
"Whoa, calm down. Don't you have a go at me. I'm not the one pissed at you. Besides, that was one time and you know what was going on with me," he said and I nodded.
"I know, I'm sorry," I said softly. Jesse came over to us then and placed a mug in front of Chris.
"Thanks, Jesse," he smiled and Jesse smiled back. They looked at each other for a long time and I had to clear my throat loudly to get them to stop. Chris looked away, down at the mug in his hands and Jesse quickly shuffled away.
"God, you two are like love-struck teenagers," I smirked and Chris blushed but glared at me anyway.
"Shut up!" he snarled but I stuck my tongue out at him anyway.

Chris had told me the reason for his accident and the reason for how much he'd drunk before it. He said that he was starting to realise something...that he was gay. He said that it freaked him out so he went out, got extremely pissed and then drove home. In the hospital I'd asked him how he suddenly came to the conclusion that he was gay and he'd said, "Because I miss Jesse. And more than just as a friend. Because I love Jesse." He'd fallen asleep then, but I couldn’t help squealing in delight. I'd known Jesse loved Chris, and now Chris loved Jesse. It was so cute! I wanted Chris to drop his pride and just tell Jesse that he was gay, but I knew he was uneasy about the whole thing anyway, and no matter how much I told him, he didn't believe me that Jesse loved him too.

I finished my iced tea and then looked at Chris. "So," I said casually. "How come you're here then?"
"What?" he asked, frowning.
"Well, you didn't know I was going to be here, am I in the way of something?" I asked, trying not to smile.
"No," Chris said finally. "I just wanted to come and see Jesse." His face was expressionless for a couple of seconds but then it changed. "I missed him so much." I reached over and took his hand.
"Tell him," I urged him.
"I can't," he said softly, looking down. "What if he doesn’t feel the same and it mucks up our friendship? I can't lose him."
"You won't," I said but Chris just shook his head. Jesse came back over then and sat next to Chris. He was holding a coffee and sipped out of it.
"So, how's life?" he asked Chris and I took my hand away from his. Chris immediately covered his feelings and smiled at his old friend.
"Life's life," he shrugged. "You?"
"Same," he said. I could feel the atmosphere getting tenser and I stood up.
"I'll see you guys later," I said to them and before I left I shot Chris a look, trying to convince him to talk to Jesse, but I knew he wouldn’t. I grabbed my stuff and then went back to the beach. I didn't set my stuff out again but I took off my shoes and walked through the waves. It was about 6.30, I guessed and I knew my parents would be wondering when I was getting home. I had my phone, so if they were that worried they could phone me.

Joe's POV

When should I phone her? I paced around my room. Nick and Kevin had got bored of me only being able to talk about her and had left. I went to my window and looked out over the sea. I looked down at the beach. Megan? She was there, walking through the water. I didn't know if I should go down to her or if she wanted to be on her own. I could feel the time passing but it felt like only seconds that I was watching Megan. I could look at her forever.

Megan's POV

I sat on the sand and looked out over the sea. Most people were packing up by now and there were fewer people around. I looked at my watch and saw an hour had passed and the sun was getting nearer to the horizon. I knew I should be getting back but I really didn't want to. "Hey," a voice said behind me. I turned and saw Joe sit next to me on the sand.
"Hey," I smiled back. He turned and looked over the sea and I did the same.
"You've been sitting out here for ages," he said after a while. "You okay?"
"Yeah," I smiled, not looking away from the water. "Just thinking." He didn't reply so we stayed quiet. Suddenly my phone rang, making me jump. Joe laughed softly.
"You alright?" he smiled.
"Yeah," I said, smiling, as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I sighed as I saw it was mum calling. "Hello," I said into the phone and then winced as she started screaming. "One sec," I said to Joe and stood up and walked away from him a little way.
"Where the hell have you been all day?" she asked after a long rant.
"At the beach," I said, "at the cafe."
"What!? You snuck out last night, and you thought you could spend all of today lounging around?" she asked.
"You said from Monday onwards, today is Sunday, you didn't say anything about what I had to do today," I said and I heard her sigh.
"Come home now," she said and hung up. I closed my phone and then took a deep breath before turning back to Joe, who was looking out over the sea.
"I'm sorry," I said as I stood next to him. "I've got to go." He nodded and stood up.
"Hey, Megan," Joe said as he looked down into my eyes. "Um...nothing, sorry." I smiled at him and stretched up and gently pressed my lips to his and then I turned and walked away, a smile on my lips.
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i really love this story at the moment!!!
i'd love to hear what u think too!!! pls comment, it makes me happy and i'll update more often!!!