Why Does The Dream End?

Number 30

Megan's POV

I got up to my room and smiled when I saw Joe at my window. I let him in and he smiled and kissed me softly even before climbing inside. I didn't even hesitate this time when I pulled off my dress and pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I turned and looked at Joe and blushed as I realised he was still looking all over my body. "Joe," I whispered and his eyes went up to my eyes and he smiled. He gazed into my eyes, an emotion deep in his eyes. "What?" I asked him as a blush worked its way onto my cheeks.
"You...you trust me," he stated and I smiled and sat next to him on the bed.
"Of course I do," I told him and he smiled. "Why did you just realise that now?"
"You changed in front of me," he said and a small blush came back to my cheeks. "And you didn't ask me to close my eyes." I smiled and kissed his cheek softly.
"I trust you," I whispered and he smiled slightly. I entwined my fingers with his and rested our hands on his thigh. His thumb brushed over the back of my hand and then he lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my hand softly. He then stood up and took off his jacket, shirt, and trousers and then sat back next to me in his boxers.
"I trust you, too," he whispered in my ear as he kissed my neck, and my heart swelled. Hearing him say that was nearly as good as hearing him tell me he loved me. I moved into his arms and he hugged me tightly. He then shifted round and lay back on the bed. His head was on the pillows and my head was on his chest. It was so calm; love filled the air around us. I smiled as my eyes closed and I listened to Joe's heartbeat.

Joe's POV

I knew I should have told her tonight. I should have told her I loved her. It was the perfect opportunity...but I didn't because it was so perfect. If I told Meg how I felt, I knew she would cry and I didn't want that, not tonight.

The next morning I woke up and saw that she was still asleep in my arms. I smiled and gently brushed her hair out of her face. She stirred slightly but didn't wake up. I watched her for what felt like an eternity, taking in every aspect of her, memorising every feature. It was our last day. Cold sadness gripped my heart tight and nearly choked me. I wouldn’t see her for 48 hours after today. And then...God knows how long. I shut my eyes as I felt tears building up. How could I live without Megan right next to me? "Joe?" she whispered. The tears quickly disappeared and I opened my eyes to look at her. She was frowning slightly. "Are you okay?" I smiled and kissed the lines in between her eyebrows to smooth them out.
"I'm great," I smiled. Could she hear the slight tremble in my voice? I hoped she couldn’t. She smiled back and wrapped her arm around my waist and pressed herself against me, cuddling into my chest. She knew I was upset. I tightened my grip around her and buried my face in her hair and just held her. We lay like that for what felt like hours, both of us just basking in the feel of the other.
"We should get up," she said softly and I nodded.
"I guess we should," I said. She pulled back softly and I saw her eyes were slightly red. My heart clenched when I realised that she had been crying.

Megan smiled when she realised I'd noticed and then stood up. She went over to her wardrobe and pulled out another bikini and a light blue skirt. "I'm going to have a shower," she said softly and I nodded. "I'll be right back." She then left the room and all the emotions I had been controlling bubbled to the surface. A tear slowly worked its way down my cheek and another followed.

Megan's POV

When I got back to my bedroom, Joe had changed and was sitting on my bed. I noticed his eyes were slightly red, just like mine had been before I showered. I went over to him and sat on his lap and kissed him softly. "Come on," I smiled and stood up. Joe smiled and went over to the window. He smiled at me softly before climbing down the house. Once he was gone, I sighed. One more day...

I went downstairs and this time I didn't grab any toast. I had no appetite and I doubted Joe did either. When I walked up to him he didn't seem surprised that I didn't have any food with me like I normally did. He put his arm around my waist and we walked silently to the beach. We located Nick and Kevin and they both watched us as we approached and sat down next to them. "God," Nick said softly. "Looking at you two, you'd think someone died." I looked at him and then at Joe who was still looking at his brother.
"It's not the end of the world," Kevin said as he looked at the sea. "You'll see each other tomorrow morning and on Sunday evening, so really, it's just one night you'll be apart." I smiled slightly, but couldn’t manage to make it look convincing. They just didn't get it. No matter how long we were apart, it would still feel like an eternity.

The rest of the day we spent on the beach sunbathing or swimming. We didn't say much, we just soaked in each other's company. At 7 o'clock my alarm went as usual. Joe walked me back and I tried to keep my tears at bay the whole time. At my gate I turned to Joe and looked up into his beautiful brown eyes. "I'll be back later," he said softly and I smiled softly and nodded. Neither of us knew what to say but we didn't make any move to pull away from each other. Joe closed his eyes as he leant his forehead against mine. My eyes closed as well. I felt Joe's lips pressed tenderly against mine and then he was gone, walking away back to the beach. Tears started running down my cheeks and I ran inside and up to my room and cried into my pillow. I looked at the teddy Joe had won me at the fun fair less than a month ago and felt my heart tighten. I hugged it tightly as more tears flowed. Why was it so unfair?

I heard my door open and close and I looked up. Both Chris and Jesse were there. I stood up and went over to Chris and hugged him tightly and cried into his shirt. I felt Jesse's arms go round us as well and despite feeling comforted, I still cried. I pulled back after a long while and looked up at them. "Megan, as unlikely as this sounds," Jesse said softly. "You will see him again. Trust me."
"Come on, Meg, you know you'll see him again. I'll even pay for your flight," Chris smiled and I smiled weakly.
"It's just not fair," I whispered and they both nodded.
"I know, sweetie," Jesse said softly and brushed a tear off my cheek.
"We could have had an extra two days," I said softly and they nodded again.
"Kids, dinner!" mum shouted from downstairs and I frowned.
"Can you tell her I'm not hungry? I just want to be alone," I said and they both nodded.
"It's going to be okay, Megan," Chris said. I didn't reply and they both left silently. I went back over to my bed and got changed into my shorts and vest and then sat staring at the window, waiting for Joe's face to appear there.

Exactly 48 minutes later, Joe appeared at my window. I smiled and opened it and Joe climbed in. He frowned at me slightly and gently traced his fore finger underneath my eyes. I realised that they were probably very red and swollen from my crying. I didn't say anything as I led him to the bed and we lay down next to each other. I put my hand under his shirt on his back and closed my eyes trying to remember the feel of his skin. I felt Joe's hand on my stomach, under my vest. Joe kissed me softly and tenderly and then deepened the kiss and rolled over me. Despite how much they cared, Jesse and Chris could never compare to the feeling of security, safety and comfort I had when Joe held me. My fingers worked without me realising and soon Joe was shirtless. I ran my hands all over his perfect chest. After a long while, Joe pulled back. "We should stop," he whispered and I nodded, even though I didn't want him to stop. I cuddled into Joe's chest but couldn’t get to sleep. I knew Joe was still awake, too, by the short, shallow breaths he was taking.