Why Does The Dream End?

Number 33

Joe's POV

That was, without a doubt, the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I drove back to the hotel in London, wiped the tears from my cheeks, and then went inside. God, there had never been a point in my life where I regretted being who I was as much as I did right now. I went straight to my room, Kevin, Nick, Rachel and Tony and Brian knew not to talk to me and so let me walk passed them. I knew Kevin and Nick were sorry for me, they too had grown to like Megan over the last month and they would miss her as well, just not as much as me. I hated hurting Megan like that, I hated that I couldn’t stay with her, I hated that she couldn’t come with me. But there was nothing I could do. I looked at my suitcases on my bed, glared at them really, and then went and picked them up. I went to the main room where Nick and Kevin were sitting, talking quietly. They stopped as soon as they saw me, not mastering subtlety. "How you doing?" Kevin asked softly. I looked at him but didn't reply, I don’t think he really expected an answer.
"You'll see her again, Joe," Nick said, smiling slightly. I looked at him and then sat down in an armchair. Will I? Will I ever see her again? I could see her whenever I do a tour in England, but other than that...when is there? Her parents wanted her to go to university, not go off to America to see the boy she disobeyed their orders for...

But I had to keep positive. I couldn’t let myself sink so low. I had to believe I would see her again. There was a knock on the door and I felt my heart sink. We all stood, grabbed our bags and headed out of the hotel and to the airport. Stay positive, stay positive, stay positive, I chanted to myself.

Megan's POV

10.18, he would be in the air by now. I swallowed and kept working in the kitchen of the cafe. Chris had come by at 9.30 to see Jesse and he been shocked to see me there. "What are you doing here?" he stopped when Jesse shook his head violently. I ignored the looks between Jesse and Chris and the quick kiss hello they shared. Joe and I had agreed that me going to the airport with him would be too hard. Neither of us wanted that.

I worked with Jesse and Chris in the cafe until about 3.30. Jesse was right, it did distract me from thinking about Joe, but he was always there, in the back of my mind. I went home after working, conviction in my heart. I didn't like lying to my parents and it was time to tell them the truth. After all, they'd want to know why I was out all night and why I was so upset.

I got home and went inside. Despite the note telling them I was staying with Jesse all night, I knew they would have been worried. I went into the living room and mum looked up and did a double take. "Meg, what's wrong!?" she exclaimed. I frowned slightly, I didn't think I looked that bad, but apparently I did.
"I need to talk to you guys," I said and dad turned to look at me. He noticed the seriousness of my face and turned the television off.
"What is it, honey?" he asked and I sat down in an armchair heavily.
"Um..." I said hesitantly. "You know at the beginning of the holiday, when I went to that concert? And you said because of that I had to get a job...?" They were both frowning but they nodded as well. I then proceeded to tell them the truth. I had met Joe Jonas and he asked me to show him around. I didn't have a job at the cafe, Jesse and Chris had been lying about it. I quickly defended them both by telling my parents that I did something for them in return and so it was just payback. I told them that I had never stayed with Jesse for that weekend, that I had gone to London with the brothers. And lastly, I told them that I was in love with Joe, completely and irrevocably, and he had gone back to California this morning and I felt like I was dying inside.

My parents listened without interrupting but I could see how angry they were, how disappointed. "Go to your room," mum said when I finished. "Your father and I are going to talk about this for a while. Don't go anywhere." I nodded and stood up. Where would I go? I had nowhere to go anymore...I would have originally gone to Joe, but I couldn’t do that anymore. I wasn’t worried about the punishment my parents would give me. If I was lucky, they would lessen the punishment because I had told them the truth, admittedly late but still, and because I was already suffering from the loss of Joe, and even my dad had noticed how upset and heartbroken I'd looked.

I was called downstairs about 2 hours after my confession. I didn't really care what they told me I had as a punishment, I'd lost Joe, there's nothing worse that could happen to me. I walked into the living room and mum and dad were both standing, facing the door waiting for me to come in. "We're not going to say we're not disappointed in you, because we are," mum said. "But you told us the truth and we can see how much pain you're in. We are going to insist that you get a proper summer job and are home by dinner every evening. We want you to start focusing on your future, on universities rather than chasing boys. We want you to start taking responsibilities for your future." I nodded and a voice in my head told me I was getting off easy but I didn't care either way.
"Ok," I said softly with no tone. They both looked at me, concern in their eyes.
"Honey, are you okay?" mum asked. I looked at her, tears brimming in my eyes. I shook my head and moved forward and hugged her. I didn't cry, I'd gotten most of my tears out, the rest I wanted to do on my own. Mum hugged me tightly and then dad moved to us and wrapped his arms around us as well. I couldn’t help but let a few tears run down my cheeks and I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop them. I pulled back and took a deep breath and smiled weakly. I didn't say anything as I pulled out of their arms and went back to my room.

For the next month I worked in the cafe with Jesse. I didn't think about Joe...who am I kidding? I didn't stop thinking about him. I couldn’t do anything without thinking about him. Every time I see something we did together I was instantly reminded of the time we had had together. I was reminded of the fact that I couldn’t see him, couldn’t hold his hand, couldn’t kiss him. True to his word, Joe phoned everyday at 9.30 at night. We talked for hours, sometimes until past midnight or until I fell asleep while still on the phone. It was only 3pm in California when it was midnight here. The time difference made things hard, but we always talked for at least 3 hours every day. I looked forward to 9.30 all throughout the day. A month after he'd gone I told Joe I had admitted all my lies to my parents and he was pleased but had become somewhat quieter when I told him that they said I had to focus on getting into university now. He'd sounded like he was interested, and he probably was, but there was something else...something he wasn’t telling me. "Joe, what is it?" I asked him after going on about how my parents wanted me to be responsible.
"Nothing...I just...I'd wanted you to come over here...but if you have to go to uni then I don’t think you'd be able to..." I smiled despite his sad tone.
"You wanted me to come over there?" I smiled and I heard Joe laughed softly.
"Yeah, we're recording at the moment, but I need to see you," he said. "I thought you could come over here when the summer's finished and you don’t have to work anymore."
"Really?" I squealed and he laughed properly this time.
"Yes," he said. "I miss you."
"I miss you, too," I said softly. "I'll see if I can come...I might be able to convince my parents..." He sighed heavily and I knew he was thinking the same as me. I'd lied a lot to my parents, I doubted they would let me go to America to see my boyfriend.

Nevertheless, the next morning I told them that Joe had invited me over after the summer. They both looked at each other and then back at me and I knew what was coming before they said it. "Honey," mum said. "Don't get angry, but we...don't think that...Joe is the right person for you..." My mouth dropped open. Okay, that I hadn’t been expecting.
"What!?" I cried. "How can you say that!? You don’t know him! He loves me and I love him. He's more right for me than anyone else will ever be!"
"Honey," mum said again. "He's...a rock star. He won't...um...be the type of boy you need. They're all the same. Do you read magazines or newspapers or watch television? They have tons of girls all at the same time..."
"No!" I screamed. "Joe isn’t like that! He's nothing like that. He's a real person and he loves me!"
"Megan-" dad started.
"No!" I shouted and ran from the room and from the house and to the cafe.
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