Why Does The Dream End?

Number 34

Megan's POV

I burst into the room and went over and sat with Chris who was on his own at a table in the corner. I plopped into a seat, anger still simmering inside me. How dare they? How could they say that when they'd never met Joe? God, at that moment I hated them. "Morning, sunshine," Chris said, trying not to smile at my obvious anger. I looked up at him and glared at him. He was taken back temporarily and then realised that I was upset for a reason. "What's happened?" he asked and I sighed.
"Joe invited me to go over to California," I said and he grinned.
"That's good, isn’t it?" he asked and I nodded.
"Yeah, that part is, but I asked mum and dad and they said that Joe wasn’t the right person for me and that he's just like all famous people, working their way through girls. They won't let me go."
"Ah," he sighed sadly. We were silent for a long while and then he sighed. "Meg, just go."
"What?" I asked him, shocked.
"Mum and dad don’t know what they're talking about. I've met him and I've seen how much he loves you. I give you my permission to go to him. Besides, your nearly 19, you should be able to make these decisions for yourself," he said lightly. I looked at him for a long while. Could I go on my brother's permission rather than my parents'? Hell yes, I could. I squealed in delight and jumped up and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you!" I said, hugging him tighter.
"Hey, what's going on?" a voice behind me asked and I stood up and hugged Jesse just for the hell of it.
"I'm going to California!" I cried and he grinned at me.
"Aw, it's so romantic," Jesse sighed and stood next to Chris who had stood up as well. "You have to be the best big brother in the world." Chris shrugged.
"Making up for bad parents," he said. "So, we're officially even now, right?" I grinned and nodded.
"We're definitely even," I smiled and hugged them both again.
"I love you guys," I said and they both grinned.
"We love you, too," Jesse grinned and pecked me on the cheek before going to the counter where a group of girls were standing. I saw them all get flustered when Jesse walked over to them. I couldn’t help but laugh.
"That never stops being amusing," Chris smiled as he watched the girls ogling his boyfriend. I smiled and watched Chris walk over to Jesse and grab his bum and kiss him softly. I bit my lip to stop from laughing at the disappointed looks on the girls' faces. Once they had walked off I went over to Chris and Jesse.
"You're shameless," I smiled at Chris who shrugged.
"What?" Jesse asked cluelessly.
"I believe your boyfriend was jealous of the drooling girls," I smirked and Chris shrugged.
"Aww," Jesse grinned and hooked his finger through Chris's belt loop and pulled him closer. He whispered something in Chris's ear, which made Chris blush and grin. Before they could start on a full out make out session I cleared my throat. They turned to me and Chris moaned.
"This better be good," he said and I couldn’t help but laugh.
"You have a customer," I pointed out and saw Jesse bite back a groan of irritation before he went off to serve a middle aged woman, dressed in all purple. I turned back to Chris who was watching Jesse and biting his lip as his eyes travelled up and down the body in front of him. "Chris," I said loudly to get his attention. "Will you help me? I need to book a flight and hide it from mum and dad." Chris shook himself and dragged his eyes, clearly reluctantly, away from Jesse.
"Yeah, I'll help you," he smiled and I grinned.

Joe's POV

I needed to see her so badly. Sitting on the beach looking at the picture of us from the London Eye isn’t making living without her any easier. She said she'd talk to her parents about her coming over but I knew it wasn’t going to happen. Her parents would never let her fly to America to meet a boy they've never met before. God, how I wished things were different. I wished she was American, or I wished we spent more time in England. I looked down into the picture in my hands. The corners had curled slightly due to the number of times I'd looked at it, but it never lost its importance to me. It was one of my few links to Megan.

I heard a familiar clicking sound right behind me and I spun round. "Can you tell me who the girl is?" a girl who didn't look much older than me asked, lowering a camera. My eyes widened. She'd gotten a picture of me and Megan kissing. I stood up and faced her.
"No," I said and she smiled.
"You might as well, the magazine I sell this picture to will come up with something..." she said and her lips lifted into a small smirk. "Or, you could trade for it..."
"How much do you want?" I asked her, angry that she was blackmailing me, but desperate to protect Megan from the world of magazines and jealous, stupid girls. Much like the one in front of me.
"I don’t want any money," she said as she looked at me.
"Well, what do you want?" I asked her and she smiled at me.
"Anything?" she asked and I nodded.
"Yes, anything," I agreed quickly. She paused slightly and looked down at the picture in my hand. I gripped it harder. Her eyes returned to mine.
"You love that girl?" she asked and I nodded. "Kiss me like you'd kiss her." I froze.
"What?" I asked and she stood calm and serious.
"I want you to kiss me as though you were kissing her. And you have to mean it," she said. I looked at her and then thought of Megan. I would never do this in a million years for anyone else, but for Megan, to protect Megan, I would.
"Alright," I said reluctantly.
"You'll do it?" she asked and I could see and hear the surprise. I nodded.
"But not now," I said and she frowned. "Meet me here tomorrow at two a.m."
"Two a.m.?" she asked.
"I don’t want an audience," I said and she nodded understanding.
"Ok," she said and then walked away. I sat back down on the sand and sighed. I looked at the picture and at Megan's face.
"I'm so sorry," I whispered.
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