Why Does The Dream End?

Number 35

Megan's POV

Chris and Jesse had done what they'd said. They'd helped me, Chris had booked me a flight and Jesse said he would drive me there. The departure time was 6.30 p.m. tomorrow. I had been shocked to have a flight straight away, but beyond excited. I had packed all of my clothes away the evening before. Chris had come to check on me, smiling. "All ready?" he asked and I grinned.
"Thank you, Chris," I smiled and he nodded.
"Anytime, sis," he smiled back.

So, the next day, I found myself in the airport at the security gate, waiting to board. I turned to Chris and Jesse and smiled at them. They both hugged me tightly and I smiled. "I'll see you, I guess," I said.
"Phone me when you get there," Chris said. "Or I'll be worrying about you forever and mum and dad will kill me even more."
"If they try to kill you, just tell them it was all my idea," I said and Chris smiled.
"They'll still be angry with me," Chris said.
"You might want to bring up you sexuality then, as well. If their angry with you, you might as well get it all out there," Jesse smiled and nudged Chris with his elbow. I knew that Jesse wanted Chris to tell everyone so that he and Jesse didn't have to hide anymore, but if I were Chris I wouldn’t want to tell them I was gay.
"I'll tell them when all this about Meg has blown over," he said, looking into Jesse's eyes.
"I'll hold you to that," Jesse said and Chris nodded. "Anyway, good luck with Mr Jonas," Jesse said as he turned to me.
"Thanks," I smiled. Just then an announcement was made telling all those on the flight to California to board now. I hugged my brother and his boyfriend one more time and then got on the plane.

A fifteen hour flight isn’t the most interesting or fun thing in the world. I couldn’t even phone Joe to tell him I was coming because phones were a big 'no no' on a flight. I read for a few hours and then I slept. I would be arriving in California at about 1.30 a.m. if there weren’t any delays. I had no idea where to go to find Joe, but I knew I would start with the beach he'd told me so much about. If he wasn’t there, which wasn’t likely at 2 in the morning, then I'd phone him.

About 10 hours after falling asleep, I was woken by the captain's voice on the overhead system. "We will be arriving in California in about 10 minutes; the temperature is currently 18 degrees centigrade or 64 degrees Fahrenheit. We hope you enjoy your visit to 'the sunshine state.'" With that, the flight hostesses took their seats and the seatbelt sign blinked on. Excitement flitted through my stomach, I was going to see Joe soon. After over a month of not seeing him, I would be in his arms within the hour.

Joe's POV

It was 1.45 and the girl wasn’t here yet. I knew I'd said 2 a.m. but she should still be here by now. I just wanted to get this over with. I didn't want to feel like I was betraying Megan, even though I knew I was. It killed me inside, knowing I was going to have to kiss some girl I didn't know rather than kissing Megan. I wasn’t sure whether I should tell Megan. I wanted to be open and honest with her, but I was scared it would hurt her too much. And hurting her was the last thing I wanted to do. I had phoned her once at about 10 o'clock but her phone had been turned off. That was the first day I had gone without talking to Megan and I was feeling the loss. I needed her voice, to hear her laughter. She kept me strong.

I looked up again and saw a figure was walking towards me. I clenched my hands into fists, baring the weight of what it was I had agreed to do. I hated myself right at that moment. Megan was perfect, the most amazing girl I had ever met, and here I was scarring our relationship...

Megan's POV

After grabbing my bag and heading outside, I found a taxi. Despite the hour, there were still dozens of them parked outside. I climbed into on and gave the name of the beach Joe had told me about. The driver nodded and started driving. I knew it was a long shot that Joe would be there, but I felt like I should try. It was the place he'd told me to go to if I was ever in California. And now I was here, I felt I should head there. I was determined to see him as soon as possible. I climbed out of the car and held my bag over my shoulder. I walked closer to the sand after paying the driver and then a grin spread over my face. He was there, his shape illuminated by the round moon. However, before I cried out his name, I saw what he was doing, who he was with.

Joe's POV

"Kiss me like you'd kiss her," the girl said, "and you can have your photo back." I clenched my teeth. I knew if I just pecked her on the lips she wouldn’t give me the photo, it had to be convincing. I closed my eyes, thinking about Megan. I opened my eyes and suddenly the girl standing in front of me was Megan. In my gut I knew it wasn’t, but I had to get this over with. I stepped closer to her and kissed her passionately and with all of my love, as though it was Megan. I pulled away and the girl was back, her cheeks flushed, her eyes shut. I glared at her. I felt awful, I had betrayed Megan. The girl then opened her eyes and looked at me. No, she was looking behind me, her mouth open in surprise. I turned round and my heart stopped beating.
"Megan...?" I whispered. She'd seen. Even from this distance I could see the hurt and pain on her face. Then she turned away and ran. "Megan! Wait!" I shouted. "Megan!" I spun back to the girl and she mutely passed me a memory card. I didn't say anything, just ran away from her after Megan. I had to find her. I had to.

Megan's POV

I couldn’t see where I was going due to the tears in my eyes; I just knew I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t face him. I pulled out my mobile and phoned Kevin. "Meg?" he asked when the line connected.
"What's your address?" I asked quickly, through my tears.
"What? Why? Are you okay?" he asked.
"Tell me your address!" I cried and he did. I quickly got to the road and hailed a taxi. The driver gave me a wary look but then I gave him the address and he started driving. We got there quickly, only about 5 minutes drive. I chucked money at the driver before running out of the taxi and to the door of the apartment building. I rang Kevin's number and he immediately buzzed me up. I ran up the stairs and then he was there, standing in his door way.
"Megan? What's wrong? What are you doing here?" he asked but I ignored the questions and just ran over to him and hugged him, needing someone to comfort me. I sensed he was uncomfortable but then he relaxed and hugged me back. We went into his apartment and I sensed it was nice even though I didn't take the time to look around. I kept seeing it happen in my head. More tears ran down my cheeks. "Megan, what is it?" he asked desperately. I looked up at him and saw concern deep in his eyes.
"Joe-" A knock at the door interrupted me and I froze.
"One sec," Kevin muttered and then went to the door. It was Joe, I knew it. How was I going to get out? I looked around and saw another door going into a kitchen. The apartment had doors joining all the rooms, I could go round in a circle. "Joe? What the hell is going on?" Kevin asked and I quickly stood up, leaving my bag. He already knew I was here, no point pretending I wasn’t. I went into the kitchen as I heard their footsteps getting nearer to the living room, the room I had just been in.
"Where is she?" Joe asked him from the other room and I made my dash for the door. I slammed it by accident as I shut it behind me so I ran down the stairs and back outside.

I hailed down another taxi and jumped in it. I looked out my window and saw Joe running towards me. "Drive, fast," I said to the driver and he pulled away from the curb just in time.
"Where to?" he asked and I sighed. I had no idea. I pulled my phone out of my pocket again and phoned the only other person I knew in California.
"Nick?" I said softly when the line connected.
"Megan?" he asked and I couldn’t help but sniff as I tried to hold back more tears.
"Nick, I need help," I cried, unable to stop them.
"What? What's wrong? Where are you?" he asked.
"California," I said miserably.
"Oh, my God," he said. "What's wrong?"
"What's your address?" I asked him and he told me and I recited it to the driver and he nodded and headed in that direction. "Can you meet me outside your place? I just need to talk to you."
"Sure," he said and I could hear the worry in his voice.
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