Why Does The Dream End?

Number 36

Megan's POV

About 15 minutes later I pulled up outside a large, cream house with metal gates. Before I got out of the car I said, "can you wait? I'll only be a second." The driver smiled and nodded, seeing that I was more than upset. I went up to the gates and stood there looking at the house.
"Megan?" I heard Nick say from the corner. The gates opened a fraction, just enough for him to slip through. I smiled and hugged him. He wasn’t as hesitant as his brother, he hugged me back straight away. I pulled back and sighed as I wiped the tears from my cheeks.
"Goodbye, Nick," I smiled slightly and he frowned.
"What? You only just got here," he said quickly and I nodded. "What happened?" I stayed quiet. "Megan?" he said desperately. I didn't reply but I pulled a ring from my thumb.
"Give this to him, will you?" I said and put it in his hand. He frowned more and looked at me sadly. "I'm going to book a flight for tomorrow. Do you know where I can stay tonight? A hotel?" He nodded.
"Yeah, I'll phone ahead and book you a room in my name okay?" he said and I nodded. He then told the name of the hotel to the driver, who nodded.
"Thanks, Nick," I smiled sincerely.
"Sure," he said and I hugged him again. I would miss Nick, I really would.
"Bye," I said softly and he nodded but didn't reply. I then got into the car and was driven to one of the poshest hotels I have ever seen.

Joe's POV

I got to the house just as I saw a taxi pulling away. I saw Nick standing at the gates. "Nick! Tell me where's she's going!" I shouted as I ran up to him.
"What did you do?" he glared at me, and I admit I was thrown off temporarily. It was rare for Nick to get angry.
"Please," I said softly. He frowned and held out his hand. I felt my heart nearly die at the sight. I picked up my ring and closed my eyes.
"She's going home," Nick said softly. I looked away from him as tears grouped in my eyes. It was one thing for him to see me upset, it was another for him to see me crying. "But..." Nick sighed and I spun round in hope. Nick looked pained as he spoke. "But, she is staying here tonight. She said she'd book a flight for tomorrow."
"Where is she? Please, Nick. Please," I begged and he sighed in defeat and told me the name of the hotel. And like that, I felt hope kindle in my chest. I could stop her leaving. I hugged him and then jumped back into my car and sped away.

Megan's POV

True to his word, Nick had a room reserved in the hotel. The man behind the desk smiled at me, rather suspiciously as I asked for a room under Nick Jonas's name (the fact I had bright red eyes probably didn't help) but he smiled and gave me the key. "Number 286," he said and I nodded and thanked him before heading to the room. I went in and sat on the bed and stared at the floor. I pulled out my phone again and my plane ticket, which had been in my pocket. I phoned the number written on it and spoke to the information desk. I told them I needed a flight back to England. Tomorrow. They told me there were spaces on the flight for 8 a.m. My chest tightened but I told them I'd need a ticket. After securing my place on that flight, I dialled my home number.
"Hello?" came my mum's cheery voice and tears came back to my eyes and rolled down my cheeks.
"Mum," I said between my sobs. "Please don't say I told you so. Please." I listened to her words that were meant to be sympathetic, but underneath I could hear that she'd known this would happen all along.

Joe's POV

I ran into the hotel and straight up to the receptionist, ignoring comments about how I was acting. "Nick Jonas's room," I said to the man. "What number is it?"
"I'm afraid I can't tell you that sir," the man said and I groaned in frustration.
"I'm his brother, it's ok," I said.
"Do you have identification?" the man asked and I ground my teeth to stop myself from yelling at him. I took my ID out of my pocket and he looked it over and eventually nodded. "Room 286." I didn't even thank him before I ran off to find Megan.

I got to the door but froze before I could knock. I heard her heartbreaking cries from the other side of the door. "...Don't say I told you so. Please," she sobbed and all my initial plans died away. I'd hurt her so much. I leant against the wall next to her door and slid down as I listened to her conversation. My heart slowly broke with every word she uttered. "I know," she said to whoever she was talking to. "I found him...he-" she stopped when her voice cracked. "I do, but he...I..." I wish she'd finish a sentence so I could try to follow. "I'm getting a flight home tomorrow, mum. Don't worry." That was the first sentence she'd got out and it hurt me right down to my marrow. "Bye," she sighed. A moment later I heard her on the phone again. "Hey Jesse, hey Chris," she said miserably. She sighed again before speaking, "I woke up..." I frowned but then remembered the day in the aquarium.

"it's like a dream." Megan had said and I'd felt my heart leap. "A good dream?" I'd asked smiling and she had grinned and nodded. "Yes," she'd smiled. "I never want to wake up." "You're never going to," I'd whispered back before kissing her.

She'd woken up. I felt tears pricking in my eyes. How could I have been such an idiot? Why did I tell that girl to meet me in the one place I told Megan I'd be if she ever came here...? Why had I even done it in the first place...? "No..." I heard Megan say. "I'm coming home tomorrow...I can't stay here, Chris...He didn't have to...Yeah, bye." She stopped talking for a while and it was all silent. Then her phone rang. She waited a long time to answer it and I guessed she was debating with herself as to whether she should answer it or not. She finally sighed. "Please, don’t," she said softly. "No, he's not here..." she said weakly and then she sighed. I tensed. "Kevin, I don’t want to hear this, I saw everything." Kevin had phoned her? "Please, Nick, don’t, I've booked the flight for tomorrow, I'm going home. It was stupid of me coming out here." There was a long pause and finally she choked out, "J-Just tell me, did he...at the time...did he m-mean it?" I wanted to knock down the door to tell her I meant it and it's still true now. "Don't," she barely whispered. "Don't!" she shouted and then there was a crash. I looked under the door and saw her mobile in pieces in the corner of the room. I then heard Megan break down and start crying, sobbing. The sound was like a thousand daggers to my heart. And yet, I still didn't go in to her. I realised tears were on my cheeks and I quickly wiped them away. Megan's sobs were muffled and I guessed she was crying into a pillow. I gritted my teeth as thoughts flew through my head.

I had already been blackmailed once about Megan. How many more times would it happen? Megan wouldn’t be happy if she was on every teen magazine around the globe, publicising her relationship with me. Maybe the best thing for her... I stood up and gazed at her hotel door, tears in my eyes. "I love you," I whispered and then walked away.