Why Does The Dream End?

Number 37

Megan's POV

I felt like I cried all night, which I probably did. I know I didn't get any sleep. How could Joe do this? I thought he loved me? Nick had been convinced he would come and find me here, he told me that he'd told Joe where I was, but he hadn’t come. He didn't care. Obviously I was just some English fling. God, he must think I'm pathetic, coming half way round the world to see him. When I got home, I would look into universities like my parents wanted me to, I would do anything to stop myself thinking about him. At 6.30 I rolled off the bed and went to the door to my suite. I looked at my room. I had nothing now, my bag I had left at Kevin's, my phone was in pieces on my floor. I can't even remember why I'd done that. It wasn’t what Kevin and Nick had said, I think it was all just too overwhelming, they were claiming that Joe loved me still, that he was crazy about me, when I'd just seen something to contradict that.

I gave my key in at reception and then headed outside. I got in a taxi that was parked outside the hotel and told the driver to take me to the airport. "Were you here in holiday?" he smiled pleasantly.
"No, I don’t know why I came here," I said. The driver must have sensed the misery in my voice because he glanced at me curiously and then didn't say another word. We got to the airport about half an hour later and I smiled at the driver and gave him the last of my American dollars. I wasn’t going to need them. I went into the airport and over to the information desk, where they said they were holding my ticket. I showed them my passport, which I'd luckily kept in my pocket instead of putting back into my bag and they gave me the ticket. I then went to the security gate and went through without a problem, considering I had no luggage. I got a slightly weird look but I ignored it, I didn't care. I realised vaguely that I didn't care about anything anymore, now that I didn't have Joe.

I sat on a bench for an hour and a half and then they announced that my flight was boarding. I made my way to my terminal, miserably, and then found myself at the end of the long line of Americans going on holiday and English returning home. Slowly, the line moved forwards and slowly I got further away from Joe. And yet, my heart still ached for him. I gave my boarding pass to the woman standing at the gate. She smiled at me, I didn't return it. I took it back and was about to go through the door when a voice stopped me. "Megan Burns, stop right there." It was a voice on the overhead speaker. I turned round in shock and saw Kevin standing there. He was quickly joined by Nick, who had been the voice. "Megan, you can't leave," Nick said, his voice and eyes pleading.
"You have to talk to him, he's dying because of what happened," Kevin said.
"We know our brother, he wouldn’t do that to you," Nick said. "He loves you." I stared at them, unsure what to do.
"Miss, you have to board now," a voice behind me said and I turned to see the woman at the gate. I looked at the gate, then back at the brothers.
"He needs you, Meg," Kevin said.
"Then why isn’t he here? Why isn’t he the one stopping me from leaving?" I asked, my voice cracking several times.
"He's being stupid," Kevin said.
"He thinks he's protecting you," Nick said and his brother looked at him sharply.
"You should let Joe explain," Kevin said.
"Miss, you need to board," the woman said. I looked back between the two. My eyes landed on Nick. He looked so sad, so desperate, so pleading. I took a step towards him and his eyes brightened.
"I'll...stay," I said and I heard the woman behind me sigh impatiently and slam the gate shut. "Where is he?" I asked the brothers and they both grinned.
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short and sweet =]