Why Does The Dream End?

Number 38

Megan's POV

I climbed out of the taxi, afraid of what would happen if I looked back over the same beach. I turned back to Kevin and Nick but the taxi had been ordered to speed away. I sighed and braced myself for what I would see if I looked across the sand. I let my eyes scan over the golden grains and then they landed on a lone figure sitting half way down the beach. I felt my heart race and I started to make my way over to him.

I sat down beside him. He had his arms wrapped around his knees. He didn't seem to register my presence. I looked at him and saw a tear on his cheek. My eyes immediately filled with tears as well. "Joe?" I whispered and he sighed but didn't look away from the horizon.
"You stayed..." he whispered, awe in his voice. I looked at him for a while and tears spilled from my eyes. I looked away from him and at the horizon as well. We stayed quiet for a long time and eventually I sighed.
"Please tell me why," I whispered, my eyes staying on the water. Joe next to me uncurled from his position, he stretched his legs out in front of him and cleared his throat.
"You know that picture of us, when...we were kissing?" he asked me and I nodded, still looking at the sea. "I carry it everywhere with me." He then pulled a folded piece of card from his pocket and opened it to reveal him and me on the London Eye, kissing, completely unaware of the camera. "Someone took a picture of it when I was looking at it from over my shoulder. A girl. She said...that...if I wanted it back...I would have to kiss her. In the same way I would kiss you." I tore my eyes away from the horizon and looked at Joe. I met his eyes and knew immediately that he was telling the truth. "I'm so sorry, she was going to sell it to some magazine, I didn't want that to happen to you. I...I was..."
"Trying to protect me," I whispered. "Nick said that..." I thought for a second. "Did you come to the hotel?"
"Yes, I sat outside your room for ages, I wanted to go in, so badly, I heard you talking to your mum, to Jesse and Chris, and then to Kevin and Nick...then I heard you crying. It hurt me so much, but then, I realised that it would never end. People would always be wanting something to do with you if you had anything to do with me...I didn't want that sort of life for you." I looked at Joe for a long moment.
"I think," I said after a long pause. "That that is my choice. And I choose you." His head shot up when I finished talking. "I know that what you did...you did...because...you..." I trailed off, unsure whether what I had been about to say was right anymore.
"Because I love you," Joe said for me and I smiled.
"But, I love you too, so I don’t think it's fair of you to make that decision," I said and he nodded.
"I know...I just...I thought..." he sighed and I smiled slightly. I reached over and took his hand, the first contact we'd had in over a month, and lifted it and placed it around my waist.
"I'm staying with you, Joe," I whispered as I leant against his shoulder.
"I'll never let you go again," he whispered back as he kissed my forehead. We were silent for a while and then Joe spoke. "Do you think...you could be dreaming again?" I smiled and closed my eyes.
"No..." I said softly. "But I think reality is perfect." I looked up at him and he smiled down at me.
"I love you so much," he whispered.
"I love you, too," I whispered back and then he lowered his head to mine and kissed me.
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one chapter left.
its an epilogue, but very very long