Why Does The Dream End?

Number 4

Megan's POV

When I got home, my happy mood immediately fell. Mum and dad were standing in the hall, waiting for me. "Before you say anything, I thought I should tell you that I got a job," I said quickly, lying completely.
"You did?" mum asked and I nodded. "Where?"
"The cafe," I said. "Jesse said I could work there." Mum and dad were silent for a long while, just staring at me. They nodded and I went up to my room to get changed into a pair of camouflage crop trousers and a grey vest top. I went back down stairs and into the kitchen. My mum was cooking dinner. "Hey, mum," I said as I sat at one of the chairs around the table.
"Look, Meg, I know you were angry at us for not letting you go last night and for saying you have to take a summer job, but we were worried about you today," she said without turning around.
"I know," I said softly. "I'm sorry. I just...if I only had today as a holiday, I wanted to make the most of it." She nodded but didn't say anything else. I felt bad for lying to her but not bad enough to say anything. I was going to make this summer the best of my life, I was going to spend it with Joe. I smiled at the memory.
"What are you smiling at?" mum asked and I looked up at her, unable to get rid of the smile.
"Nothing," I smiled and then went out onto the patio and sat on the bench. I sat thinking of mainly Joe but then my thoughts turned to Jesse and Chris and whether they had said anything to each other. I wondered whether Chris was going to tell mum and dad first or whether he didn't care what they thought. I hoped they got together, once they did get together, I couldn’t see them breaking up. I wondered if Joe and I would have a relationship like that. I smiled at the thought. Then my smile faded, he would be going back to America in a month. I sighed, typical. I just had to make the most of now.

I heard the back door open and then Chris came out. I grinned at him but he just sat next to me. "I can't do it," he said sighing.
"You can," I insisted. "Today, as soon as I got there, the first thing he asked me was how you were. Then he got embarrassed when I said he should phone you to meet up. And when I made a kind of assumption that he liked you he got really defensive." I looked at Chris. "He really does like you. I promise." Chris sighed. "Can I have his mobile number?"
"Why?" he asked quickly. "You're not going to tell him are you?"
"Of course not," I smiled. "I swore not to. I just need to talk to him about something else."
"Ok," he said and then passed me his mobile. I copied Jesse's number from his phone to mine and smiled at him.
"Hey, seeing as I'm keeping your secret, can you keep mine?" I asked and he turned to me.
"What's yours?" he asked.
"I told mum I got a job in the cafe," I said softly. "Because she said I needed a job as a punishment for going to the concert."
"So...if you're not going to be working, where are you going to be?" Chris asked and I grinned.
"Heaven," I sighed, thinking of Joe again.
"Meg..." Chris said, his voice low.
"Ok," I said. "You're not going to believe this, but I met Joe Jonas. He wants to hang out with me." Chris just stared at me and then looked away.
"You're right, I don’t believe that," he said.
"Well, you can believe what you want, but I did and I'm meeting him instead of going to work," I said and Chris shook his head.
"If mum and dad find out..." he said.
"They won't," I said. "Please don’t tell them. I kept your secret for the last year, and to be honest, before that. I always had my suspicions..."
"Alright," he interrupted me and I grinned.
"You won't say anything?" I said and he sighed.
"I guess not," he said and I squealed and hugged him.
"Thank you," I smiled and he nodded.
"Kids, dinner," mum called and we went inside.

After dinner I went up to my room. I looked at my wardrobe, trying to decide what to wear. I didn't even know what we were doing and what I should wear. My phone rang then and my screen said it was an unknown caller. Apprehension bubbled in my stomach. "Hello?" I asked, a smile on my lips.
"Megan?" a very American voice asked and I grinned.
"Yeah, hey," I said as I sat on my bed.
"Hey," Joe said.
"So, what's up?" I said, and frowned at my attempt to sound calm. I heard him laugh softly and I knew he could tell what I was trying to do. "Are you laughing at me?"
"Me?" he asked, mock shocked. "No, never." I laughed and he did as well.
"So, what do you want to do tomorrow?" I asked him, amazed at how easy it was to talk to, and tease, him.
"Well, Nick wants to go to the aquarium," he said hesitantly. "Is that okay?"
"Yeah, sure," I smiled. "Won't you guys stand out though? I mean...you were there today, right? You can't go very far without having swarms of girls following you."
"That's part of the fun," a voice in the background said and I couldn’t help but laugh.
"Sorry," Joe said and I laughed again. "That was Nick. I didn't realise he was listening in."
"Ow! God, calm down..." Nick said again and I smiled.
"Stop eavesdropping!" Joe said and Nick said something but I couldn’t make it out and then I heard a door shut. "Sorry about that," Joe said and I laughed.
"No problem," I said. "So, I take it you're not worried about going out in public?"
"We can cope," he said and I could sense the smile on his lips. I smiled as well.
"Good to know," I said. Joe and I talked for a long time, when I looked at the clock I was beyond shocked. "Did you know we've been talking for 3 hours?"
"God, you're right," he said. "I guess I should let you get some sleep."
"What about you? Don't you need sleep?" I asked him and he laughed.
"I don’t need much sleep. I never have. I'll see you tomorrow, 9.30 at the cafe," he said, reminding me I needed to talk to Jesse.
"Yeah, I'll see you then," I smiled.
"Bye," he said.
"Bye," I replied and closed my phone and flopped down onto my bed, grinning idiotically to myself.

It was passed midnight and I knew I couldn’t phone Jesse now, I would just have to talk to him in the morning, before the boys got there. I changed into a pair of shorts and a white tank top and then got into bed and fell asleep, dreaming about Joe Jonas.

Joe's POV

I couldn’t help but grin stupidly as I walked back into the main room where Nick and Kevin were. I went over to Nick and hit him on the back of the head. "What?" he cried, standing up to face me.
"You just told the girl I like that we enjoy being chased by hordes or girls," I told him. "How could you not see something wrong with that?" I glanced at Kevin who was trying not to laugh as he fiddled with his guitar.
"God, I'm sorry," Nick said. "Besides she laughed. And it probably isn’t a secret that guys like girls' company..." I rolled my eyes at him.
"Just wait a while until you're...yourself around her. I want her to like me and I don’t want you to put her off," I said as I sat down in an armchair.
"I think she already likes you," Nick said. "Judging by the tone of voice, I could tell. And she has agreed to give up her summer to hang out with you."
"Oh, so you're such an expert now?" I asked him and he smirked and shrugged.
"I wouldn’t say an expert..." he said and I couldn’t help but laugh. It was too hard to stay annoyed at Nick.
"We're meeting her at 9.30 tomorrow," I told them and Kevin moaned.
"In the morning!?" he asked, appalled.
"No, you idiot, at night," Nick said and I smiled.
"Well then I'm going to sleep," Kevin said. "See you in the morning." He then got up and left the room.
"How are we going to dodge Rachel in the morning?" Nick asked me and I frowned. I went to the door and opened it and looked out. Rachel's room was opposite ours and Brian and Tony's, our bodyguards, were next to hers.
"We sneak," I said and Nick rolled his eyes.
"Genius plan, bro," he said as he stood up.
"Oh, shut up, what's your idea?" I said and he shook his head. "Exactly. We sneak."
"Fine, I'll see you in the morning," he said and went into his room.

I sat on the sofa. I looked at the time. God, I can't believe I had been on the phone with Megan for 3 hours. She was so easy to talk to. I smiled as I thought over everything we'd said to each other today. At 2 a.m. I went into my room. Even though I wasn’t tired, I climbed into bed. I lay there thinking about Megan and I fell asleep.