Why Does The Dream End?

Number 5

Megans'S POV

I had set my alarm for 7 a.m. and as soon as it went off I jumped out of bed and showered. I went back into my room and looked through my wardrobe. I found a denim skirt and then I put on a white vest top with pink butterflies on it. I found some white wedge shoes and I put on a white jacket even though I knew I'd take it off as it got hotter. I then blow dried my hair and did my makeup. I grabbed a white handbag and put in my purse and mobile. I went downstairs at 8.30 and wrote a note to my mum saying I had gone to work. Not once as I was writing the note did I feel guilty. I got to the cafe as Jesse was opening. He grinned at me and waved. I went inside and went up to the counter.

"Hey, Jesse, can I ask a favour?" I asked him and he frowned slightly but nodded. "Can you pretend to my parents that I'm working here for the summer?" He frowned again.
"Why?" he asked.
"Well, when I went to the Jonas Brothers concert, I kind of wasn’t allowed to go and I snuck out. But it was totally worth it. Anyway, they caught me and said I had to take a summer job because I went against what they said..." I rolled my eyes. "But, Joe wants to hang out with me and I really want to so I was wondering if you would please tell my parents, if they ask, that I'm working here..." Jesse sighed.
"I don’t know, I mean, what if they come looking for you?" he asked and I bit my lip.
"Jesse, please!" I begged. "I kept your secret, even though you don’t know it." Just then the door opened and Joe came in. I grinned and turned away from Jesse. However, Jesse grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him quickly.
"What secret?" he whispered. I smiled slightly and leant forward to whisper in his ear.
"You love Chris," I whispered and then pulled out of his grip and left the cafe with Joe. I didn't look back at Jesse, even though I desperately wanted to see his reaction.

As soon as we were outside the cafe I turned to Joe and smiled. "Morning," I smiled and he smiled back.
"Morning," he smiled. He was dressed in black skinny jeans and a plain red t shirt. He was also wearing sun glasses. He looked amazing.
"This is you blending in?" I asked him and he smiled slightly.
"Trust me, it will be fine," he said as he took my hand – such a casual move sent my heart racing. "People don’t look all that close. Especially when there are fish to focus on." I laughed and walked with him. "Kevin's driving." I looked at the front two seats and saw the two boys. Kevin, 2 years older than Joe and Nick, 3 years younger than him. I smiled at both of them and they grinned back. Joe opened the back door for me and I climbed in and Joe climbed in after me.
"Do you know where you're going?" I asked them and they laughed.
"Not at all," Kevin said as he started the car and pulled away from the curb. I laughed at them. "You have to direct."
"Can't you follow the signs?" I asked him and he scoffed.
"I could," he said. "But driving on the wrong side of the road is hard enough without having to read at the same time." I smiled slightly and looked at Joe who winked at me.
"Fair enough," I said. I directed him to the Aquarium, it only took about 20 minutes to get there and Kevin parked in the car park. We got out the car and then Joe introduced me to his brothers properly. I realised that he still hadn’t let go of my hand.
"Nick, Kevin, this is Megan," he smiled at me.
"Nice to finally meet you," Kevin smiled at me. "I thought Joe was imagining it for a while. He kept going on about a girl who he could never find..." Kevin shrugged and smirked at Joe.
"Thanks," Joe said and I smiled. "And I didn't keep going on-"
"Yeah, you did," Nick interrupted. Joe stayed quiet and I couldn’t help but laugh at them. "He wouldn’t stop going on about your eyes..." he paused and looked at me. "Which, I'll admit, are rather nice..." I blushed and Joe spoke up.
"Hey, back off," he said, but he was smiling. Nick just smirked at his brother and then looked around. "So, where to?"
"This way," I said softly, indicating the entrance to the aquarium from the car park. I got over my embarrassment and spoke, "You know, your accents are quite a giveaway..."
"We could not talk," Joe said then he came closer to me a whispered in my ear. "Or I could talk like this to you all day." I shivered, feeling his lips brushing my skin and I knew I was turning red.
"Joe, please," Nick said and I turned to him, smiling. "Save it for when you're alone." I blushed again and Nick smirked before going to catch up with Kevin. I looked up at Joe and smiled at him.
"You keep making me blush," I said softly and he smiled and nodded.
"I do," he agreed then he tilted his head slightly and looked down at me smiling. "You really do have beautiful eyes..." I smiled and looked down.
"Thank you," I said softly. He put his hand under my chin and tilted my head up to look at him. I gazed into his eyes and he gazed back.
"Hey!" someone behind me shouted, causing us to jump. "Are you coming or what?" We turned to see Nick grinning at us and then he disappeared through the door.
"I'm gonna kill that kid," Joe said, his voice low. I smiled and reached over and took Joe's hand in mine. He smiled down at me and we walked to where Nick had shouted from.

I had to admit that Joe was right. Not many people paid any notice to us. We were just like everyone else here. We walked through all the rooms, and I realised I'd forgotten how much I liked this place. I hadn’t been here in for years but it really was good. Joe didn't let go of my hand and I couldn’t help but smile the whole time. Joe led me to a bench that was against the wall in the shallow waters room. There was a tank behind us and we turned and looked in it. I grinned at the thought of where I was and who I was with. It was so surreal. I laughed to myself. "What are you laughing at?" Joe asked and I turned to him.
"Nothing, I was just thinking. I'm in an aquarium in Plymouth with the Jonas Brothers," I said, lowering my voice at the end. "It's so...it's like a dream."
"A good dream?" Joe asked smiling and I nodded.
"Yes," I smiled. "I never want to wake up."
"You're never going to," Joe whispered and then gently pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held my waist. I pulled back, smiling and looked at Joe. The water was reflecting on his cheek and I smiled at the way it made his cheek look like it was moving. I put my hand on his cheek and then looked up into his eyes, which were hidden by the sun glasses. I smiled and then leant back in and kissed him again. We pulled back again when we heard someone clear their throat next to us. I looked up and saw Kevin standing there.
"Rachel called, wanting to know where we were," he grinned. "She's in a dead panic."


I couldn’t help but be pleased we had gotten out in the morning and had evaded Rachel. "What did you tell her?" I asked Kevin.
"We were out," he smiled. I shook my head. Kevin didn't especially like Rachel. He found her too bossy, too strict. He thought it was ok for Nick, as he was younger, but found that on himself and me, it was just too extreme.
"Who's Rachel?" a voice next to me asked and I suddenly realised Megan was still next to me. Still as close as she had been when we had been kissing.
"Our tour manager," I told her and she nodded. I took hold of her hand and we stood up. I looked at my watch and saw it was about 1.30. "Lunch?" I asked and then realised Nick wasn’t with us. "Where's Nick?" I asked Kevin, who shrugged.
"I thought he was with you..." he said and I stared at him.
"You lost him?" I asked him.
"I..." he started but then sighed.
"It's ok," a soft voice next to me said. I turned to Megan, who, with one look, can calm my nerves. "It's ok, we'll find him. He wouldn’t have gone far. Does he have his phone on him?" I took out my mobile and phoned him.
"Hey, Joe," Nick said as the line connected.
"Where the hell are you," I said into the phone. I felt Megan's hand on my shoulder and I calmed down. "Nick, where are you?"
"I'm at the shark tank. What's wrong?" he asked. I sighed, my anger gone. I looked at Kevin and then at Megan who was smiling at me.
"Stay there," I said and then hung up. "He's at the shark tank."
"See, you didn't need to freak out," she smiled as she took my hand again and led Kevin and I to the shark room. "He's not an idiot. He wouldn’t run off." I smiled at her gratefully.
"We don’t really go out often," I said as Kevin went to get Nick. "We don’t normally have the responsibility of looking after him. That's Rachel's job."
"It's ok," she said calmly. "So, lunch?" I smiled down at her. She really was amazing. She was perfect. I felt my heart swell for her.
"Lunch," I agreed and we went over to Nick and Kevin. With her next to me I had enough will power not to yell at Nick.
"So where are we eating?" Kevin asked.
"There's a restaurant here, or there is a small cafe up the road," Megan said.
"Up the road," Kevin said and I agreed. If there were a lot of people around, they might recognise us.
"Do you want to come back here after?" I asked them and they all shrugged.
"Don't mind, what time is it?" Nick asked.
"About 1.45," I replied. "Is there anywhere else near here worth going to this afternoon?"
"Erm," Megan thought, "Not really."
"We might as well come back here then," Kevin said and Nick grinned.
"Cool," he said and I laughed.
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