Why Does The Dream End?

Number 8

Joe's POV

I watched her until she had disappeared into the darkness. "What happened?" a voice behind me asked. I turned round and saw Kevin and Nick.
"She had to get home," I said, not taking my eyes away from where she had been. "Her parents..." I looked away from the dark road and back at my brothers.
"We should get back too," Kevin said and I nodded. We walked back to the hotel slowly, I couldn’t stop thinking about Megan.

Megan's POV

I hadn’t wanted to leave Joe. Not at all. That had been the best day. I ran all the way home, I'd taken my shoes off and was carrying them. I wasn’t looking forward to getting home, mum was beyond angry. I got home and went into the kitchen where I knew mum and dad would be waiting. I approached the door slowly but someone grabbed my arm before I could. "Meg, Jesse told them you left the cafe at 6," Chris said in a whisper. "He told them you left with a boy." I nodded and smiled. Then I went into the kitchen.
"Megan!" mum cried when she saw me.
"I'm sorry I didn't call," I said. "I honestly lost track of time."
"Have you any idea how worried we were!? We phoned Jesse and he said you left but you didn't come home! We had no idea where you were. He said you went off with a boy but he didn't know where you were going!" mum said and I nodded.
"I know, I'm sorry," I said. "I met a boy and we went to the fair. I didn't realise what the time was. I was having such a good time I just wasn’t paying attention."
"Alright," mum sighed. I frowned, she was letting me off? "Just phone next time ok?" I nodded and smiled.

I grabbed an apple and went up to my room. I took my mobile out of my bag and phoned Jesse. "Hello?" he said.
"Hi, Jesse, it's Megan," I said.
"Oh, hey," he said and I could tell he was angry.
"I'm sorry about my parents," I said softly.
"Oh, no problem, I just had to lie through my teeth for you, Meg! I was worried about you. I had no idea where you were! And your parents kept asking questions and I had no idea what to do!"
"I know, I'm sorry," I said. "I'll make it up to you."
"How?" he scoffed.
"Um..." I stopped myself before I told him anything about Chris. "I don’t know but I will, I promise."
"Sure," he said. "I've got to go. I'll see you."
"Right," I said softly. "Bye." The line cut then and I sighed. Great. I didn't want Jesse to be mad at me. I phoned Joe next.
"Hey," he said when the line connected.
"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier," I said.
"Don't worry about it," he said. "Is everything ok?"
"Yeah, it's fine actually," I said.
"You sound surprised," he noticed and I laughed.
"I am. My parents are beyond strict," I told him. "I was expecting them to say I wasn’t allowed out at night..."
"It's a good thing they didn't," Joe said and I could hear him smiling.
"Yeah, definitely," I smiled.
"So, tomorrow," he said and we got into a discussion about what we were going to do. I smiled as I talked to him and I fell back and lay on my bed. Despite Jesse being angry at me, I was happy.

Two weeks passed and we had run out of places for us to go in Plymouth so we were just sitting on the beach. "We could go up to London," Nick said and I thought about that. We could go to London.
"But it's like a 4 hour drive," Kevin moaned.
"We could get the train," I said. "It takes the same amount of time but you don’t have to drive." I smiled at Kevin who grinned.
"Yeah, we could do that," he agreed.
"But, that means we would spend 8 hours travelling, that takes up most of the day," Joe said and I had to agree. Even if we left at 6 in the morning, we wouldn’t get there until midmorning, and we'd have to leave by about 4 in case my parents got angry. That wasn’t enough time.
"We could stay up there for a weekend," Nick said and I bit my lip. How was I going to get around that...? I looked at Joe who smiled at me, knowing what I was thinking.
"Jesse," I said softly and they all looked at me. "I'll ask Jesse to cover for me." Nick and Kevin smiled but Joe was more wary.
"You think he will?" he asked and I frowned slightly. He wasn’t happy about lying to my parents about me working there...but if I could do something for him then he might...
"I have an idea," I smiled and stood up and brushed off the sand. "I'll be back," I said to Joe and kissed him lovingly before going back to the cafe. I already knew the people I needed to talk to would be there.
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ok, i dont want to be one of those people who says, 'i want blah number of comments before i post the next chapter' because i'm writing this story because i love it
but i would really like to know what u think.
it honestly doesnt take long to comment!
if u comment i'll love u forever!
i <3 natattackk!