Why Does The Dream End?

Number 9

Joe's POV

We were halfway through the month. We only had two weeks left, but if they're like the two weeks that have just gone then I knew I would be happy. Rachel had agreed to let us go out on our own after the first few days when she realised we could manage without drawing attention to ourselves. She wasn’t happy about it but she knew she couldn’t convince us to take Brian or Tony along with us so she just let us go.

I couldn’t get Megan out of my head, every thought was about her. I knew that when I had to leave it would nearly kill me, but I had to keep positive, know I would see her again. If she couldn’t come to America I would come here. I didn't care about anything else, I just cared about her. I loved her.

Megan's POV

As I went quickly back to the cafe I was praying that Jesse wouldn’t hate me for what I was about to do. If Chris responded in the way I thought he would I knew Jesse wouldn’t be mad, but if Chris suddenly got uncomfortable then... I got to the cafe and caught my breath before going in and finding Chris at the counter with Jesse. They were standing very close to each other but they both seemed unaware of it. I went straight up to them and they jumped apart. "Hey," Chris said. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk to you two," I said and I looked at Jesse. His eyes narrowed and he frowned, trying to think about what I was going to do.
"Jesse, Chris is your best friend, right?" I asked him and he frowned more before answering.
"Yes, of course," he replied.
"And Chris? Jesse is your best friend?" I asked my brother.
"Yeah, why?" Chris replied, turning his back on Jesse and glaring at me.
"I was just thinking, you're best friends, surely you shouldn’t have secrets from each other?" I said and they looked at each other and then looked away. They were both blushing. I knew Jesse was more likely to admit to Chris than Chris to Jesse so I started with him. "Jesse?" I asked him and his eyes shot up to me. He shook his head warningly at me but I continued. "Do you want to tell Chris anything? Anything at all?" I asked him and Chris frowned at me along with Jesse.
"I..." Jesse stammered. Then he sighed and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again he seemed to have new conviction as he turned to Chris. "I know you're straight, but I can't help it. I love you. I know this will completely muck-" He was interrupted when Chris closed the gap between them and kissed Jesse. I stood there in shock. That, I'll admit, I wasn’t expecting. Chris pulled back after a short while and leant his forehead against Jesse's.
"I love you, too," he whispered and I grinned. Jesse kissed Chris again, more passionately and Chris returned it. I waited for them to finish but it didn't look like they were going to. I cleared my throat loudly and they pulled apart.

They both grinned at me. "That was very risky," Jesse said and I shrugged.
"I was sick of waiting for one of you to make a move," I smiled at them.
"Wait, you knew he was...?" Jesse asked, frowning as he looked at me and then Chris. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I asked her not to," Chris said softly. He reached out and took Jesse's hand and smiled at him.
"Why?" Jesse asked.
"I-" Chris started but I interrupted.
"Look, guys, you can talk about this later," I said. "First I need a favour."
"I knew there was another reason why you did that," Chris smiled, shaking his head.
"Jesse," I said, ignoring my brother. "You know I said I would make up for you having to lie to my parents?"
"Yeah," he smiled and looked at Chris.
"Well, this is a pretty big thing," I said hesitantly. "So, I was wondering if I could have something else as well?"
"What is it?" he asked and I bit my lip.
"Um, I was wondering if...you could tell my parents I was staying with you for a couple days," I said hesitantly. Before Jesse could reply Chris spoke.
"What!? It's one thing during the day, but at night!? You're going to spend the night with them?" he shouted.
"Keep it down," I said. "They want to go up to London. They want me to come with them. It's only for the weekend. Three nights max. Please, Chris." I looked at him desperately and I could see him wavering.
"I'll lie for you if you want," Jesse spoke up and I squealed in delight.
"Really?" I grinned and he smiled and nodded.
"Who am I to keep you away from someone you love?" he asked, looking at Chris.
"Oh, thank you! Thank you!" I cried and hugged him tightly. Now it was just Chris. "Please Chris. Please. I won't do anything stupid. And the guys are really sweet. Besides, Joe won't let anything happen to me." Chris sighed and eventually nodded.
"Alright," he sighed and I grinned and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you!" I said and he nodded.
"Only 4 days max," he said. "If you're gone any longer mum and dad will get suspicious."
"Four days," I agreed. "I'll see you later."

I ran out of the cafe and back down to the beach. The brothers were still there and I ran over to them. None of them saw me coming. I jumped onto Joe's back and wrapped my arms around his back. He fell sideways and I went down with him. I climbed on top of him and smiled down at him. I leant down and kissed him passionately. I pulled back and looked down at him. He smiled up at me and brushed my hair behind my ear. "I can come to London," I whispered and he grinned and leant up and kissed me deeply. He held me against his chest tighter and I kissed him back. After a long while he sat up while kissing me and pulled me into his lap. He pulled away then and looked at his brothers. They were both looking at the water, somewhat uncomfortable.
"Meg's coming to London," Joe told them, a grin on his face. Nick and Kevin turned to us, both smiling happily.
"Great," Nick said. "Now at least one of us knows our way around."
"Actually, I don’t go into London that often, I'm not that confident going on my own. Normally I go with friends who know their way around," I said and Nick and Kevin's eyes went round.
"We'll get lost," Nick whined.
"Oh, calm down," Joe said. "We'll be fine." I turned to him and saw his reassuring smile and I nodded.
"Yeah, I know how to use the trains so if we do get lost, we can just get a train back to where we need to be," I said and they nodded.
"So, where will we stay?" Nick asked.
"I'll get that sorted. What about Rachel?" Kevin said.
"We'll tell her the truth," Joe said and I smiled. "As long as we call her, she'll be fine."
"Great, so we'll leave the day after tomorrow, Friday?" Kevin said.
"Sounds great," I smiled at them.

Just then my phone alarm went off. It's a good thing I'd taken to setting it; otherwise I'd never be home on time. "I've got to go," I said as I stood up.
"I'll walk you back," Joe said as he stood as well and I smiled. Kevin and Nick stood as well.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow," I smiled at them and they smiled back and nodded. Then, Kevin and Nick went one way, and Joe and I went the other. Joe took my hand and entwined our fingers. I smiled up at him and he smiled back. We dawdled on our way back to my house, neither wanting to be apart. I let go of his hand and moved it to around my waist and I moved closer to him as we walked. I looked at Joe from the corner of my eye and saw he was smiling. I smiled as well and then we were at my house. Joe stopped and I turned to him, still smiling.
"How did you do it?" he asked and I grinned.
"I got Jesse and Chris to admit their feelings to each other," I smiled. "They were pretty grateful." He smiled at me.
"You think you're parents will say yes?" he asked.
"If I enforce the fact that he's gay, then yes," I smiled and Joe laughed.
"Great," he said and he stroked my cheek. "I'll see you in the cafe tomorrow morning, then?"
"Sure, what are we doing?" I asked and he smiled and shrugged.
"Beach, swimming," he said and I nodded.
"I'll see you tomorrow then," I smiled. Joe nodded and kissed me tenderly.
"Bye," he said softly.
"Bye," I whispered back but he still didn't move. I laughed and kissed him again, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. I felt his hands on my waist, holding me to him tightly.
"That," he whispered, leaning his forehead against mine, "was a better goodbye, don’t you think?"
"Definitely," I whispered back. Something caught my eye and I saw my mum at the window of the living room. I turned back to Joe and smiled. "My mum's watching. I should go."
"Ok," he said softly and kissed me once more before letting me go. I smiled at him again before going inside.