The Gray Pavement

The Nightmares

A loud scream woke me from my deep sleep. Still a bit dizzy from waking so quickly I jumped off my bed and went to look for the source of the scream. Another scream cut trough the air. This time it wasn't as high as the one before. It stroke me suddenly. Mum. Dad.

“MUM! DAD!” I cried while running towards their bedroom. It was getting warmer and warmer... The whole first floor was on fire. I began to see the fire trough my parents' open bedroom door. I couldn't stop staring at my parents. Under them fire. They were screaming in agony. My sight got all blurry. The tears were making their way down my red blazing hot cheeks. “Mum, dad... NOOOOOO!” I screamed. I could see my mother... my mothers' face screwed in a horrible grimace. Her hair was all messy, her white nightgown on fire. I saw the fire slowly eating off her clothes, leaving severe burns on her skin. Instead of her usual pale white skin, there was blood. And my dad... He looked at me, his face burned and wrinkled beyond recognition. Only one thing I could see. His green eyes. Usually they were warm and comforting. But now... they reflected pain and fear. His body was over my mothers'. Protecting her from further damage. His muscles tightened when he saw me. “Aimee! Go! Get out! Run honey!” he yelled. And then... the floor gave in and they fell into the inferno blazing downstairs.

My dad's order kept echoing in my head but still I couldn't move a muscle. I just stood there. Petrified by the horror I wasn't even able to cry. I just stood there and kept staring at the hole in the floor. The smoke started to erupt from it and I started coughing. The smoke was filling the room... My vision started to fade. It was getting darker by the second. Just before I collapsed my legs started to move. I ran off in my room and hid under my bed. I didn't know why, but I felt safe there.

The scene of my parents falling trough the floor finally fully hit me and tears started to flow down my face. Not even a minute passed and the smoke started to slowly occupy my room. I realized it was foolish of me to hide under my bed. I could just hope that the firefighters would be here before I'd choke in the smoke. I pushed myself to the floor, watching the orange light dancing on the walls of my room. And then I heard it. A crack. It came from downstairs. “It must be the firefighters!” I taught to myself I swung myself from underneath the bed and started screaming, so that they would know where to come for me. But no one came. It was just another part of the floor falling in the flames.

The smoke was pushing on me and it was getting darker by the second. This time there was no place I could run. I was doomed. My little body dropped to the floor and I lay there silently. My breathing was getting heavier and louder. The air was stinging me in my lungs. I began to cough. And it was dark. I didn't feel any pain, any fear, any sadness. Dying wasn't so bad after all. But could this be it? Could this be death? So sudden, so pain free...

I didn't even feel how my body got burned in the huge fire. Now I was a ghost. Watching myself burn. Watching the black, unrecognizable corpses of my parents. Watching the firefighters and the paramedics blankly stare at our remains. They were too late. Too late.
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