Runaway Love

Life Changing

I laid on the couch, about to fall asleep when I was violently shaken from my daze by Mikey's hands on my shoulders.

"Dude, what the hell?" I asked, tired.

"What the hell yourself, wanna go clubbing?" Mikey asked. I was taken aback to say the least. Since when did Mikey go clubbing?

"Uhm, okay?" I said, still tired and a little dazed.

"C'mon, get up, you can wear something of Gee's." Mikey grabbed my wrist and pulled me up, only to stop when he caught a glimpse of what exactly I was wearing. "Oh, but I guess you already are." He giggled.

I glared at him and he stopped, although he probably just felt me glaring, considering it was so dark I couldn't see a thing. He dragged me into Gerard room. That room changed my life. The stumble that brought me into said room changed my life. The boy that brought me into said room changed my life. But most important, the boy already sprawled across the bed in said room changed my life.

He looked as if he was gripping the bed for dear life, laying on his stomach, face smothered in his pillow. But when I laid eyes on him it was then that something clicked in me and told me I was gay. It was so weird, in a matter of hours I had gone to hating this guys guts to fawning over him as he sleeps. Mikey elbowed me and I jolted from my daze of love.

"You like him, don't you?" Mikey whispered in my ear. I nodded stupidly. Mikey giggled and then went rooting through his drawers. I then decided I didn't feel stable enough to go out of the house like this. I thought I loved my girlfriend. But now him. I didn't even know I was gay. No way could I leave feeling like this.

"Mikey, I need to think things over." I said running my hand through my hair.

"But Frankie, you promised."

"I know bu-wait, no I didn't." I looked at him confused.

"Damn." He exclaimed. "Hmph, fine, if you need someone to talk to I'll be in my room." He walked out leaving the drawers a disheveled mess as well as me. It took me a minute, but then I decided to follow Mikey to talk this over with him. I then felt little claws scratching at my ankle.

I picked up Carlos and began to make my way to Mikey's room. I then knocked on the door and waited for Mikey to answer. My mind was racing and my thoughts were moving at 120 mph. It seemed like forever until Mikey opened his door and swept his hand to beckon me in.

Immediately after he closed the door I collapsed to the floor and began sobbing into Carlos. He licked my face and snuggled into me. I then felt Mikey hesitantly wrap his arms around my body. Eventually I stopped crying and Mikey got up and onto the bed and turned on his reading light. He then sat there and waited for me to get a grip so I could vent to him.

"Mikey, I think I'm gay." I stated.

He paused. Was he gonna hate me? "Good for you." He smiled.

"Really?" I asked disbelievingly.

"Yeah, I mean what did you think, I was gonna kick you out the house and demand you never talk to me again?" He giggled a little and so did I.

"Do you think he'll hate me?" I rung my hands.

"Who, Gerard?" Mikey apparently found this funny because he began chuckling. "Dude, Gee's been in the closet for awhile, it was the real reason that he and Gina broke up." I made an 'O' shape with my mouth and felt dumbfounded. Of course he was gay! That 's why he kissed me!

We talked some more and then I eventually fell asleep in Mikey's room with him and Carlos. I kinda wished I hadn't now.
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It's short because I'm giving you guys a double update because I'm massive late! This story will be updated mondays and wednesdays!

Please comment guys, it means a lot to me <3