The Darkest Red

There's A Hole In My Heart Where You Were.

When I woke up I noticed two things.

One, I had a massive headache. Two, I wasn’t alone. My older brother was sitting on the end of my bed just looking at me. When he noticed I was awake he jumped up.

“Phe! Hey sweetie. How are you doing. Mom told me what happened. I’m so sorry babes,” he said.
“Bren, why? I don’t understand why she did it. Or why she broke up with me,” I said trying not to cry.

My ever faithful big brother rushed to my side and gathered me in his arms which started me crying again. When I was finished crying I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. Unable to cry any more.

“Tell me about this gay thing?” he asked. I laughed. He is gay. Which is most likely why my mother called him home from his college to talk to me.

“Let’s go for pancakes, hmm?” he suggested.
“You pay,” I said which was our usual routine when I was upset or sad, we’d drive to the local iHOP and he’d buy me pancakes and after we’d go to a movie. A brother and sister day, he’d called it on more than one occasion.

We walked out to his car and he drove to the iHOP. I ordered my usual, blueberry pancakes with syrup and bacon. He ordered the same without as much syrup. After we went to see Twilight, which I was looking forward to seeing. I mean seriously? Jacob Black is so cute.

After the movie when we were walking out to Brendyn’s car he suggested we go shopping., on him of course. I couldn’t refuse, for one I needed more incense and two, what girl refuses shopping?

We drove to the local mall and walked around for a while before going into a Claire’s.

“Want more holes?” Brendyn asked and giggled.
“Not in my ears,” I said.
“Oh, where then?” he asked.
“In my heart?” I suggested questioningly.
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