The Darkest Red

You're Pulling The Trigger All Wrong.

As I hung up with Pheonyx I looked towards my bed at the shiny silver gun laying on my tinker belle comforter. I sighed. Once. Twice. Then I sat on the bed by the gun.

Pheonyx doesn’t love you. Just pick up the gun. Point it to your head. Pull the trigger. Nobody loves you. Why should they? You’re an evil little girl. You don’t deserve Pheonyx. Just end your sorry lit-

“NO!” I screamed out loud.

You know it’s true Casey. Just put the gun to your head and pull the trigger and it’ll all be over.

“No, I love Pheonyx I wouldn’t do that to her,” I said softly and I laid back in my bed cradling the gun in my hands. Still contemplating the worst and hoping for the best. I went downstairs leaving the gun on my bed and got a drink of water and a couple pills. Then she walked back up the stairs into her bedroom and laid back down on the bed and sighed softly. She cradled the gun in her arms again and knowing she had little time left she placed it to her stomach and pulled the trigger.

She cried out in pain as the bullet ripped through the soft flesh. She lay there in suffering for ten minutes and knowing she only had five minutes left she put the gun against her temple slightly pointing back against her head and not flush with her temples she pulled the trigger. There was no cry of pain this time. Just a soft thud as the gun and her hand fell back on the bed spread.

She looked to peaceful in death. No worry on her young face. Just a slight smile playing at her soft pink lips and no life in her green eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not the end. Still two more chapters. =]

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