The Darkest Red

Heartbeat Racing.

When I parked in Casey’s driveway I noticed there weren’t any other cars around.

“This is it?” Brendyn asked tentatively. I nodded and started up the long walkway leading from the drive way and garage to the house. About halfway up I heard a subdued bang. I hurried up the rest of the way to the house. I slammed through the door and ran up three flights of stairs to Casey’s bedroom. I tried to slam through the door but it was too strong for me. Brendyn stopped at the landing panting.

“Move aside,” he groaned and pitched himself at the door as soon as I moved enough out of the way. The door gave under his weight and opened widely. I gasped when I saw Casey just lying on the bed with blood spilling out of her head and her gut. I only weakly remember Brendyn calling 9-1-1 with his cell phone and talking to them. I only somewhat remember him pulling me gently to my feet and bringing me out ot the car and placing me in the passenger’s seat. I remember clearly the whiteness of the sheet covering my dear Casey. Dead at the scene, they said.

I cried for days after she died and at her funeral Brendyn had to carry me out because I couldn’t keep myself together. Brendyn stayed with our mother and me for about a month until he believed I would be alright. He was completely wrong.
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This isn't the end? Comments are most welcome. This will be ending shortly. Be prepared my darlings.