The Darkest Red

Awkward Silences Are My Kind Of Thing

"So where do you go now?" Casey asked as the bell rang.
"French 2. You?" I asked.
"Same! Yay!"
Now I'll never get rid of her.
"Awesome," I said sounding not so enthusiastic. Much to my dismay she skipped along beside me. All the way to the language wing and even into the classroom
"Class. Can I have your attention please? We have a new student. Her name is Casey Williams," Madame Roux said.
"If it is possible Madame, I would like to sit next to Phoenyx. If you please," Casey asked politely.
"Why yes you may," Madame Roux said. Casey skipped over to my table and sat down next to me.
"Hi!" She squealed.
"Uhm... Yeah."
We were silent for a few minutes until Madame barked at us to get working.

----------------------------[End of French]-------------------------------

"What do you have next?" I asked Casey.
"P.E," she said and groaned. I grabbed her schedule.

[Casey's Schedule]

Period One: Biology.
Period Two: French Level 2
Period Three: Physical Education/Health
Period Four: HIstory
Period Five: Lunch
Period Six: Geometry 2
Period Seven: Choir
Period Eight: Study Hall
Period Nine: CP American Literature

It was similar to mine.

Period One: Biology.
Period Two: French Level 2
Period Three: Calculus
Period Four: A.P British Literature
Period Five: Lunch
Period Six: History
Period Seven: Choir
Period Eight: Study Hall
Period Nine: Health/Physical Education

"We're going to be late. See you in lunch," I said. I handed her her schedule and rushed off to Calculus. My least favorite class of the day.