The Darkest Red

Hanging Out

Wow. Now I know why I hate math so much...
I rushed off to CP Brit Lit. I rush a lot. I got there just as the bell rang. As the teacher started class I couldn't help but think about Casey. Why she attached herself to me and if she would ever let go. I got out my note book and pretended to take notes when I actually was just doodling. I normally pay attention to the teacher like she's giving us survival techniques, but since meeting Casey I feel uneasy and I can't concentrate on anything.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang. I wasted a whole 45 minutes thinking about Casey and now I get to spend 45 minutes with her. I slowly walked to the lunch room which was already almost packed with students. I saw Casey standing by the doors obviously looking for me. She smiled widely when she saw me. She has a pretty smile. She literally ran up to me and hugged me.

"Uh. We've known each other for not even a day and you're that excited to see me?" I asked.
She wrinkled her nose cutely and- wait what am I saying?! I just said another girl wrinkled her nose cutely?!? What is wrong with me?
"I wanna be great friends. Wanna hang out after school? Do you have a cell phone?" she asked. I nodded.
"Gimme?" she asked. I gave it to her and she put her number in the address book.
"Do you text?"
I nodded.
"Talk Phe. Talk," she said.
"Yeah. Come on I wanna get lunch Case," I said surprised that I shortened her name. She smiled.
"So, what's for lunch around here?" she asked as we stood in line.
"Lots of stuff. What do you like to eat?" I asked.
"Pretty much anything."
"Okay, good."
We waited in line for fifteen minutes and we both got chicken patties. Then we walked back to the table.

"Yum," she said as she bit into her sandwich. I nodded in agreement.
"What you have after lunch?" she asked after she swallowed.
"Oh. I have Geometry. I failed last year," she replied.
"Oh. That's bad," I commented.
She nodded.
"They were jerks at my old school. They hated me for some reason."
"Was it a private school?" I asked. She nodded again.
"It's 'cause you're different. They don't like different."
We threw away our trays when we were finished and they dismissed us almost immediately after. Casey hugged me and I (surprisingly) hugged back.
"Bye see you in Choir," I called after her as she walked away. She waved behind her back. I went into my History classroom seeing as it was right next to the lunch room. Talk about horrible.