The Darkest Red


I daydreamed my way through my History class. Guess who/what I was thinking about? Yup, you got it, Casey. As soon as the bell rang I hurried out of the class room and literally ran across the school to the choir/band room. Casey wasn't there but one of my friends named Elena waved to me and I walked over to her.

"Hey, You see the new girl yet? She's kinda cute," She commented.
Elena is a full on lesbian, just don't tell her parents that. They are in complete denial and completely content.
"Yeah. Her name's Casey. She's in my Biology, French, Lunch, Choir, and Study Hall," I replied.
"Oh mi gosh. She's in this class? Heavenly!" Elena exclaimed. People turned around and stared if they didn't know Elena that well. She grinned. She loved making people uncomfortable, which wasn't very hard to do in a Christian school with her sexual preference.
"Yeah. Unfortunately. She like clings to me," I mumbled.
"Why is that unfortunate Phoenyx Noelle?" Elena asked accusingly.
"'Cause she's wieeerrrdd," I whined sounding, much to my dismay, like a three year old about to throw a temper tantrum.
"Oh, and like we're not?"
She has a point there.

I heard the choir/band room door open and I looked up. There she was. The girl I had unfortunately been thinking about all day. She squealed when she saw me. I groaned.
"Okay, that girl is soooo lesbian or bisexual," Elena whispered. I laughed and stood up to hug Casey. She squeezed me around the waist softly. She had a good two inches on my 5'3 height. Elena poked me and I squealed and pressed my body into Casey. She giggled. I glared at Elena.
"Elena. Casey. Casey. Elena," I said through clenched teeth. Elena stood up and Casey hugged her.
"Nice to meet cha Elena," She said unsmiling.
"Yup," Elena said.
The teacher clapped his hands loudly.
"Everyone to their seats please!" he yelled.
I grabbed Casey's hand and pulled her over to the Alto section. We sat down on chairs in the back row next to each other.
"I am assigning folders. Take good care of them people. If you don't I'll make sure you pay for them!" the teacher yelled. He called names and I'm not going to bore you with the long list. I got 333 and Casey got 334. Not that it's important.
"Hey, our numbers are next to each other," Casey commented. I nodded.
"And?" I asked. She shrugged. Then the bell rang.
"Yay! Study hall!" Casey exclaimed a little too excitedly. I giggled.
"Let's go to the library," I said. She smiled and let me drag her to the library