The Darkest Red


We signed in at the library desk and went back into the 'arts' section. It was quiet and no one was in there. I grabbed a book on the greatest band of the eighties and sat on the floor between the book shelves. Casey grabbed one on modern painting and sat next to me. We sat there for about five minutes when Casey poked me and tossed a notebook on my lap. In neat script it said this:
'I have something to tell you, please don't freak out on me or tell anyone. I'm telling you because I think you should know and even though we've only known each other for not even a day I feel connected to you.'
'Okay shoot.' I wrote back. She wrote for a little then paused and read what she read and handed it to me again.
'I'm gay. I've known since 6th grade. I got kicked from my old school because I kissed a girl in front of the administrator. It was a strict strict Christian school. My parents paid well over the admission fee to get me in here. They think I'm just confused and being rebellious. But I know that I love girls. Please don't freak out but I think I like you.' I was shocked and speechless.
'....' I wrote. She sighed and grabbed her stuff and got up.
"You're just like everyone else Phoenyx. I thought you were different, guess not," she said and stormed out of the library. Oh yay, I just got the girl I like angry at me. I sighed.
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Sorry, It's short.