The Darkest Red


I got up and ran after her. As soon as I got out of the library I saw her walking almost running down the hall way. I ran faster and tackled her onto the ground.
"You didn't let me explain stupid. I like you too!" I said. Looking at her I noticed tears streaming from her eyes.
"Then... Then Wh-why didn't you wri-write it in the first place?" she asked through her tears.
"I wasn't quite sure," I said and started babbling about how I felt about her.
"Shut up and kiss me already," she said. I smiled and kissed her lips softly. We heard high heels clicking down the hallway I quickly and smoothly rolled off her and stood up.
"Miss Moore. Miss Williams. Is there anything wrong? Miss Williams why on earth are you on the floor?" the head principal Mrs. Sutton asked.
"I fell Mrs. Sutton. Miss Moore was helping me in the library and I suddenly had to pee and ran down the hall - which was very irresponsible of me - and tripped over my own feet ma'am, it will not happen again," Casey recovered quickly and got up off the floor.
"Get to class," Mrs. Sutton said frowning.


Casey and I got got closer and closer until we were practically inseperable. It was me at her house one week and her at mine the next. We texted and or called everyday. Then summer came quicker than expected. She was at my house everyday and one day we were sitting in my basement entertainment room on the couch watching a movie when she looked at me and leant in close.

"How do you feel about me? Do you like me? Or just think of me a friend?" she asked.
"Uhm, I like you. As more than a friend," I replied.