
This is the penultimate chapter to a romantic novel. I wrote it for my English Language coursework and I'm quite impressed with it! Here's the background:

Sam Darby's father is a TV doctor and moved his son to Eleanor's school at the beginning of their final school year. All of the girls saw him as a celebrity but Eleanor, a plain girl with good grades, liked him because he was good at English and a nice guy; she never spoke to him.

One day they bump into each other in the corrdior, sending her stuff everywhere, and they get talking. By the end of lunch, Sam invites Eleanor to a book signing the following evening. They go and Trent Barker (the world-famous author) is 45 minutes late, giving the two of them time to get a bit closer. Just as they are about to kiss Barker arrives, bustling them apart. They share an instant dislike for him and decide to go home without a kiss.

The next day at school, Sam sits with Eleanor in English much to every other girl's horror. At the end of the lesson, he asks her to prom. She accepts and they finally kiss.

Prom is magical. Eleanor arrives and it's like something from a fairytale; Sam approaches her and they dance like no one's watching. This is the night Eleanor realises she is in love with Sam Darby.

Enjoy =]
  1. Penultimate Chapter
    Eleanor needs to revise for her final exam, but she's scared. Luckily, Sam knows exactly how to make everything better.