Build Your Fence


A loud bang erupted throughout the small house causing my eyes to shoot open. I felt as if I just placed my head down on my soft cotton pillow but as I lift my head to check my alarm clock, the bright red digital numbers told me it was 4:23 in the morning.

I had been asleep for two hours and I wasn’t pleased at whatever it was that woke me from my peaceful slumber. I continued to lie there. There was a chance that the next door neighbors just got home and they slammed their door shut extremely loud that it woke me. Nobody in their right mind would be banging on my front door when they know extremely well that I had to be up in two hours.

Hearing it was quiet once again; I shut my eyes and tried to fall back asleep. This time instead of a loud bang, a low beep echoed throughout my bedroom. My phone just informed me that I had a new text.

I could have stayed in bed but something in my gut wouldn’t let me fall asleep until I checked my phone. Lazily I threw my covers off my upper body and let the cold air hit me. I cringed for a second as I sat up and grabbed my phone from my nightstand. I read the text and I wanted to throw my phone across the room and hope it would shatter into multiple pieces.

The three words I read over and over upset me to the point I knew I wouldn’t get anymore sleep tonight. In fact, it was more of the way the text was written that infuriated me. It wasn’t even three words; it was two letters and one word: R u home. There wasn’t even a question mark. It was lazily typed.

I put my phone back on my nightstand and ran my fingers through my messy, straight, black hair. I turned on the small light that was on my nightstand and got out of bed. I sleepily made my way down the hall and towards the front door. Taking the chain off from its place and unlocking the door, I slowly opened the door. It was dark outside since the city was obviously to busy to bother fixing the street lights in my neighborhood.

I flipped the switch near the door that turned on the porch light. I looked down and there he was sitting on the stoop with his head leaning against the side of the porch keeping him from falling over. I looked down at his brown head of hair and instantly felt bad for him.

“Can you shut that shit off,” he muttered. And instantly my hatred came back to him.

“Why are you here?” I asked. “I was trying to sleep like normal people do at this hour.”

He lifted his head up and looked straight at him with a small smile on his face. “I can’t drive home so I walked here. Aren’t you proud?”

I wanted to scream at him or shut the door in his face and go back to bed, but I felt responsible for him now. He was wasted on my porch and he could easily walk into traffic or do something equally dangerous.

“Get up,” I scowled. I bent down and attempted to help him up. He was a skinny man but when he was useless and wouldn’t help me help him, he was extremely heavy. “Do you want to come in or not? Get up Shia.”

“Everything’s spinning,” he slurred. I walked in front of him and started pulling him by his arms and eventually he moved and stood up. I put my arm around his waist and lead him into the house. Closing the door with my foot, I lead him into my bedroom and sat him on my bed.

“Please stay quiet,” I told him. “Mom’s sleeping.” He nodded his head as I crept out of my room and into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and grabbed a couple of Tylenol from the cabinet. I slowly made my way back into my room and noticed it was now vacant.

I placed the pills and water on my table and walked out towards the bathroom which was across the hall, nearest to my sleeping mother’s room. The door was cracked and I opened it, revealing him with his head in the toilet, puking his guts out.

I walked in, shutting the door closed and crotched down behind him, rubbing his back occasionally as he vomited all the alcohol from his system.

“I’m going to get you some water,” I whispered softly to him as he leaned against the counter and wiped his mouth with his hand.

“I’m sorry,” he said looking into my eyes. “I’m such a horrible person to you. I promise I’ll change my habits.” I nodded my head at his honesty, but as I stood up to go back into my room I felt I couldn’t believe a word that he just spoke.

He always said the same thing for the last year and a half and he still hasn’t changed. He will never change.
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Shia LaBeouf is sexy and that's why I'm starting this. It's something new, fresh and hot.

Anyways, I appreciate comments even if you don't like it. It's going to start off slow but it'll get better.