Build Your Fence

Go Out in Style

Two days not talking to Shia must have been a world record. Unfortunately, he has been blowing up my phone with calls and voicemails since yesterday which wasn’t helping me forget about how big of a douche bag he is.

Ever since he stormed out of my house, I haven’t gotten a moment’s peace with his name. The second he left, I went to take my shower, and eventually I fell into a peaceful slumber. Within hours, mommy dearest came home and woke up me. From then on, nothing was going my way.

“How was your day Dani?” she questioned. At least she made some sort of attempt to care about my day, though I knew she was dying for me to question her day. I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction so soon.

I simply shrugged my shoulders and I stabbed my fork into my salad. “It was another day.” I bite into a piece of lettuce as she continued to stare me down. “Oh and I was fired.”

It was as if she was expecting it. Something in me thinks she believes I am a failure and couldn’t keep a simple hosting job. Stupid whore.

She cocked her eyebrow and took a sip of her coffee. “Really? Oh, Danielle, what did you do?”

I let my fork fall back in its place aside the bowl and crossed my arms. “I didn’t do anything.”

“He’s not going to fire you for no reason,” she said. “I understand if you don’t want to talk about it. Why don’t you call Shia up? The two of you can go out for pizza or order in if you want.”

She would like that. She enjoys every second he comes over. The two of them drink one beer each and they both talk about nothing that is even the least bit interesting. In fact, those two should go marry and fuck each other for all I care. They’re both inconsiderate bastards.

“I’ll pass,” I replied picking up my fork and stabbing a cherry tomato. “Why don’t you give him a call?”

“Did you two break up or something?” she questioned.

“We can’t break up if we’ve never gone out,” I replied with little enthusiasm. “Duh.”

“You two aren’t going out?” she questioned. I think my father who is never around probably even knows that I wouldn’t go out with a cockblocker like Shia. Sure, I may get the case of the butterflies when he is around, but that is only about fifteen percent of the time.

“No mother.”

She held the cup between her hands and looked down into the dark substance. “Oh, well I always thought you were going out.” She took a sip and looked in my direction. “I wouldn’t have allowed him to be sleeping in your room.”

“He’s just sleeping mom,” I said with a look of disgust written all over my face. “Gosh what do you think we do?”

“Doesn’t he have a room of his own?” she questioned. “I thought he has a lot of money.”

“He does have a room of his own,” I said. “He just crashes here some nights. It’s not like he’s going to do that anymore. It’s over.”

I really wish it could be over. Instead, here I am lying on my bed with my phone ringing away again. I looked at it and sure enough his name flash on the small screen. I let out a groan and waited for him to hang up. As soon as I saw missed call flash on the screen I shut my phone off.

I really need a life right now. It was probably another sunny day and I was still in my pajamas with the curtains closed. I decided to at least go find something to eat. I sat up and sat at the edge of my bed, listening for any noises.

When it sounded as if nobody was in the house, I stood up, opened my bedroom door and walked to the kitchen. It looked the same as last night. All the clean dishes were still in the basket because somebody was too lazy to put them away. She can put them away herself, it’s not like I used them anyways.

I looked through the kitchen for anything edible and settled on a box on Fruit by the Foot. I took the box with me and headed towards the living room. I sat on the couch and turned on the television. It was almost 4:30, and there was nothing on but news, sappy soap operas, and pathetic talk shows. I settled for the news since nothing else intrigued me.

In the middle of my fifth Fruit by the Foot, there was a knock at the door. I normally never answer the door but looking at the clock, I realized the mail normally came around now. I quickly shoved the rest of the fruit snack in my mouth and went to the door.

Opening the door, I swallowed the fruity snack and scowled.

“Go away,” I said shutting the door as quickly as I opened it, which wasn’t quick enough.

“Come on, let me in please,” he pleaded. Usually, I would have thrown in the white towel and allowed him to enter, but not today.

“No! What part of go away don’t you understand?” I said as I tried pushing the door shut with all my weight and not succeeding by much.

“I haven’t drunk any liquor since the other night,” he said. He almost sounded sincere, but he could be lying.

“Good for you,” I replied, continuing to push the door shut, but the door was now jammed with his foot. “Move your foot Shia before I decapitate it with my door.”

“You wouldn’t,” he said. “Come on Dani, can we just talk?”

“What do you think we’re doing now? Talk through the door.”

“I told you I’m sorry,” he said.

I grunted out loud and moved away from the door which swung open, revealing Shia who looked better than he has in a few days. He finally shaved his beard and changed his tatty jeans and t-shirt. He was wearing a simple white button down with a black vest and black slacks. He cleaned up pretty well when he wanted to.

I felt like a piece of shit next to him. I was wearing an extremely old, tight tank top with my mom’s old hooter shorts she used to wear to work.

“Okay, I heard you apology,” I said. “Isn’t that it?”

“I told you I want to change,” he said. “Can I make it up to you? I know I’ve been an asshole to you lately. I crash here because, well I don’t know why I do, but can I make it up to you/”

“You said that already,” I said. I let out a huff and bit down on my bottom lip. “Do you really want to change?” He nodded his head as he continued to stand outside my front door. “How did you get here?”

“I walked,” he said.

“You live ten miles away,” I said.

“Exactly the reason I want to come in,” he said. “The paparazzi followed me here and probably saw me acting like a fucking dumbass for the last ten minutes. Can I please come in?”

“Fine,” I said backing away more, as he walked in, shutting the door after him. “Just watch TV or something while I take a shower.”

“I kind of like what you’re wearing now,” he replied with a smirk on his lips. I glared at him and my fist collided with his shoulder. “Fuck, I’m just kidding.”

I started walking towards my room when I heard footsteps following me.

“Can you give a girl some space?” I snapped. “I said go watch TV.”

“I heard you,” he said. “I just wanted to say thanks for letting me come in.”

“Uh huh.”

“I really will stop being a jerk,” he said.

“You weren’t a jerk before,” I reminded him as I looked for something less revealing to wear. “Do you even remember how you were three years ago?”


“So why did you change?” I said turning around to stare at his dumbfounded face. “Why Shia? Why did you turn into this selfish bastard I don’t recognize anymore? I act more like a mother to you than a fucking best friend. What the fuck happened to my best friend?”

“I’m still here D,” he said. “I’m still here.”

“No you’re not,” I said. “All this fame went to your head. You’re not that good. You’re just good looking.”

“Okay, I’m going to let you continue to talk shit to me, but isn’t that enough for one day? I told you I’m sorry and I’ll stop with the excess drinking.”

“You won’t,” I shouted. “You said you haven’t drunk since Thursday night, right? I bet you’re here to take me out to dinner and what are you going to have to drink? You’re going to order a beer or a few shots of tequila. Hell, you might get water but pretend to go to the bathroom and sneak away to the bar, won’t you?”

“I guess you don’t know me as well as you think,” he said. “Maybe two days wasn’t enough for you to stop being so hormonal.”

“Then why did you bother coming over?” I shouted again. “If I don’t tell you the truth nobody will. Everybody uses you for your fame and wealth and I’m the only one that doesn’t. I’m the only one that gives a shit about you and your well being.”

“Then stop being such a bitch,” he said. I could tell he was getting aggravated, but at this point I could care less. I was going to punch him in his face if he didn’t shut the fuck up. Or if that doesn’t work, I could break his other hand so he can’t even fuck himself at night.

“Get out then,” I said pointing out to the door. “Get the fuck out if you think I’m a bitch.”

“Listen, just get dressed,” he said. “I’m still taking you out to dinner even if you don’t want to go.”

“No you’re not,” I said. “Take my mother out and go fuck her while you’re at it.”

“Danielle, stop acting like a pre-teen,” he snapped. “Get dressed; I am taking you out even if I have to carry you out.”

“No because I am not driving,” I replied. “Tough monkey shit Mr. Suspended License.”

“Don’t drive then,” he said. “Just put on something nice.”

“No, I want to go out like this,” I replied. “I could care less what people think and say.”

“Fine then,” he said, “Let’s go Miss Hooters.” He made an attempt to reach for my hand but I snatched it away from him quickly.

“Ugh, fine let me take a shower,” I said. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans that were lying on the floor and a purple plaid button down from my closet. “I still think you can go fuck yourself though.”
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Three comments for an update :)