Build Your Fence

Oh baby

Turning onto my side and looking at my small clock, I wondered to myself whether I just woke up from a horrible dream or if I just couldn’t sleep because of the events that have occurred last night alone.

Luck wasn’t on my side since it wasn’t a dream that woke me up but a manly cough. I tightly shut my eyes and put my head back down on my pillow. I really hated myself right now.

One week. Seven days. 168 hours.

That was how long Shia and I didn’t speak. For once he was the one that was upset with me and didn’t bother his time with me. I was more than completely fine with that outcome. I had a normal week with no late night calls disturbing my sleep and I finally slept a full eight hours a night.

It was all glorious. I got around to applying for jobs and sooner or later, I know I’ll finally get a call back. That was only a matter of time.

That all came crumbling down last night around nine.

I was curled up on my bed watching re-runs of my favorite show Three’s Company with a small bowl of popcorn sitting at my feet. I was nibbling a handful of popcorn when my cell phone vibrated on the table in front of me.

I huffed as I leaned forward, reaching for my phone. I looked at the caller id and didn’t recognize the phone number. It was a local number since I recognized the area code. I was about to click ignore but since a commercial was on, I answered it instead.


“Danielle?” the voice asked. I made a face and tried to repeat the voice in my head over and over. He didn’t sound one bit familiar.

“Maybe,” I replied, “Who’s asking?”

“It’s Big Al,” he said. Big Al… Big Al? Why did that sound familiar?

Then it clicked.

“Al?” I questioned. “Why are you calling me?”

I knew the answer, but I wanted to hear something different. I wanted him to tell me I left my purse there the other night or that my mother needed a ride home. Something. Anything.

“I have your friend over here,” he said, “Wasted out of his mind. Do you think you can pick him up or do you want me to call a taxi?”

“Call a taxi,” I said.

“Danielle,” he said, “Please just get your stubborn ass down here. You don’t want him taking a taxi. He’s bound to pass out sooner or later.”

I sighed loudly. I was in no mood for Jack Tripper anymore. Nothing he could say would make me laugh. My night officially blew.

“Big Al I am not driving down there to pick him up,” I said. “We don’t even speak anymore. I’m sick of being his designated driver.”

Now it was his turn to sigh, “Listen if you don’t come down in here in twenty minutes you’re going to regret it later on. Maybe not tonight or tomorrow night but sooner down the line you will. You two have been through-”

“Fuck me sideways,” I growled. “I’ll be down there soon.” I angrily ended the call, went into my bedroom and changed quickly and found myself driving down to Big Al’s bar downtown.

Like clockwork, I drove around back and parked in the alleyway. I banged loudly on the door and was immediately greeted by the only guy who was pretty much the only father figure I had as of lately.

“What’s up old man,” I said to him as I walked past him and in towards the backroom where Shia was laying on Big Al’s couch, staring up at the ceiling with his hand up. He looked as if he were trying to count the ceiling tiles.

Scratch that. He probably was doing that.

“How much did he drink?” I questioned. “And why the fuck would you let him drink in the first place?”

“He came in with a buzz,” he replied. “I only gave him a beer and I turn my back for ten minutes and there were at least ten empty shot glasses in front of him thanks to the new guy.”

“Can I go slit his fucking throat?” I asked, half meaning it.

“I’ll help you take him to your car,” Big Al said. “Come on bud; let’s get you out of here.”

“Hey, hey Dani! You want a beer?” Shia questioned. He laughed at his comment and continued whatever he was doing while he stared up at the ceiling. “Want some patron?” He laughed once again. “Or some warm beer! Dude we should go to a ballgame and buy all the beer we could drink.”

Big Al walked over to where Shia was still staring up at the ceiling and hoisted him up so he was now sitting straight up. He pulled him to his feet and half-carried, half dragged him towards the car.

“Thanks Dani,” Big Al said once he got Shia sitting in the backseat of my car. “You’re the only one that I know can fix this. This bullshit between you two has got to stop. He drinks like this when you two get into your little bullshit fights. Be a friend…help him out more.”

“Dude, I’m friggin’ exhausted of helping him,” I replied. “This little bitch can help himself. It’s called AA meetings.”

With that, I took off from Big Al’s and drove back home. I had a hell of a time trying to drag Shia into my house. Instead of bringing in all the way to my room and placed him on the couch and soon after that he was out like a light.

And instead of being in my warm bed I was stuck sitting on the cold hardwood floor making sure he was still breathing and sooner or later he wouldn’t choke on his own vomit.

And for the next two hours, I sat there. I waited for that moment when his body jerked and soon enough he realized where he was. He shot straight up and ran towards the bathroom.

Somewhat satisfied that he was alive and I wouldn’t be blamed for his death, I shut the television and light off and went to my room. I half closed the door and jumped into my bed.

“Why are you in here?” I mumbled. “I was hoping you left”

I felt the end of my bed go down from his weight as he sat down.

“I know,” he said. “I fucked up. I’m pretty much the biggest douche bag in the world. I don’t know why I keep drinking. It’s as if it’s calling out to me or something.”

“I’ve heard it all before,” I mumbled again. “Go away. I want to sleep.”

“You’ve slept for nine hours,” he said. “And I’m telling you now; I’m going to stay at a friend’s house for a while. He lives in New York. I’ll be out of your hair once again and you don’t have to spend another night watching over me. See you around baby girl.”

“Wait, you’re leaving just like that?” I asked as I finally stood up and he was now on his way out of my room. “Why are you leaving? To burden your issues on someone else?”

“Actually so I can stop being a burden on your life,” he said. “I’m not your friend anymore. I stopped being your friend the moment I started taking advantage of you. Friends take care of each other and are there for them in their time of need, but I’ve needed you almost everyday. That’s not fair anymore.

“Listen, I love you and all but maybe you were right. Maybe we just aren’t meant to be friends anymore. I won’t forget all we had. Don’t you forget me now.”

“How could I?” I asked.

“See you around D,” he said with a small wink. He walked out of my room and I stood there, standing confused at what he just threw out at me. He always realized his mistakes, but why the sudden change of heart? Why would he suddenly feel bad now after almost two years of this?

I found myself dashing out of my room and towards the living room. He was about open the front door, but I ran quicker and pulled his arm.

“You’re not just leaving like that,” I told him. “Not without a proper goodbye.”

“Proper goodb-” I cut him off by wrapping my arms around his neck and placing my lips on his.

Catching him off guard, he stood there and after a few seconds, he was finally getting into the lustrous kiss. He wrapped his arms around my lower back and I pulled myself closer to him; gathering up the courage to pull myself up and wrapping my legs around his hips.

Soon enough, we both ended up back in my room and with our lips still in perfect harmony he sat on the bed and I removed my legs from his hips. I pushed him onto his back and leaned forward, connecting our lips once again.

“Oh baby,” Shia muttered for a quick second and pulled me even closer to him.

He took the words right out of my mouth.
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Neglecting this for two months isn't so bad. I've neglected my other stories longer. :/ But I still apologize for not updating.

Seven comments for an update.