Girls In White Dresses


"Hey! Give me that back Peter!" I yelled at my older brother.
"Why should I?" He asked and held my dolly above my head.
"'Cause I'll tell mommy!" I screamed and ran towards our house.
I tripped over a rock and cut my knee and I fell. I started crying at the top of my lungs an Pete came running.
"Lyssa. Don't cry. It's not that bad. There isn't even that much blood," he said but it only made things worse. I started crying harder. He picked me up and carefully carried me to our house and flopped me down on the couch. Then he went into the kitchen to get a wet paper towel and Band-Aids. He took care of me like a good big brother even if it was kind of his fault that it had happened in the first place.

-present day-

"Ugh. No Peter I don't want to meet any of your little friends," I said as I opened the door to my house. Boy was I surprised when it wasn't my annoying older brother.
"Uhm. Hi. I'm William. My car broke down outside and you're the only one who's answered the door and my cell's dead so I was wondering if I could use your phone?" he said.
I nodded speechlessly at him and handed him my cell.
He flashed me a smile and dialed a number.

“Yo. Mike. My car broke down man.”
“Yeah well my cell is dead so I’m using a friend's.”
“No. Dude you’re a perv. Just come get me at 677 old mill place. Kay?” He said and hung up.

“Thanks. Uhm-”
“Lyssa-Marie. Just call me Lyssa or Lyss,” I replied. We shook hands.
“So do you wanna come inside until you’re ride gets here?” I asked motioning inside.
“Sure. It’s hot out here,” he said and followed me inside.
“You look so fucking familiar,” I said.
He looked a little nervous.
“OH! I got it! you’re from that band! The Academy Is… Dude, I love Everything We Had. OH! Don’t be worried I’m not going to go all Fan-Girl you,” I said and he smiled.
“I’m Lyssa-Marie Rachelle Wentz. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Wentz? As in Pete Wentz’s little sister?” he asked. I nodded slowly.
“DUDE! You should so go on Warped with them! Then we’d get to hang and get to know each other more!” He squealed. I giggled.
“Okay. I’ll ask Pete. He’ll probably say no though. So don’t get your hopes up,” I replied.
“Call him now,” William whined. I sighed.
“Pleeaaassseee?” He begged. Then he started pouting. Then he got down on his knees.
“FINE!” I finally yelled and whipped out my phone. I dialed Pete’s cell and put it on speaker.
“Yellow?” He asked.
“No it’s green dipshit,” I said and laughed.
“Hey baby girl what’s up?” He asked.
“Weeeeellll. IwaswonderingifIcouldgoonWarpedwithyou,” I said all in one breath.
“Uhm Wha?” He asked.
“Can she go on Warped Pete? Pleeeaaaseeeee?” William asked.
“What the fuck?” Pete asked confused.
“Can I go on Warped?” I asked.
“Yeah, But why is William Becket with you?” He asked.
“Long story. No time. Love you bye!” I yelled and hung up. There was a horn outside.
“That’s probably for me. See you on Warped doll,” He said and pecked my cheek. I laughed.
“Yup see you William.” I said and sighed as he walked out the door.

I’m going on Warped tour with my brother and his band. Oh no a tour bus full of smelly guys. I wonder how this is going to work out… Not well probably.
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How is it so far? Comments are nice.