Girls In White Dresses

I've Become So Numb, I Can't Feel You There.

Please don’t leave the tour. I sound very selfish… but I don‘t want her to go. I‘ll miss her too much.

I frowned at the though of Lyssa leaving the tour. I wondered when she’d be coming back…

“We’re not going to drop you off. We’ll put tour on hold. I don’t want to just leave you all alone in Chicago again. And I wouldn’t dream of not seeing you everyday. I’m sure everyone else feels the same. We love you,” Pete said and everyone nodded.

I hugged Lyssa again and everyone got up off the floor and went back to their activities after Lyssa told them she was alright and would hurt anyone who fussed over her.

I brought Lyssa over to the couch with me and she cuddled against me and sighed. I smiled looking down on her.

“I love you,” I whispered softly in her ear. She smiled.

“Love you too Patty,” she sighed.

When the clock hit 8 everyone was rushing about trying to find lost items they needed for the night’s show. William was long gone, having to do his own show at 7. We were on at 9.

I had everything I needed and didn’t need to go to the stage until 8:30 and Lyssa was just going to stay in the bus for the night so we just sat on the couch cuddling and watching the other occupants of the bus rush around.

Lyssa stretched and got up.

“I gotta pee,” she said to no one in particular. I laughed and got up to go to the stage. Everyone else had already left. Lyssa pounced on me.

“Where are you going Patty Cakes?” she asked.
“To the stage Lyssa…” I replied. Her arms went around my neck and she laced her fingers at the back of my neck.

“Don’t leave me…” she pleaded sadly.
“Then come with. You can watch from backstage,” I said. She nodded.

“Lemme go pee first.”


We walked to the stage area holding hands but I dropped her hand as soon as I saw Pete.
He looked mad.

“Where have you been?” he asked.
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Wow, I haven't updated this in a while. I'm sorry. Comments are really nice.