Girls In White Dresses

Just A Friend.

We walked to the stage area holding hands but I dropped her hand as soon as I saw Pete.
He looked mad.

“Where have you been?” he asked.

“We were just sitting on the bus,” Lyssa said and grabbed my hand.

oh great. Now he’s going to be angry at me too. I squeezed her hand lightly.

Pete was turning red. Lyssa could see she was making him mad so she got closer to me. I looked at her wide eyed. She laughed and let go and moved away. Pete was still glaring at me so I moved Lyssa in front of me and hid behind her.

“Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz. You’re a big jerk. What did Patty cakes do to you? Hnn? Nothing! Stop glaring at him. My gosh,” Lyssa said and turned around to hug me. I smiled into her hair and breathed in her scent. Lilies. I heard Pete make a disgruntled noise and stomp away.

“Lyssa. Can I ask you something?” I asked nervously.

“Okay. Ask away Pat,” she replied smiling at me. I felt my heart warm up and my cheeks get slightly pink.

“Well. Actually it’s telling and asking kind of. It’s not really important. I just wanna know and find out what you think and-”

“Pat. Spit it out…” she said laughing slightly.

“IlikeyouandIwannaknowhowyoufeelaboutme,” I said super fast.

“Rewind and repeat sweetie,” Lyssa said.

“I like you. I wanna know how you feel about me and how you think of me. Like just as another ‘brother’ or a friend. Or just your brother’s friend-” I started. She cut me off by placing a finger to my lips.

“You’re rambling,” she said.

“Well?” I asked hopefully.

♠ ♠ ♠
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