Girls In White Dresses

I Feel So Close And Yet, I Am So Far Away.

“I like you. I wanna know how you feel about me and how you think of me. Like just as another ‘brother’ or a friend. Or just your brother’s friend-” I started. Lyssa cut me off by placing a finger to my lips.

“You’re rambling,” she said.

“Well?” I asked hopefully.


She sighed.

“I like you too!” she exclaimed and pounced on me. She kissed my lips hard and I pulled back shocked. She giggled and grabbed my hand leading me to the back stage area. She let go of my hand and pounced on Joe.

“JOE HOE! GUESS WHAT!” she exclaimed.
“WHAT?!?” he asked feigning excitement.
“I LOVE YOU JOE HOE!” Lyssa yelled
“I LOVE YOU TOO LYSSA BOO!” Joe yelled and kissed her face all over. She giggled and let go of him but he didn’t let go of her and he started tickling her making her giggle and squeal. Pete came over and stole Lyssa from Joe.

“MY little sister!” Pete exclaimed and nuzzled his head against hers.

They called out our name somewhere in the background and told us we had five minutes until we went on. I made sure my guitar was ready and I fixed my clothes a bit and watched everyone rushing around. Lyssa grabbed my hand and pulled me through some door.

“When are we going to tell Pete? Are we a thing?” she asked.
“Uh. How about never? Do you want to be? Will you be my girlfriend?” I asked hopefully. She grabbed my hands and kissed me pushing me against the closest wall. There was a small thump when we hit the wall. Our tongues wrestled against each other and eventually she gave in and let me explore her mouth with my tongue. I faintly heard Pete calling me. I gently pushed Lyssa away.

“Pete’s calling me…” I explained. I looked out to make sure no one was looking after I had straightened my clothes again and I walked calmly out of the ‘closet’ we were in. Lyssa walked out after me and fixed her clothes too then we went off in opposite directions. Little did we know, someone had been watching us and saw us go into and come out of the closet.