Girls In White Dresses

I Know You Can't Stand, My Wandering Hands.

[Enter Patrick]

I walked out on stage and picked up the mike and sang like it was just another show. Sang like nothing was bothering me. Like I didn’t hurt some one important to me. Like I didn’t care…

[Enter Kelsey]

Something is bothering Lyssa and I’m going to find out what it is.

I bounced out of the bus and walked across the lot and across a wide road to the arena.

“Hey girlie. Where’s your pass?” The burly security guard who made friends with Lyssa and me within the first week we were touring asked.

“Right here girl,” I said and laughed at his face. He lightly tapped my back as I passed him and walked to stage left.

They boys were playing and Patrick had a strange look on his face. I’m sure I’m the only one who noticed.

I’ll have to talk to him…

A member of the crew, Alyson, walked over to me.

“Hey Kels, how’s Lyssa? Where is Lyssa?” she asked as we hugged.

“She’s back at the bus. She said something about being tired and jetted up to our bunk. I didn’t want to bother her so I came here,” I explained.

“Oh. I see. Well, I have to go, but tell her I said ‘hi’ okay?” she said and rushed off after another girl yelling about guitars and drumsticks.

I sighed and sat on a crate sitting forlornly behind the corner.

My cell phone buzzed and I nearly fell off the crate.

[From Lyssa-Marie: Hey. You left?]

[To Lyssa-Marie: Yeah. Why? What’s going on with you? Are you really just tired or is something going on? Do you want me to come back?]

I sat on the crate lost in the music and Patrick’s amazing voice. Then it stopped.

[From Lyssa-Marie: Nothing. Something’s going on. Come back and I’ll tell you.]

I got off the crate and walked back to the bus.
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Just tell me I'm amazing and get over it. =]]. Just kidding. Kind of..