Girls In White Dresses

I Hope You Choke

Enter Patrick
I carried Lyssa to the bus and she jumped out of my arms and claimed the bunk above the driver.

“Hah bitch!” she yelled to Pete “I got it first!”

Pete pouted and went into the bunk room. I walked in behind him and threw my bag into the first bunk I saw which happened to be the lower right bunk. Pete was across from me. Joe was in the bunk above mine and Andy above Pete’s. I fell into my bunk and pushed my bag to the bottom and just laid there and thought about random stuff.

Enter Lyssa

I swung down and sat in the seat next to the driver.

“Hello mister driver man. I’m Lyssa Marie Wentz. Just call me Lyssa. I like rainbows and music. I play drums, guitar, flute, microphone, trum-”
“Please don’t go on, I have a feeling it’s a long list. I’m Phillip, call me Phil,” the bus driver said.
“Hello Phillip! How long ‘til we get there? Will you be driving us the whole tour?” Pete came up and asked out of the blue.
“What he said,” I said and pointed to Pete.
“I think so,” he said.

“Well, I’m 21. As I said I like rainbows, but my favorite color is green. I like to sing and dance. Peter here is my really annoying older brother. His/our band is Fall Out Boy. Patrick has a crush on Joe Jonas. I on the other hand have a crush on myself. I’m hyper. I like red bull and monster and I could probably talk for hours. Oh, I also lovelovelove coffee,” I said in about two breaths. He tried not to look over at me while he was driving. I could see he had a shocked expression on his face any way.

“Well, I’m 32. My favorite color is yellow. I have a boyfriend back home who is not too happy that I’m doing this. I enjoy music and traveling, that’s the reason I took this job. Uhm. Obviously I’m gay, cause I have a boyfriend. I love coffee too. Monster is nasty and red bull is pee,” he replied.

“Okay,” I sighed and got up. I went up into my bunk and taped pictures from home on the walls. It was a pretty spacious bunk. There was also room at my feet so they weren’t sticking out of the bunk. I had almost a foot from my feet to the curtain I hung up to keep my privacy. There was also a small light near the front of the bunk where the front of the bus was. All in all it was a very nice bunk, which is why I picked it and why Pete asked for a bus with a bunk above the driver specifically.

I bet all five of us could sleep side by side up here. Not that I want to.

About twenty minutes into the drive I got bored.

“I’m booorrreeed. How much longer?” I called down to Phil.
“Another twenty minutes I’m guessing,” he called back. I sighed and swung out of my bunk once again.

I sat on the couch between Pete and Patrick. Joe and Andy were sitting on the floor playing some racing game.

I wonder what would happen if I poked Joe’s fro…

I reached out and poked Joe’s fro and it practically swallowed my hand! I went to pull my hand out and it was stuck. I pulled and pulled and it wouldn’t come out. Joe shrieked.
“Ah! Get it off! Get it off!” I exclaimed and pulled harder. Joe reached up and untangled my hand from his hair. Pete was rolling on the floor laughing so hard he was bright purple.

“I hope you choke Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz. I hope you fucking choke!” I yelled and stomped off to the front with Phil. We sat and talked the rest of the way to the venue.
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I think this one's funny. Comments are prettyful and they make me happy. Love you guys.